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Everything posted by Cinga

  1. This entire thread has devolved into a discussion only Karl Marx would be proud of, and all the libs will deny tomorrow.... "From each, according to his ability, to each, according to his need" But the country was founded on individual liberty, right??? Yet we've descended into a society that is not only willing, but demanding, to take the fruits of labor from one individual, and give it to another, with no recompense other than the mantra, it's your fair share??? Willing to deny someone his or her liberty in the name of "fairness"??? What is the cut off?? What is the rate you will be happy with that determines what exactly a "fair share" is that you take from another, BY FORCE???? A55holes do vex me..... B Large... if you make that rum, you are violating tax laws... Ducky!!! An imbecile investor!!! What as it Barnum said??? My grandfather was a really small time farmer, and spent time in prison for shining to make money to make it through the Depression... My dad, worked his fingers to the bone, double shifts when he could, in the steel mills for a whole 8-10 bucks an hour. He died when I was still a teenager, but his work ethic was passed down t each of his sons. 4 of the 6 of us, have been to the Grand Caymans, and the other 2, myself included, could go, but have no desire... In fact, one, is flying out again in the morning... Silver spoon??? Ha!!!! Aircraft mech, teacher, IT, manufacturing machine mech, truck driver, and disabled.... Nothing special, but knowing, and wanting to excel at work, and careful money management... Maybe we should title this... "It's what you do with your life, not what life you take from others"...
  2. if the alphabet news is involved now, how can even the libtards here deny it?? But they will..... what else?? High crimes and misdemeanors.... I know, you wanted the treason thingy huh???
  3. funny how this story is growing legs of it's own huh??? It took way too long, but folks, to some of us anyway, there's no surprise in PBOs incompetence. What's telling however, is the continued "leaks" we get... Moral of the story??? Never, ever, throw your intelligence community under the bus. Obama supporters had actually better hope he wins re-election because then, he can only face impeachment over this. If he's out of office however, he better stay on Romney's good side and ask for a pardon because the charges could be much much worse....
  4. Pols can be skewed, but even more fun, are approve/disprove polls.. And right now, PBO is failing terribly on both the economy and Lybia.... I think this is a forgotten part of the polling crap we read. Read the other data folks.... While it's certainly possible, I doubt many people are voting PBO that disagree on his handling of the economy, and/or foreign affairs... Dewey/Truman is a ridiculous analogy. based on the speed of news media today, and blogs where people can get alternative views...
  5. wow... you still won't let go of that will you??? I asked you once before, what news orgs you read on a daily basis, but got nuttin..... I told you that most conservatives KNEW what you would post before you did BECAUSE they read opposing views... but got nuttin... And your still, spouting the same crap, and I know, I'll get nuttin....
  6. I saw that.... and he was obviously referring to Obama as a coward... Sadly, I can't disagree....
  7. Funny you mention the Carter/Reagan election... You see, the Jimmy fiasco of the Iranian hostages are one of the reasons we have problems today in the Mid East. And like Carter, Obama just self destructed on foreign policy. PBOs biggest problem in comparison however is, at least the hostages in Iran came home, alive, after 444 days. Remember... Obama is the incumbent that has humiliated himself, our military, and our country... Not the come from behind kid you hope for...
  8. This is getting interesting. I was one a while ago that posted I wanted Romney to win, but expected PBO to... Historically, in the tied and real close races, the small percentage of undecided going into election day, break for the challenger. I'm still not going to bet on the RR rodeo, but things look a lot closer than I expected...
  9. And your comparing an act of survival by a small group of people, the ancient Hebrews, to the acts of a 1.5 billion strong religion??? Justifying genocide of ALL non Muslims, based of the survival in history of a small band is simply ridiculous... Let me try to make up a quote by you, and you can claim I'm wrong.... "Islam is a religion of peace, and even if they aren't, and want to kill or enslave 4.5 billion people, it's ok, because Jews killed Jericho and women naturally abort"... , Did I get that right??? A55holes do vex me... must be close to Holloween... wow... you ARE ignorant... nevermind...
  10. Can't believe I'm responding, but idiocy needs to be taught... From your link.... Not to mention the "estimated" part...
  11. Don't go there B, your better than the trolls on this board.... Yes, spending has to be gotten under control, and conservatives HOPE that Romney/Ryan gets that ball rolling... But there's a lot more than that, like PBOCare, and Ben Grahzi...
  12. I know, it's funny isn't it... I live in MD, a heavy Dem state, and you have to show photo ID with your registration card...
  13. and i would warn, "Don't underestimate the intelligence of women".... This ad is demeaning, and totally suggests PBO cares more about the lower body parts of a woman, than the woman herself and will lose a lot of votes... Yes, these are issues dear to many of them, but the future of their children will always come first and foremost in anything they do.. can open, worms all over the floor...
  14. I love how PBO is casting a vote in Illinois... Hasn't he lived in DC for a few years now???
  15. And your thoughts are totally ignorant.... Federal government spending now, is about 26% of GDP. Historically, our economy does best, if the gov is reigned in to less than 20% of GDP. This is compounded even worse when states and locals are raising spending as well, stealing even more from your pocketbook... Do we need a total list of taxes and fees to help you understand??? If so, google is your friend....
  16. Wow... I'm compressed... you win first idiot award for comparing Bush 9/11 to PBO 9/11... Really thought it would be a self described lib to pull that, not someone who tries to ride the fence, falling to the left an awful lot.. And your world view on how this should have been handled is exactly what oh wise @$$ (one)???
  17. And he's right... Protocol in a situation like this, is for all American "assets". military, and covert, to assume forward staging points, and await orders. These operations, subject only to the jurisdiction of the POTUS himself, are the best of the best.... Unfortunately in this case, REQUESTS for orders, were denied. I know the excuse... PBO didn't know.... Then who the ^%&$ told our rescue forces to stand down? Who impersonated, or spoke for the President?? In fact, all this is coming to light because 2 operatives, actually DISOBEYED orders to stand down!!! Flashback.... I was one of those forward staged personnel when the Iran Embassy was over run many moons ago so have a really, really good idea what those men and women must feel right now. We sat, on the tarmac, for a day and a half KNOWING we were going in to rescue Americans held hostage, hoping they were still alive when we got there, wondering what could be taking so long... Finally, after all the preparations, and all the planning, we were also, told to stand down, and in amazed disbelief, were told to simply go home ... At least after 444 days, those hostages still came home, but IMHO, it should have been more like an overnight stay for them... Ambassador Stevens and his team, are DEAD because we were told to stand down.... PBO has said he would seek justice against the murderers, but now you have to find them after letting them go you idiot!!! I don't know if Stevens and team would still be alive when our teams got there, but the people that did it certainly wouldn't be, and we wouldn't have to "seek justice"..
  18. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^!!!! Noting else I've read below, or above, couldn't be fixed with tort reform. Take the lawyers out of law writing... On the criminal side, we send non violent offenders to prison, even though a close study of the Constitution will tell you that a law written against an individual, that does not include harm to another, is UnConstituional... About 80% of our Nationally elected Pols are lawyers, and are also sworn to uphold and defend... Kick them out... Civil... Let's institute a loser pay system... File a lawsuit, and lose the case, you pay legal fees for the opposition... There are way too many frivolous lawsuits now and this would be a start to stopping them...
  19. I should know this, but have to ask.... Is the "selection" by Congress, lame duck version, or the newly elected?
  20. I doubt any of the above, since her law license is not active and hasn't been for a long time... But what the heck, PBOs and Michelle's are inactive too...
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