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Everything posted by NewEra

  1. You’re clueless if you don’t think Rousseau has been worth his selection. He’s very good. He’s not elite. Putting him in the same sentence as Elam is downright disrespectful.
  2. No. You can try and turn it into that if you like, but I was discussing his effort and that his new contract gives him incentive to play hard. Not that he agreed to the contract because he expects to hit all or most of those incentives. He’s going to give max effort unless his knee is still jacked and the incentives in the contract ensure that imo. Some of the incentives are attainable
  3. I’m to a point where I’d rather trade down if Thomas and Mitchell are off the board. I think losing the 3rd rd comp picks hurts our chances of trading up very far. If Legette is the pick, I’m ok with it, but I don’t think he’s that much better than Pearsall where I wouldn’t rather have and additional 3rd rd pick from a trade down. He’s athletic and has nice speed + hands. I do think his catch radius could keep him from being our target
  4. I’ll withhold judgement until i see what he has this season.
  5. Good. He can make plays and has been improving as a blocker. He’s a solid TE3 imo
  6. ok, so you agree that he’s likely try equally as hard as he would’ve had he not taken this pay cut. That was our discussion point. Yeah, know you think he’s done. I’ll hold out judgement regarding his effectiveness until I see him this season. If he was 💯 last season, I would agree, he’s done. Tre looked much better in 2023 in comparison to how he looked in 2022 after returning from the acl. Von is much older, so that could change things for him, but he’s also a generational type player and athlete.
  7. Brutal for any trade up thoughts
  8. Not sure where they agreed with you that Von has no incentive to play harder….thats what you and I were discussing @HappyDays @GunnerBill Do you guys think that Von has little to no incentive to play hard this season?
  9. If a guy is tired and out of gas, you put in their backup. That’s football. NTs tire much faster than other positions.
  10. Nonsense- 2,4 and 6 sacks are all on the table. 8 unlikely, but still possible.
  11. No, the 15 sack incentive may have well included developing a home kit for nuclear infusion. He’s definitely capable of reaching a couple of them, if not more.
  12. No, you’re missing the point. He was going to get paid 10.7M for nothing. Now he’s getting 8.5 and can get over double that if he hits his incentives. Every sack he gets= closer to making millions more. You insinuated that he wouldn’t be trying as hard because he was making less…..while also saying that the only reason he came he was for money. That said- if money is the only thing he cares about, why would he NOT give it his 💯? Why would he not try harder? His $ is directly tied to his performance. If we would’ve cut him, he could have gotten his 10.7M from us plus another contract from another team. Someone would’ve paid him 4-5M- possibly a good amount more depending on how he looked in his workout. And that money wouldn’t depend on him getting sacks
  13. Pats are working on a new deal with Bourne
  14. Agreed that OT is our best hope to push the WR talent down, along with WR depth. Best case scenario would be to land Mitchell or Legette at 28.
  15. You think Mitchell falls to 28?
  16. Agreed. He was my pre combine crush but his frame really turned me off. Shorter. Lighter. Weaker. Dude fell over himself a couple times. WRs weighing 176 lbs shouldn’t be falling over themselves. Just looked so weak. I like his game tape though and I think he can be a weapon regardless of his 40. He’s the only guy that really moved down a lot in my rankings after the combine. I’d rather draft Ladd as an X even though he’s best in the slot. Pearsall is my biggest riser, but I hadn’t watched very much of him prior to the combine. I think he’s legit I think I’m currently: Thomas JR Mitchell leggette mcconkey Worthy Polk Pearsall Franklin
  17. Do you think 15 sacks is his only goal here? That line of thinking implies that15 sacks is the only incentive. It’s not. There are several incentives. Each sack is that much closer to getting him millions more. He’ll be playing with 💯+ effort as long as his knee isn’t still bothering him. I have no doubt. I don’t think he’d be trying harder if he had that money guaranteed, especially if he didn’t have confidence in his knee.
  18. So he took less, and now has the ability to earn more…..which also happens to benefit the Bills. Imagine that. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  19. Blasting out of the gate was last season. 2024 season, he’ll be 21 months removed from surgery. That’s not out of the gate anymore. I doubt he’ll ever be the player that he was, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be a very good player. I haven’t read much of this thread, have the incentives been announced? I’ve yet to see the incentives. We have one guy here saying that the incentives will be easy to achieve or he’d never agree to them. You’re saying that he needs 15 sacks to make his money back. If his knee feels good, I don’t see Von giving any less effort. If he’s knee is shot, none of this matters, effort or no effort, he’s useless.
  20. You’re the one that said “The only way Von would agree to this is if he's essentially guaranteed that it won't cost him anything that he was already owed.” I agree with you that the idea isn’t silly, but that’s not what you’re saying with the bolded. With your bolded statement you’re implying that the incentives will be simple and that he will be making 17-18M as long as he plays a few games…..that’s the “only way”. That’s just not a true statement. Again….i agree that your scenario isn’t silly. It’s just not unheard of for players to take less money to help the team. It doesn’t happen more often than not……but those that do are often already ridiculously filthy rich and extremely motivated to win a/another SB
  21. So you saying that he’s basically guaranteed to get paid the 18Mish he was originally slated for even if he only plays a handful of games?
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