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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Even CNN Panelist Elie Honig Knows the Trump Indictment Is a Load of Horse Hockey By Jeff Charles | You know it’s bad when even CNN is casting doubt on accusations against former President Donald Trump. Over the past decade, the news outlet has made it clear that if one could accuse the former president of killing kittens in a blood sacrifice ritual, its news anchors would breathlessly report on it as if it were an undeniable fact. But when it comes to New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s indictment against the Orange Man What Is Bad™, even CNN can’t quite get on board that particular train. During a recent panel hosted by Anderson Cooper, Elie Honig, a former assistant U.S. attorney, expressed skepticism about the charges being levied against the former president. “Now, payment of hush money is not a crime. It’s not a federal crime. It’s not a state crime. So how did they get here to state charges?” he asked. “They’re relying on a state law that makes it, in that first instance, a misdemeanor to falsify business records.” Honig then pointed out that “in order to bump that up from a misdemeanor to a felony, you have to show that those records were falsified to commit some other crime, some second crime.” He acknowledged that the indictment does not “specify what that second crime is.” https://redstate.com/jeffc/2023/04/04/dang-even-cnn-panelist-elie-honig-knows-the-trump-indictment-is-a-load-of-horse-hockey-n726576 .
  2. BACK to the Trump thread. Legal Experts Across the Political Spectrum Are Laughing at Alvin Bragg's Indictment of Donald Trump Nick Arama has had Alvin Bragg’s number for quite some time, predicting that the 34-count indictment would amount to charge stacking and that there could be nothing a serious lawyer would put their name to it. I wrote earlier that once we saw the indictment we knew why Alvin Bragg wanted it to be sealed as long as possible, and that according to one reporter who was in the courtroom Trump’s attorneys laughed when they read it. Trump’s attorney Joseph Tacopino seemed to confirm this with an answer during a press conference after the indictment: Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe called it “an indictment of Alvin Bragg” and said that “legitimate law schools will forever use this indictment to teach the concept of prosecutorial abuse of discretion.” Liberal Vox’s Ian Millhiser first admitted that the legal underpinnings are… “not great.” https://redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2023/04/04/legal-experts-across-the-political-spectrum-are-laughing-at-alvin-braggs-indictment-of-donald-trump-n726570
  3. ROGER KIMBALL: The truth comes out about Beijing’s balloon. Well, well, well. The world seems amazed at the news that the Chinese spy balloon that meandered over the entire continental United States this winter was, you know, spying. That’s what spy balloons do: they spy. They collect intelligence — in this case, information from some of America’s most sensitive sites (I was going to say “secure sites,” but that would clearly be inaccurate). What do they do then? Like bees collecting pollen, they transmit what they collected back to the hive, which, mirabile dictu, just happens to be located in Beijing. Anyone who was paying attention knew this. Did secretary of state Antony Blinken? Did puppet-in-chief Joe “Chocolate-Chip” Biden? Probably. But there is knowing and then there is knowing. The latter includes acknowledging what you know, which neither they nor SecDef Lloyd “Stand Down” Austin nor chair-entity of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark “White Rage” Milley did. Nope, it was ostrich time all around — by which I mean that our heads were buried in the sand. Which is why the NBC report that — can you believe it? — Beijing’s spy balloon was not only collecting secrets but also transmitting them back to Comrade Pooh-Bear Xi caused a little ripple in the pond of public complacency yesterday. “Chinese spy balloon gathered intelligence from sensitive US military sites, despite US efforts to block it.” You don’t say? https://thespectator.com/topic/truth-beijing-balloon-biden-lies-china/ In accordance with the prophecy: Biden Says He’ll Shoot Down Chinese Spy Balloon As Soon As He’s Done Letting It Spy. — The Babylon Bee, February 3rd. https://babylonbee.com/news/biden-says-hell-shoot-down-chinese-spy-balloon-as-soon-as-hes-done-letting-it-spy
  4. Ginni Thomas says hi. And the "judges daughter" is a 34 year old democrat activist. don't 'degrade' her by hiding her behind daddy's robes. .
  5. Amazing. They just won't "allow" any thought of peace. Peace is “cynical”. Remember a year ago when stating the obvious fact that the US WANTED to prolong this war as long as they could was considered “Putin Propaganda?” Funny how those people don’t say dick now. .
  6. LOL. You have to love the "framing" of the Trump Jr. post. Apparently he just posted a picture of this little girl randomly. She's a 34 year old woman Oh wait. Here's the context.
  7. Update: Tuesday, 2:57 PM (Eastern) – The indictment against Donald Trump has been unsealed. It includes 34 counts of falsifying business records. The New York case is so weak and such a reach that if the subject was anyone other than Donald Trump, ‘no reasonable prosecutor’ would have touched it. .
  8. Another one. Keep being distracted by New York DA's. Democrat Switches Parties, Hands Republicans Super-Majority in Key Swing State In North Carolina, though, things are a little less tenuous after a Democrat state representative decided to switch parties, becoming a Republican. More importantly, the move will give the GOP a super-majority in the chamber. This news comes via Axios. https://www.axios.com/local/raleigh/2023/04/04/nc-democrat-flip-republican-legislative-supermajority .
  9. Janet Yellen admits Inflation Reduction Act, ‘at its core,’ isn’t about reducing inflation at all This past Sunday on “Meet the Press,” Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin noted that Joe Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act has turned out to be very different from what he was sold on. Literally no one should be shocked that the Biden administration lied about this, least of all Joe Manchin, who may suck but knew exactly what he was getting when he voted for it last year. So we’d better not see Manchin on our screens next Sunday feigning shock at these remarks from Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen: “The Inflation Reduction Act is, at its core, about turning the climate crisis into an economic opportunity.” Well, duh. That’s all it was ever about. It was never about actually reducing inflation or easing the worsening financial strain on the American people as a result of the federal government’s recklessness with our money. It was about implementing a green agenda that would financially benefit members of the Biden administration like Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and make the public increasingly dependent on and beholden to the federal government. https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2023/04/04/janet-yellen-admits-inflation-reduction-act-at-its-core-isnt-about-reducing-inflation-at-all/ .
  10. Back to the thread. . . . . . . . . again. Those '34 Charges' Against Trump May Not Be What They Seem By Nick Arama FTA: But I want to re-up my comments from Saturday when I said this “charge stacking” is likely what would happen. Prosecutors can try to charge as many things as they can, even if those charges only pertain to one incident. So let’s assume for the moment in this alleged “falsification of business records” charge, that Trump had to file a form that had signatures or initials on the same form multiple times. Each signature/initial could be counted as a potential charge, even if it’s all on the same form and just one incident. So if you had a 34-page form with signatures or initials on each page, you could potentially make 34 charges out of it. We’ll know when we see the real indictment to see precisely what they are talking about. It’s also a bit of flooding of the jury, all they would have to agree to is one to convict. This increases that possibility. But I think this is mostly about making Trump look bad to the public and the potential jury pool. It’s about having people go “34 charges!!!” and say how awful Trump is, when it all may apply just to the one matter. It’s trying to make the turkey of a case look like it’s something more than it is by buffaloing people with the number. I think it’s more evidence of the bias in this matter, as this shows Bragg trying to throw everything and anything against the wall to try to make something stick when what he truly has is a legally pathetic case. Then the report says that they’re Class E felonies. That’s the lowest felony. As we noted, he’s already may be bootstrapping this matter by taking what would be a misdemeanor ordinarily and trying to make it a felony. But that raises questions about how he’s charging that, if it’s truly a federal crime (and thus not properly charged here in New York), and if there are statute of limitations issues that he’s trying to get around in this endeavor. As I wrote, Trump’s attorney has already said he’s going to move to have the case dismissed. Those issues and others may factor into any such motion, depending on what the indictment shows on Tuesday. If this is all predicated on one incident/action, the charges would probably run concurrently, even if he was convicted, which would mean they would be served at the same time. So if you got a year as a sentence for each charge, you would only serve one year in total if they ran concurrently. And as a first offender on for a Class E felony, he could theoretically face one and a half to four years, but generally, you would not get that, as the Yahoo report notes. “No one gets jail time for that as a first offender,” said a New York law enforcement official. So we shall see, but it’s important to put this in context and to call out the further effort by Alvin Bragg to throw stuff up against the wall in this matter. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/04/04/those-34-charges-against-trump-may-not-be-what-they-seem-n725992 .
  11. For one great statement as to why he was there at the courthouse, for media thinking that lawmakers shouldn’t be showing up, there was Rep. George Santos (R-NY). They don’t seem to get that the right gets a voice here too, especially when a political prosecution/persecution is going on. I’m not a fan of Santos, but this is the perfect answer when the media gets up in your face and acts like you don’t have a right that you have when it comes to speech, guns, or anything else. “Because I can” is perfect. That was a drop-the-mic moment. .https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/04/04/mtg-and-george-santos-show-up-at-trump-courthouse-leave-the-left-breathless-n726181 .
  12. Department Of Justice Finally Finds a Church Attack It Doesn't Like BY PAULA BOLYARD https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/paula-bolyard/2023/04/03/finally-the-doj-is-all-worked-up-about-an-attack-on-a-church-if-you-can-even-call-it-that-n1684154
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