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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. Why isn't it racism when the media and other Democrats seek to destroy conservatives who happen to be people of color? American Thinker, by Jack Hellner Every day, the media and other Democrats seek to brand Republicans as racists if they dare disagree with Democrats' radical leftist ideology and policies. Democrats who engage in lawless acts and who happen to be people of color, are treated as heros. That includes two legislators who participated in a riot, protest or insurrection in Tennessee with the aim of disrupting legislative hearings and then got themselves expelled from that body as a result. They were invited to the White House and they were feted. That stands in stark contrast to the failure of Joe Biden to visit the Christian families of Nashville https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2023/04/why_isnt_it_racism_when_the_media_and_other_democrats_seek_to_destroy_conservatives_who_happen_to_be_people_of_color.html .
  2. Democrats dealt another blow: third lawmaker leaves party, switches to Republican within a month by Brandon Gillespie Democrats were dealt another blow from within their own ranks this week as yet another state lawmaker declared he was leaving the party. According to a Monday report by The Advocate, a Louisiana-based newspaper, state Rep. Jeremy LaCombe announced he had left the Democratic Party and would be registering as a Republican. It was not immediately clear what prompted LaCombe's departure, however he is now the second Louisiana Democrat in less than a month to switch party affiliations, and the third nationwide after another state lawmaker in North Carolina did the same. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/democrats-another-blow-lawmaker-leaves-party-switches-republican .
  3. There is almost no need for the pro civil rights, gun ownership posters to respond to this thread. @BillStime, @Tiberius, @Roundybout and others feeble attempts make our argument for us. .
  4. What is to blame for the rising number of gun deaths among children and teens? If you’ve spent any time online or listening to the news in the past two weeks you’ve probably heard one factoid in particular bandied about by those in favor of gun control. Guns are now the leading cause of death among children, surpassing car accidents and cancer. First, if you hear people citing it, they’ll often claim, incorrectly, that it shows guns are a leading cause of death among children. But the headline of the letter points out the problem: “Current Causes of Death in Children and Adolescents in the United States.” For whatever reason, the data looked at included teens up to age 19. In other words, some of these people were not children at all but adult teens. This is made clear in the letter itself. The previous analysis, which examined data through 2016, showed that firearm-related injuries were second only to motor vehicle crashes (both traffic-related and nontraffic-related) as the leading cause of death among children and adolescents, defined as persons 1 to 19 years of age. Since 2016, that gap has narrowed, and in 2020, firearm-related injuries became the leading cause of death in that age group (Figure 1). So anyone citing this really ought to say the results are about “children and adolescents” not just “children.” But frequently that doesn’t happen I suspect when activists and politicos talk about gun deaths in the wake of an event like these they are, intentionally or not, misleading people about what is going on. Most of the deaths captured in that CDC data involve older teens, mostly males, who are victims of street violence. Older children and teens are much more likely than younger kids to be killed in gun-related incidents. Those ages 12 to 17 accounted for 86% of all gun deaths among children and teens in 2021, while those 6 to 11 accounted for 7% of the total, as did those 5 and under. Still, there were 179 gun deaths among children ages 6 to 11 and 184 among those 5 and under in 2021. This is a situation where no deaths are acceptable. Still, it’s worth keeping in mind what is actually happening if we’re going to address it properly. Most of these deaths involve older male teens who were probably hit by crossfire in gang-related shootings in high crime areas of major cities. Also, most of these victims were probably shot with handguns, not AR-15s. The solution to bringing these crimes against children under control is the same as the solution to bringing violent crime down in general. It starts with more police who can investigate and solve these crimes followed by more prosecutions to hold those people who commit crimes against children responsible. https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2023/04/10/what-is-to-blame-for-the-rising-number-of-gun-deaths-among-children-and-teens-n542885
  5. Shocking New Evidence Reveals Feds Possibly Instigated Violence During the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Jeff Charles FTA: But even more damning is what the motion says about the behavior of these informants according to bodycam footage. “This new information is plainly exculpatory,” the document reads. “Bodycam videos worn on January 6 by undercover Metropolitan Police officers show the undercover officers cheering on the demonstrators, with chants of ‘Go! Go! Go!,’ ‘Stop the Steal!,’ and ‘Whose House? Our House!’” “Undercover operatives were planted among the protesters as instigators; not just observers.” The attorney also points out that there were “at least 10 to 12 additional, previously unknown plain-clothes MPD officers among the Proud Boys on January 6.” This means that there were at least 50 informants who had infiltrated the group on that day. https://redstate.com/jeffc/2023/04/10/shocking-new-evidence-reveals-feds-possibly-instigated-violence-during-the-jan-6-capitol-riot-n729227
  6. Expelled TN Democrat to Be Reinstated, GOP Speaker Appears to Fold The Democrat was booted from office after he and two others helped lead an insurrection that breached the Tennessee capitol building. Jones then used a bullhorn to lead chants on the chamber floor in solidarity with the mob. Republicans came together and voted to expel him on Thursday. Exiled Tennessee state Rep. Justin Jones is expected to be reinstated Monday after a Republican supermajority booted him from the state Legislature last week for participating in a gun safety protest inside the chamber. The Nashville Metro Council is voting Monday afternoon to temporarily fill the seat before a special election. It’s anticipated that Jones, 27, will earn enough votes from council members to regain his former seat. The Black freshman lawmaker is planning to then lead a march to the statehouse and return to work just as the Legislature gavels in for an evening session. When I first saw that news it didn’t surprise me. I knew that the local councils would have the power to appoint a replacement prior to any special election (a special election is required if there are at least 12 months left on someone’s term). These deep blue areas reappointing the ousted lawmakers was always a foregone conclusion. Still, didn’t expect the House Speaker, a Republican, to fold so quickly. According to the Washington Examiner, Jones and presumably Justin Pearson, the other expelled Democrat, will be seated. With that said, if there is truly nothing else the GOP can do here legally and this ended up being another type of censure, I’m still fine with that. One of the things Republican voters have complained about for years is the unwillingness of their elected representatives to even try to do what is right. Sometimes you engage in battle and you end up in a stalemate, which may happen here, but I’d rather see Republicans engage than make excuses about why they must sit on their hands and do nothing. In sports, you miss every shot you refuse to take. It’s no different in politics. Presumably, no matter what happens, Jones and Pearson will remain completely sidelined inside the legislature. That means nothing they propose will come up for a vote and they will remain banned from all committee assignments. If that’s the kind of representation their respective cities want, then so be it. Regardless, I’d like to see if the GOP caucus and leadership in Tennessee have a few more tricks up their sleeves. I doubt this story is over. https://redstate.com/bonchie/2023/04/10/expelled-tn-democrat-to-be-reinstated-gop-speaker-appears-to-fold-n729385
  7. The whole thread is a perfect example of liberal fantasy over facts.
  8. Well then, you are too stupid to be a "lawmaker" .
  9. Same old playbook. WH and KJP don’t bother waiting until the bodies are cold to blame GOP for Louisville mass shooting https://twitchy.com/sarahd-313035/2023/04/10/wh-and-kjp-dont-bother-waiting-until-the-bodies-are-cold-to-blame-gop-for-louisville-mass-shooting/
  10. The House Judiciary Committee has announced a hearing next week addressing violent crime in Manhattan.
  11. The shooting is being described as a case of workplace violence, perpetrated by an employee who struggled with mental health issues, a federal law enforcement source said. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/live-blog/louisville-ky-shooting-live-updates-rcna78941 Quick, let's take away the guns of the law abiding Americans. .
  12. BREAKING: Another active shooter scenario is being played out in Louisville, but we won’t know if the bad guy is the shooter or THE GUN until we find out the race/gender/sexual preference of the perp. .
  13. Thanks for confirming that you have no intellectual standing on this issue. When facts come out then perhaps a discussion can be had. .
  14. More: CBS Excoriates Biden, Exposing the 'Whitewash' in the Afghanistan Report Nick Arama https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/04/09/cbs-excoriates-biden-exposing-the-whitewash-in-the-afghanistan-report-n728803 .
  15. Democrats’ Forever War On Justice Clarence Thomas Ramps Up Latest salvo is overblown claim about Justice Thomas not reporting trips on a conservative billionaire’s private jet and visits to his vacation home – but those trips were not reportable until the law was recently changed. by William A. Jacobson I think it’s fair to say that there is no one Democrats hate more than Justice Clarence Thomas. But Trump you shout. Fair enough, but they’ve been hating and attacking Clarence Thomas since 1991, Trump is a relatively new-found object of hate. Also, they hate Trump (and every other potential Republican nominee) because he’s a threat to their political power; they hate Thomas at a much more visceral, gut level, because as a Black conservative he represents a threat to the core of their race-baiting being. So the war on Clarence Thomas is a forever war. That forever war is energized by Democrats’ frustration that the U.S. Supreme Court is the one major national institution that the left does not control. So what they can’t control, they must destroy. The latest salvo was fired by ProPublica, in an article about the Thomas’s relationship with conservative donor Harlan Crowe. The article suggests some impropriety, Clarence Thomas and the Billionaire: IN LATE JUNE 2019, right after the U.S. Supreme Court released its final opinion of the term, Justice Clarence Thomas boarded a large private jet headed to Indonesia. He and his wife were going on vacation: nine days of island-hopping in a volcanic archipelago on a superyacht staffed by a coterie of attendants and a private chef. If Thomas had chartered the plane and the 162-foot yacht himself, the total cost of the trip could have exceeded $500,000. Fortunately for him, that wasn’t necessary: He was on vacation with real estate magnate and Republican megadonor Harlan Crow, who owned the jet — and the yacht, too. For more than two decades, Thomas has accepted luxury trips virtually every year from the Dallas businessman without disclosing them, documents and interviews show…. Sounds bad, huh? Except nothing in the ProPublica article demonstrates that it was unlawful to hop on a friend’s private jet to vacation at his private home. {snip} There’s no evidence of a quid pro quo, and Crow had no business before the Supreme Court. Is it really a shock that Justice Thomas hangs out with conservatives? The left’s assault on the Supreme Court is continuing, and the latest front is the news that Justice Clarence Thomas has a rich friend who has hosted the Justice on his private plane, his yacht, and his vacation resort. That’s it. That’s the story. Yet this non-bombshell has triggered breathless claims that the Court must be investigated, and that Justice Thomas must resign or be impeached. Those demands give away the real political game here…. The ProPublica writers suggest that Justice Thomas may have violated ethics rules, and they quote a couple of cherry-picked ethicists to express their dismay. But it seems clear that the Court’s rules at the time all of this happened did not require that gifts of personal hospitality be disclosed. This includes the private plane trips. ProPublica fails to make clear to readers that the U.S. Judicial Conference recently changed its rules to require more disclosure. The new rules took effect last month. Justice Thomas would have been obliged to disclose gifts that posed a conflict of interest involving cases that would be heard by the High Court. But there is no evidence that Mr. Crow has had any such business before the Court, and Mr. Crow says he has “never asked about a pending or lower court case.” The most ProPublica can come up with is that “Crow has deep connections in conservative politics.” Oh dear…. 😆 https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/04/democrats-forever-war-on-justice-clarence-thomas-ramps-up/
  16. U.S. Bank Lending Sees Biggest Drop Since 1973, Surpassing 2008 Financial Crisis American banks experienced a historic contraction in the final two weeks of March, greater than even during the 2008 financial crisis, in the clearest indication yet that credit conditions are tightening as a result of deteriorating economic conditions. According to Federal Reserve data dating back to 1973, commercial bank lending saw a drop of nearly $105 billion in the two weeks ending March 29th. The final week saw a decrease of over $45 billion, which can be attributed primarily to a decline in small banks’ loan offerings. This reduction in lending has particularly impacted real estate, commercial, and industrial loans. The most recent report published on Friday indicated that commercial bank deposits also experienced a decline of $64.7 billion in the past week, marking the tenth consecutive decrease primarily driven by a drop in large firms’ deposits. https://redstate.com/benkew/2023/04/09/u-s-bank-lending-collapses-by-most-since-1973-surpassing-2008-financial-crisis-n728877
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