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Everything posted by B-Man

  1. I believe “racism,” while a vile, despicable, and utterly unconscionable thing in fact, which should be roundly and universally condemned when it is in fact encountered – in any shape or form. Racism, unfortunately, is also the drug of choice for Leftists, liberals, and Democrats. They turn to it for defensive succor when they have no answer for an argument, as justification when they identify a goal – however trivial or offensive to others – they want achieved. As burnishment when they have a situation they wish to attach more significance to or a conversation they want to force you into. As the coup de grâce pronouncement on the personal characters of those who take issue with or stymie the narrative. There is only ever one reason anyone would disagree, they insist, and it is never that the facts do not support the narrative. It’s always racism. Everything shines bigger, badder, and brighter if you paint it with a racist brush. I’m pretty sure you’ve noticed they have been dipping that brush in cans the size of oil drums. https://hotair.com/tree-hugging-sister/2023/03/20/la-times-all-why-cant-we-be-friends-but-cant-give-up-that-schweet-schweet-racism-grift-themselves-n538059 .
  2. I would have to venture that this means no Wide receiver in the first or second rounds from Beane. .
  3. "Whataboutism" is the word they fed to the world's dumbest people to bar inquiry into whether they and their side abide by the standards they impose on others: * "I'm enraged: Trump embraced Saudi tyrants! Unprecedented!" * "Obama, Biden & Clinton did that." * "Whataboutism!": .
  4. Minnesota's "woman of the year" is a man Because of course “she” is. At the risk of being accused of “stochastic terrorism,” I am compelled to state the obvious: it is not the case that every woman in the State of Minnesota is less worthy than the natal male Leigh Finke. USA Today begs to differ. Every woman in my state is less worthy of national recognition for excellence in womanhood than Finke. “She” looks like a dude in a dress, and that is because “she” is a dude in a dress. Yet we are to believe that a man cosplaying as a woman is the most praiseworthy woman in the state. https://hotair.com/david-strom/2023/03/20/minnesotas-woman-of-the-year-is-a-man-n537969 .
  5. Democrats’ Daddy Issues With Trump Aren’t Going to Work Out Well for Them. “They’re blinded by rage and won’t stop until they get some red meat footage for the 14 viewers who still watch MSNBC and CNN.” https://pjmedia.com/columns/stephen-kruiser/2023/03/20/the-morning-briefing-democrats-daddy-issues-with-trump-arent-going-to-work-out-well-for-them-n1679784 .
  6. 😠 Putin Visits Mariupol—the Ukrainian City He Destroyed—to Pat Himself on the Back for Its Rebuild https://redstate.com/bobhoge/2023/03/20/putin-visits-mariupol-the-ukrainian-city-he-destroyed-to-pat-himself-on-the-back-for-its-rebuild-n718831 .
  7. WHEN THE TIDE OF MASS HYSTERIA RECEDES, A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE GOING TO BE LEFT HIGH AND DRY: Teen Suing Doctors For Removing Her Breasts At Age 13, Putting Her On Puberty Blockers. https://www.dailywire.com/news/teen-suing-doctors-for-removing-breasts-at-age-13-putting-her-on-puberty-blockers-letter .
  8. "The fact that Trump is doing considerably better among Republican voters of color than White Republicans flies in the face of the fact that many Americans view Trump as racist...." Writes Harry Enten, in "Voters of color are a big reason Trump leads the GOP primary" (CNN). Click for more » https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/19/politics/trump-voters-of-color-analysis/ .
  9. This is bullsh*t. This stunt is supposed to convince us that we don't already have that right and that it's up to the government to grant it to us. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Senate Republicans are set to introduce on a bill on Thursday that would codify the right to bear arms for self-defense outside the home. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/senate-republicans-introduce-bill-codifying-right-bear-arms-outside-home .
  10. Joe Biden is taking another long weekend at home in Delaware. But before he left, he made time to do nothing about Russia intentionally downing an unmanned U.S. military aircraft in international air space over international waters. Clearly, the Chinese and North Koreans and, now the Russians, are testing the old guy. And once again the 80-year-old American commander in chief flunked.
  11. Americans Deserve To Know Who Funded BLM Riots Most Americans have happily moved on from the 2020 Black Lives Matter (BLM)-driven ransacking of some 200 American cities, which resulted in as much as $2 billion in property damage and at least 25 deaths. But that time must be remembered for more than rioting and destruction. The BLM pressure campaigns, harassment, and moral blackmail also amounted to possibly the most lucrative shakedown of corporate America in its history. Today the Claremont Institute's Center for the American Way of Life published the most comprehensive database to date tracking corporate contributions and pledges to the Black Lives Matter movement and related causes from 2020 to the present. Companies and corporations pledged or contributed an astonishing $82.9 billion to the BLM movement and related causes. This includes more than $123 million to the BLM parent organizations directly. These figures, while shocking, likely underrepresent the true magnitude of the shakedown as some companies failed to make known their contributions, and many BLM organizations remain unknown. As a point of reference, $82.9 billion is more than the GDP of 46 African countries. In 2022, the Ford Motor Company's profits were $23 billion. Though largely decentralized, BLM is united in purpose and action. Its leaders hobnob with militant leftists such as Angela Davis and former Weather Underground members Eric Mann and Susan Rosenberg. Mann, who mentored BLM Global Network co-founder Patrisse Cullors, maintains that whether the issue is race, sex, gender, immigration, or the environment, the revolutionary goal remains the same, and the rest is just "little divisions of labor." BLM shares this view, and while its activism encompasses the full range of leftist causes, its goal is to undermine capitalism, the nation state, and Western civilization. More at the link: https://www.newsweek.com/americans-deserve-know-who-funded-blm-riots-opinion-1787460 .
  12. Andrew McCarthy Lays Out What a Turkey the 'Nakedly Political' Case Is Against Trump By Nick Arama FTA: Andrew McCarthy, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, into the phalanx of folks finding a big problem with such potential action. He’s not shy about it either. He wrote in his National Review column that the reported indictment against Trump was a “disgrace” and was a “nakedly political” move by a progressive prosecutor to benefit the Democratic party in the “long term.” Bragg is engaged in bare-naked politics. The case is not merely unworthy as a prosecution of Trump (which is why federal prosecutors walked away from it years ago, as did Bragg before he was pressured by progressive Democrats into reviving it); it is also a case that everyone knows Bragg would never bring against anyone other than Trump. Crime is rampant in New York, in part because Bragg’s default position is leniency and often non-prosecution when it comes to hardened criminals. Here, the case of falsifying business records against Trump…is, at best, a nonviolent misdemeanor that is stale and that could be inflated into a felony only by theories that are legally and factually dubious. This is a classic, invidious selective prosecution. It is being launched strictly for political purposes. McCarthy also pointed out to Fox’s Brian Kilmeade that this case hinges on the testimony of Daniels and former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, both of whom have credibility problems. “[Bragg] walked away from it Brian and my old office, the Southern District of New York, the federal prosecutors in Manhattan also wanted no part of this case, which hinges not only on the testimony of the porn star Stormy Daniels, who, you know, look, I think it’s credible for her to claim that this happened way back when, but at the same time, you know, she’s on record a couple of times saying it didn’t happen,” McCarthy said. “The other crucial witness here is Michael Cohen and I think, probably, the feds walked away from him because of his deep credibility problems. So you’re not starting out in a great place with those witnesses.” Even folks like McCarthy who are not fans of Trump get what a ridiculous pile of bull cookies this case is and are willing to admit it. That says a lot about how desperate Democrats are with this move. There’s a lot of speculation as to what may be behind it — from trying to provoke the base to Democrats thinking that this will help Trump win the nomination and then they can defeat him in the general election. McCarthy speculates that the last point may be where Democrats might be going with this. That may be in someone’s mind. But that thought didn’t work out very well in 2016. The bottom line is that whatever the move here is, it’s wrong, it’s political and everyone on all sides of the aisle should be calling it out. https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/03/19/andrew-mccarthy-lays-out-what-a-turkey-the-nakedly-political-case-is-against-trump-n718456 https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/progressive-democrat-braggs-motivation-in-nakedly-political-indictment-of-trump/ https://redstate.com/nick-arama/2023/03/18/jonathan-turley-destroys-the-d-a-s-case-against-trump-its-all-about-theatrics-n718332 .
  13. The twitter files are solid evidence. Hysterical attempts to try and smear a decades long famous liberal reporter because he dared to write about them is such a obvious exposure of the weak minded posters that we have here on PPP.
  14. BillStime ignores the Mods instructions. . . . . . . . . . . . . what a surprise. 😆 This topic is OLD. A NEW topic should be started unless there is a very specific reason to revive this one. .
  15. Reminder - this BS has already been litigated ... The end result ... .
  16. A Failed Presidency In 20 Seconds by John Hinderaker Yesterday Joe Biden made the mistake of listening to a question from a reporter at the White House, and briefly trying to answer. I understand that the reporter was from another country; I don’t suppose a liberal American “reporter” would be so bold as to question Slow Joe on the subject of his China connections: Two points to note. First, even in this very brief clip, Biden’s mental and physical incapacity are on display. He may only be 80 years old, but he is an old 80. Second, Biden answers “It’s not true.” But it is true. A single Chinese entity paid Biden’s family well over $1 million. That has been documented. And for what? Hunter’s sober judgment? Brother James’s financial acumen? Hallie’s good looks? Obviously, the only reason why foreign companies and governments have showered money on the Biden family is Joe’s perceived power. And his influence has been real. When the Ukrainian natural gas company Burisma desperately wanted a meeting with a high-level State Department official, it invoked the fact that the vice-president’s son was on its board of directors, and it got the meeting. Why else do you think the pathetic, drug-addled Hunter, who knew nothing about natural gas and didn’t speak Ukrainian, was worth $1 million a year to a Ukrainian natural gas company? Joe Biden has been a corrupt politician for a long time, probably decades. In recent years his corruption has come to light. The establishment press tried to deny it, since the imperative to defeat Donald Trump trumped everything else. But no one has disputed the evidence that shows Biden has hauled in millions in ill-gotten income from foreign interests. There is nothing subtle about this: it is a classic way in which a corrupt politician gets rich. https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2023/03/a-failed-presidency-in-20-seconds.php
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