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Bleeding Bills Blue

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Everything posted by Bleeding Bills Blue

  1. I actually saw mario make a play on a running back when we blitzed up the middle... soooo it can work if he is willing to hustle at all.
  2. My Gone list: Mario, Harvin, Lawson, Graham, Duke, Meeks, Brooks, Butler, Goodwin, Cyrus, carpenter, gay, dixon Figure out a way to keep: Bradham, Incognito MUST keep: Glenn Let them play it out: EJ, KW (without Jackson - he's the only leader we had left), Leodis (need depth at corner and rex uses his safeties in man coverage a lot) MUST add: a big plodding nose tackle. That way we don't have to rotate KW and dareus in at nose and can use them as the ends. 2 OLB's - pass rushing specialists are needed too. If we lose Bradham - we need another ILB to rotate in. I'd like a veteran signal caller guy out there. If AW leaves - we need a few safeties too. Especially since rex likes to play 3 every once in a while.
  3. I'll have what he's smoking... this isnt madden. You can't trade a vastly overpaid lineman - you can only cut him or get a low value draft pick. Hue Jackson was spurned by us last year - and isn't going to work for an owner that is so disloyal that he fires his head coach 1 year in. The Pegula's are business minded - and rex has already made them a lot of money. They aren't going to eat 20 mil when were no better or worse than we were a year ago.
  4. I guess...? I remember a geno meltdown and a Vick meltdown. I guess that's coaching... But neither has had any success since
  5. Not sure how u coach people not to jump offsides like... 9 times in the game. They're professional football players, and we can't afford to bench them because the depth isn't there
  6. Darius is playing nose because kyle is out. It's too important to have Bryant there, and Mario can't play 3-4 end because... Well I don't know why.
  7. I for one am willing to let him try and build a team. Even Whaley hasn't had enough time to truly put his stamp on it. Honestly there isn't much to blow up. A few bad contracts here and there to dump, and do we let a couple others walk instead of extending them? I just want to avoid the bad free agent desperation contracts. Like that guard we signed with back problems. Not everyone wants to come here... It's probably like less than half the league. So we're always at a disadvantage signing guys. We're in every single game. That to me is a young team learning to win. They need leaders, and people to step up and grow as leaders. They need accountability, and some better depth players.
  8. And Brandon Marshall... And Regis and skrine... That team made wholesale upgrades after blasting all the dead money in 2014
  9. Might have been an actually loud road game. They had like 11 in the game. What is that? It's stupid penalties and they gotta clean it up It's clear we have major depth issues with all the injuries, and problems on the line. But let's drop a 1st on a qb from another bad draft class.
  10. He made several today... And has improved in that regard. He needs work but is the best qb in 15 years The qb is the one throwing it. There are other receivers. That's just the first read
  11. One was in eagles territory to hogan. I'd probably just run twice
  12. Eagles are not really better or worse than us. They also lost a couple games with their backup qb. Plus they're 100 percent healthy.
  13. Muffed punt was big. Couple good returns by sproles.with several poorly timed defensive penalties, they still played pretty well I though. Offensively, Tyrol needs to get first downs and keep us on the field. 3rd and 9 go ahead and rip it. But 3rd and 3 with an easy running lane? Take what they give you!
  14. He didn't have to throw it to him, or throw it poorly. Give some blame to the qb and receiver.
  15. False starts from his spot are unacceptable... But he absolutely blew that gap open
  16. We've stopped them several times. Horrible penalty followed by busted coverage. Several offsides penalties too... Not sure how u coach veterans to not jump offsides. Not a great game plan. But we're in it against a team were probably close to equal with in terms of talent
  17. He's slow and not good. Isn't anything anybody did, he's just worse than last year
  18. Losing the turnover battle... Gave them a few extra chances. Bad penalties. Clean it up, still in the game
  19. Fire graham?? Or Darby?? They're the ones who screwed up there
  20. Total screw up when u know they're going to at least look deep
  21. Not sure what people want... Blitzes? Man coverage? We didn't do anything well on that drive... Not a single man
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