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Everything posted by BaaadThingsMan

  1. Love the Ralph, great game day experience from pregame tailgate to postgame tailgate. Oakland Alameda same thing, great atmosphere for a game no issues with the stadium at all. If ur lookin u can find em but I don't care. The only reason the Bills will build a new stadium is pressure from Jerry, Daniel and Robert. Those 3 pricks will force Pegulas hand someday , I just hope Pegs can hold out for a while.
  2. He's not getting cut but give me some Forte if he does, he's got a couple years left but that's ok with the future behind him in Williams. He and Roman would vibe.
  3. The thing this game had going for it was that right up until the last Panthers possession and subsequent fumble by Cam pretty much every fan watching was expecting them to put together a drive to take the lead there. The Panthers did drive the ball a few times but made mistakes/Denver defense made plays when it counted deep in their own territory. The Panthers were never out of it and a couple of plays from Cam at any time would have turned that game around quickly.
  4. http://www.phillymag.com/citified/2015/10/15/police-commissioner-charles-ramsey-corruption/probably doesn't have anything to do with this incident but wth...
  5. How the heck are some city cops in an exclusive club ordering bottles of champagne anyways? Shady likes the good stuff so i'm betting it was expensive, corrupt cops maybe? Either way, Shady is the recognizable name so it makes a nice headline. At least I hope that's the case.
  6. What an !@#$, bn should just fire the idiot already instead of paying all expense trips to SF so he can be an aashole. !@#$!
  7. I curse OJ Anderson, that old bastard killed the Bills all game especially when they needed the ball back late in the game. *Belicheat tried to bring back Steven Jackson to be his OJ this year but nah, didn't work out bwaahahahahah
  8. I think the Broncos have a chance in the SB. I feel like they can win if the D is lights out and Wade has a plan for Cam which I think he will. I think Panthers will win but it'll be a good game
  9. Congrats to Wade. I DVRed the game and am about to start it now but I heard they beat up on *marsha the cheater pretty good so that makes me smile. The Bills winning the Super Bowl is the only thing that could make me happier than I was driving home from Vegas and listening to the last 8 minutes in the car. I scared the fam a couple times on the 4th down stops but oh well ha On another note. Wade got no love this year for job openings and both times hr was a head coach he fell on his sword for assistants and lost his job prematurely. I think he can get a ring as a HC!
  10. Ralph Wilson Stadium is fine, Pegula will make plenty of money without a new stadium. The rest of the owners, Snyder, Jerrah, Blank, those are the greedy !@#$s that want more money. Bunch of pricks!
  11. 1. Litigation between *marsha and the league reaches a decision finally and all records associated wit *brady or the *cheats are removed from the books. His name is never mentioned again on any football themed show. 2. Sammy Watkins will be completing his 4th straight 100 catch 1500+ yard season and his 3rd as an all pro. 3.The Bills will be celebrating their two straight AFC championships and 1st SB win!
  12. I'm betting Gordon will get a chance in Cleveland with Hue. He's just waaaay too talented not to and Jackson is probably salivating at a chance to design plays for him.
  13. Wrong thread for this but Darius Fleming from *cheats saved a woman from a burning car, got 22 stitches in his leg last Thursday and still played vs KC. Great story, good guy but I still hope he and his *cheats get their asses !@#$ing kicked all over the Rockies!! !@#$ u cheating !@#$ing bastards!!
  14. !@#$ the *cheats It's the Panthers year. They have the public sentiment going with coach Braylon Beam leading the way. Great story, can't help but root for them this year.
  15. As he should be Cmon man. Both corners were in the top 10 in several important categories all year. Both are above average corners who will be all pros IF the Bills start making the playoffs and they get more national exposure. My question is what is Deion Sanders problem with Darby. He went to his Alma mater and Deion gave him absolutely NO love at all this season and we all know Deion loves him some DBs
  16. Moron is set up pretty nicely in Jax right now, if they hire Schwartz and Bradley can't show marked improvement early next year he could get an interim audition with his old crew back together. He's already got an all expense trip to London every year and a non title nfl job. Asst HC/asst line coach...whatever moron
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