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Everything posted by FluffHead

  1. The people want RedWolves. Give the people RedWolves.
  2. Red Wolves or bust. I’m guessing bust. Will be shocked if Snyder does something the fans want.
  3. It’s a reference to his older brother who was murdered
  4. The fact he has addressed the team already seems to indicate to me that they will not cut the cord on him immediately. Even though I probably would.
  5. They really can’t find anyone else to do this job? Murphy, Tasker, Glab, Donald Jones a few years back....all seriously terrible. The WGR guys are all so much better
  6. Hope they come back. It was enjoyable while it lasted, even if just for some February action.
  7. Russ Brandon would blab to the co-eds who in turn blabbed on also Lauren Hall
  8. This is written by Adam Schein. He is a Bills homer He’s always been bullish, even in the Rex/Marrone years
  9. At least they didn’t find the drugs
  10. Are they saying that the Bills had interest in bringing him back during free agency? That is surprising to me “There's no doubt in his mind: He is in control. Even when McDermott's Bills show interest, Watkins vows he could make that work if he wanted to, easily, because he now knows how to navigate through all dark energy. But why run? Why hide?”
  11. Mcdermott has chosen white on white the last few years. Keeping em cool in the buffalo heat ?
  12. We just need to do our part to not get flexed OUT this year
  13. Seems like we’ve played at New England right around Christmas the last 3 or 4 years
  14. Hearing four prime time games for Bills. Chiefs, Steelers 49ers and???????
  15. Is there always a global pandemic happening which would lead to a decent likelihood of those games not happening? It makes a lot of sense for this year.
  16. The “expected format” makes a ton of sense. It allows them to essentially just cut the first four weeks right out if they need to, with minimal effect on playoff standings. seems like a good idea, even if it means we may have to watch the Carolina Panthers get steamrolled in Kansas City on opening night (hopefully)
  17. With the cash I’ve spent on DTV homeboy better be getting an email
  18. Those yellow pants are gonna reveal some serious swamp butt
  19. I came here to say the same thing. Who the heck judges this? Does an independent judge make the rounds to all 32 teams during the year and judge the proficiency in which they pack for away games? If they forget the kicking tee are they docked 3 points? Spelling a name wrong on the back of the jersey and you’re automatically out?
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