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Everything posted by simpleman

  1. It is 2013. What does it really matter where the half time show is broadcast from? It can be broadcast from anywhere and still reach the over 100 Million fans viewing it on TV. Yes, the 80,000 fans might not see the half time show live, but they are a minuscule portion of those viewing the game. For that matter, the show could be taped live the night before and the NFL could make more money selling tickets to the show. The show could be much longer, much bigger, have multiple performers, and the best parts could even be edited to create a great half time show of just the right length. No logistics problems, no wardrobe malfunctions, just great entertainment. I doubt very few real fans would miss not seeing the live half time show in person, it is after all about FOOTBALL. That’s what you pay exorbitant prices for, to see live FOOTBALL history, and to be able to say you were there. Not to say I saw the half time show live. 100 MILLION ++ > 80,000+-
  2. If his evaluation of Nassib is any indication of his skill at evaluating players that is a very good reason why he "used to be (a) scout".
  3. If Star Lotulelei was there at 8, if you did believe in BPA how could you possibly pass him up?
  4. I definitely agree with this. I would just hope that the talent was great enough that the Bills would be persuaded to not shoot themselves in the foot and take an inferior QB in desperation.
  5. Fascinating. If I was a coach on a pro team I would definitely look into this to see if it had any validity. Testing and training results could be incredible and cost effective if it actually had any reasonable validity
  6. Just love the latest mock from Drafttek. Smith at 8, Williams at 41. WOW! We lucked out last year,but lightening does not strike like that two years in a row. Would be almost impossible, but a nice fantasy anyway. http://www.drafttek.com/2013-NFL-Mock-Draft-Round1.asp
  7. None of us really know where any QB will go, any one player can rise and fall in the draft. Who would have believed Buffalo could have gotten Glen in the 2nd last year? I can't speak for the poster, but he did say he would move back in the first. I assume he would only do it for an extra third. Guess he would only move a couple back back to only get a third for moving back in the 1st. http://www.draftcoun...Value-Chart.php I tried to post the chart but the TBD site does not hold the format. This helps teams make trades of picks to equalize the standard value of each pick. The more desperate a team is the more likely they will deviate from the standard value.
  8. I just don’t see any good gambles at getting a franchise QB in this years draft. Let’s not panic and mortgage our team’s future for a reach and a bad gamble at QB. Try to pick up a vet FA QB as a game manager this year, I just can’t take the trauma of living through another season watching Fitz. At least a new face will lessen the trauma a little, even if we get the same results. Hoping that there is QB in the draft that is a reasonable gamble at becoming a Franchise QB next year. Build the team this year to actually support him when we finally do get him. Do what it takes to get the QB then, if we identify one as a good enough gamble at actually becoming our QB of the future. We have so many needs to fill. At least two WRs, two LBs, DL, OL, TE. Assuming we can resign Byrd and Levitre, we are only truly set at center and RB. Every other position at least needs better quality backups. Hopefully before the draft we can get one or two quality FA to help fill some of our positions of need. Try to trade down into the mid 1st round and get at least another teams first and second round picks. It looks like there will be a lot of very worthy talent available in the 2nd round this year without reaching too much. Using the 1st and two 2nd round picks, get BPA that fits our needs among WR, LB, TE, OL and DL. In the 3rd and 4th, or even trading back into the 3rd if need be, pick up two QBs from among who is still remaining of Manuel, Bray, Nassib, Jones, Glennon and Dysert, if any are still there. They all are gambles, and are long shots to ever be a franchise QB. Take two if possible, and simply roll the dice after filling your greatest other needs with your first three picks and FA. What would your draft strategy be?
  9. I agree with what most posters say. It is still too early to tell, but I do feel that as this point before the combine Smith is the only QB worth taking a gamble on at #8. As most mentioned, there are a lot of decent gambles at QB in the draft, but they are too risky to waste a valuable #8 pick on. Either use the #8 on Smith if he falls to us, use it on the best lb/wr/dl rated by our scouts on the board at that time, or try to trade down, get another 2nd round pick and their 1st. Then pick the best QB available in the late first. I think the 2nd tier talent is exceptional this draft, and wisely using two 2nd round picks and a 3rd could change the whole complexion of the team positively if we got lucky with a QB selected there. I would not mortgage the future on a QB this year in desperation. Maybe next year there might emerge a QB worth that gamble, I don't see that this year. I'd settle for a moderate gamble in the late first , or in the 2nd until then.
  10. To all those saying you can't release Fitz because you will have no QB signed before the season starts. Where exactly is he going? Who is going to sign him before the season starts? Who is going to sign him as a starter? Name the team you think would sign him? Worse possible scenario, he is still out there unemployed and you resign him at close to vet minimum.
  11. Three fallacies I keep hearing over and over again about the NFL Draft 1.) The 2013 Draft is weak in talent. Yes it is generally agreed that the QB position is weak this year with 1st round talent. And some believe that in general the 1st Round OL talent availability is average. But the DL talent level is considered generally strong this year. How you as a team view a draft’s relative strength is how you view the talent available at the positions you identify a need at. 2.) That making trades in draft positions is the exception and is not very common According to the NFL, last year almost 50% of the eligible draft picks were the result of position trades. And that 50% were the trades that were agreed to, there are no figures that I can find on trade offers that were not agreed to. http://www.nfl.com/d...f-all-the-moves Two picks were traded multiple times. The traded picks in the first round alone- 2,3,4,5,6,7,12,14,15,21,25,27,29,31 3.) Our 8th position choice has little trade value, since the talent is so weak this year The saying goes “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. If a team has targeted a particular position or a particular player as someone they think will improve their team, if that player they really want is available at Number 8, an intelligent, professional GM will always at least consider the possibility of trading up for them. It does not matter how much or how little talent there is available at positions a team does not feel they have in need for, it only matters if the talent or the player they have a position of need for is available. What I have a need for is of high relevance to me. I may strategically care about choices another team makes when choosing before me when selecting positions/players I don’t feel a need for. But that is because the domino effect of their choices may affect other team’s choices before me and may ultimately affect my options. Ultimately, I am more concerned with the available choices/players/positions that can fill MY needs.
  12. It depends on the money you have available. He is definitely 1st round talent, so worth a 1st round pick. Many here may not agree, but I think he is the best at his position in the league. It is all about having the money and cap available. We should at least try if we do. May not be possible, but at least give it a shot. There is no disgrace is trying to succeed and failing, the disgrace is in not even trying.
  13. Of course we would do her, but would we actually say that if in order to do her, we first had to spend a whole day listening to her before we got to do her? That is the real question.
  14. I think the needs are fine just the way they are. I would love to pick up the first two rounds the way they are now listed. I still would grab Nassib in the 4th if he was there, just not in the early rounds. I think we need two QB picks to get better odds of getting it right and Nassib in the later rounds would make the coaching staff happy. They could be motivated to show the world he was a good pick. And the competition would be a great thing.
  15. You may be satisfied with making a statement, even if it is a just a Pyrrhic victory. But I want to have a team that actually has a chance to make the playoffs for the first time in a long, long time. I am not willing to just "settle" any longer. It's a given that Dareus has not turned out to be all that we hoped for, but I don't think very many thought it was a bad pick at the time. There have been a lot worse really bad picks to choose from, and Dareus is not one of them.
  16. So very true, and it has been a long time since Bills fans have had much to be entertained about once the actual season has been more than a couple of games old. As entertainment value for the Bills fans, there has been very little positive entertainment value coming from the team in a long time, so we need to do something to entertain ourselves!
  17. I was once all for him in the 1st. After his performance and this issue I still would take him in the 2nd, but would not gamble a first round selection on him. The balance of risk and questions about him now has tipped toward not being a good first round gamble anymore. And that is what most first round selections are, gambles with huge consequences or payoffs.
  18. You should understand this site by now. Everybody immediately drinks the Syracuse koolaide and is all in for the Bills becoming that college team out of Syracuse. The problem is, they have to compete with NFL teams, and not college teams. It looks like another long fruitless year ahead with a college coaching staff (except for DC) in way over their heads. Homerism is us. New Boss, same as the old Boss... Drink up!
  19. My worst nightmare is the Bills being stupid and desperate enough to give up a 1st or 2nd round pick for him instead of waiting for his release and signing him as a free agent. He is an "acceptable" game manager while grooming our future QB, but not worth giving up any of our future for.
  20. I think that if the FO really was serious about using analytics this would be the perfect test for them. At what dollar value is he worth keeping? Above that value let him leave. Below that, keep him.
  21. I wish people would stop saying this. According to the NFL, last year almost 50% of the eligible draft picks were the result of position trades. And that 50% were the trades that were agreed to, there are no figures that I can find on trade offers that were not agreed to. http://www.nfl.com/draft/story/09000d5d828a1a27/article/nfl-draft-trade-tracker-details-of-all-the-moves Two picks were traded multiple times. The traded picks in the first round alone- 2,3,4,5,6,7,12,14,15,21,25,27,29,31
  22. Johnson and Revis. This is assuming we are picking to add to the current Bills lineup, which i guess I shouldn't assume.
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