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White Linen

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Everything posted by White Linen

  1. "See" what? You have no proof to make this statement. Speculation at it's worst.
  2. This isn't about blame. This is about what will make our poor o line look better than it really is, and the things that will do that is good play calling and QB execution. Yes, our offense cannot rely on good line play to work. So what are you suggesting we call a game like Jauron's regime and just continue to watch our QB get killed so we can blame our line? Would that make you feel better?
  3. I am "the writer". Of course I would prefer any every down player over Spiller IN HINDSIGHT. The Bills should have experts like you working for them. "Hey guys I have a list of players we should have drafted, but not in hindsight." You should go to the Eagles, Rams, Bears, Cardinals, and Bengals sites and tell them they should have drafted Kyle Williams before they drafted their 2006 DT's.
  4. I'll address that two ways and both are no to your question. I just don't get the theory of we should have drafted a guy that went 23rd with the 9th pick. You could say that about every pick after yours in every round for every draft pick that doesn't work out. Plus you want us to draft a right tackle with the 9th overall pick? He went where a right tackle should go. Let's get another thing straight, Bulaga isn't that good. And even if he is how would you know, do you watch every Packer game and concentrate on the right side of the offensive line? Lastly, let's wait a bit longer before we judge Spiller. Good Lord he was a rookie last year with two starting RB's already on the team. The line couldn't block for Jackson and Lynch let alone a fledgling rookie trying to learn an NFL offense, learn blocking assignments, and basically learn how to run like an NFL back. People forget that it takes time for guys like Spiller that ran free and could get away with stoping and starting in College because their overwhelming talent allowed them to.
  5. [ I don't think we drafted outside of o lineman because it's easier. I just think our defense was such a sieve that was the priority. It's nearly impossible to fix both lines in one full off season and a shortened one. They did a heck of a job with the defense and the offense line was attempted in free agency but it didn't work out. Nix and Gailey aren't stupid, it's obvious they know the o line is their weakest point. And my point is for this year they are tailoring the attack knowing the line is weak.
  6. ..... excellent QB play and great play calling. This line will look as good as Fitzpatrick plays and Chan's game plan. I think there's more than one way to make an offense work despite having a good offensive line. I for one am optimistic Chan and Fitz can get it done, and I'm not just talking blind faith fandom. I think our offense is set up for quick decisions in the passing game and we have a running back in Fred Jackson that seems to always make the right first decision. Our offensive line isn't good enough for a back like Spiller to succeed, he needs space. Our line isn't good enough for a medium to deep passing game, hence it doesn't fit well for a guy like Evans. We need good route runners, sure handed, tough receivers. The biggest question mark I have for our offense to succeed is our receiving core not the line. Our offense is going to be about quick routes, balanced play calling, gadget stuff (wildcat), and a QB unafraid to throw in tight windows. If we execute properly the line will look a lot better than it actually is.
  7. It's funny we agree on that he could come right in and play. I watched the last game 3 times and watched specifically the o-line the second and third time. I think he's much more ready in the pass game. Obviously you saw something different.
  8. Absolutely not. Significant money going forward will and should be spent on the OL.
  9. We by in large agree then except I believe they will cut Moats and keep an extra D lineman. I can't remember right off how many LB's they kept last year after camp, especially with the injuries, but I don't think they had Kelsay identified as a LB and certainly not Carrington. I think with drafting Dareus and adding another guaranteed spot and Heard playing well it created another keeper with the other obvious Ends and Tackles we will keep. I believe the casualty to keep Heard will be a LB. I like you, need to update my roster. But I think you're going to find out room to keep players is going to be tight. I normally don't find anything Tasker has to say profound, but one thing he said tonight was. He said "Last year I think the Bills had to keep some players they would have rather cut. This year they will have to cut players they would rather keep."
  10. This post is so lacking in real content it's tough to respond. What does this mean? "The guy that played next to him most of the night made no mistakes so then he must have been very very very good." And who are you talking about, can you clarify who "the guy" is? You clearly have reading issues if you got I think White is as good as Freddie out of what I wrote. Read slowly now here it comes. I think he would be the better man to take on the load if Freddie goes down than Spiller. "So defending three times as many passes as he missed" Wow, I think I know what you meant but it was so poorly articulated it's comical. You believe if a corner is thrown on 9 times and 3 of those 9 are played very poorly that's good?
  11. That's a simple statement to make but a difficult one to be so sure on. Do you agree they keep 8-9 LB's? Who goes so Moats makes the team? I have: Davis Merriman Sheppard Barnett Batten Carrington Kelsay and Coleman and Morrison
  12. I took out a pad watched the game after it was played so I could rewind and re-watch the game. I took some notes and thought I'd share what I saw. The Bad Thigpen - I thought he looked awful. Accuracy is a real concern. I know he was getting pressured like crazy, but even when he had time it wasn't good. He made rookie like bad decisions (taking sacks in field goal range, holding onto the ball too long, etc.). We all thought Thigpen would be that safety valve in the event Fitz got hurt. If Thigpen has to play this year, this team will resemble years past where it was tough to imagine us getting two first downs in a row. Hangartner - I think he's getting cut. Got blown up and ran around. Easley - I think he may have gone from questionable hands to possibly very bad hands status. I think he gets cut. Davis - He appears to have very bad concentration issues with catching and overall awareness. Runs lackadaisical routes, then appears suprised the ball is coming vs. expecting it. I think he gets cut as well. Based on my thoughts on Easley and Davis. I think Roosevelt and Aiken make the team. Corner - Awful. I think he got thrown on a lot and I think it exposed that he's a Tampa 2 kind of guy, not a very good cover corner. Wrotto - I think he's clearly the worst O lineman on the team. I can't see where he did anything good. Chris White - Appears lost to me, even beyond the long run where he was called out by Tasker on. He overuns plays and then doesn't have the lateral movement to get back into the play. He takes on the block and engages the offensive blocker, instead of giving himself that extra second to think. The Good: Coleman - If he gets cut I'll be upset. He clearly has huge upside. Seems to always be in the right place. Hairston - I thought he not only held his own but played very very good. I think based on tonights performance he may be the future, and I'm serious. I was pleasantly surprised. He looked like a starter playing with the 2nd and 3rd teamers, having little issue handling his man. Batten - Welcome to our pass rush specialist. When he was drafted we as fans weren't sure what the Bills would do with him. Would he be inside or outside. Take notice Bills fans we have a very talented pass rusher being groomed. I'd be very surprised if he didn't play a fair amount this year. Sheppard - Congrats on showing us why we drafted you in the 3rd round. Along with the others, Sheppard is making me feel very good about our future at LB. Heard - This young man knows how to play the nose. It's like he just understands what his role is and does it. Johnny White - God forbid Fred Jackson gets hurt. But if he does, don't be suprised if Johnny White assumes Jacksons role and Spiller stays as the gadget back. I think White is that good. I would love to see what he would do with the starters. Corto - This may suprise some people, but I think Corto finds a way to make this team. I might even go so far to say Scott would be the sacrificial lamb. My guess on cuts: Moats, Jasper, Scott, Easley, Hangartner, S. Nelson, Torbor.
  13. What the hell is wrong with Nix? He's had one full off season and a shortened off season because of the strike to fix this entire team. That should be plenty of time. Is he sleeping or what? Everyone knows that if your a GM worth a damn, the team you inherit should be a playoff caliber team by the preseason of year two. I totally agree that Nix obviously is asleep at the wheel. I think we should start over and get someone that knows what they are doing in here.
  14. I don't get what you're saying? You're suprised "not to see much positive chatter. Is that allowed", but then you wonder where the haters are. So you haven't seen anything positive said and want to know if the negative people have lost there log in, and you're "just sayin".
  15. Which is it that you want? You don't like Gailey making changes, then you want him to make changes. You're your own problem.
  16. We should have drafted him instead of Dareus and starting Right and Left Tackles. This front office sucks.
  17. You're exactly right. Davis has been great. I think Barnett has looked excellent too, but I'd say Davis has been our best LB in preseason thus far. Morrison is NOT getting the starting position.
  18. Talk about hysterics. Anyone that thinks this team is getting worse has completely lost their mind. Anyone that thinks a FO can rebuild both defensive and offensive lines in 2 off seasons is more nuts than the person that thinks we are getting worse.
  19. I've never acted like that. And I don't know anyone who has.
  20. I missed the original broadcast and friends were texting me saying we looked terrible. I haphazardly watched the game the next day while doing some projects expecting to see something horrific. I didn't. I then watched it again giving it my full attention. I didn't think it was as bad as most fans are making it out to be. I'm going to remain optimistic.
  21. Pittsburgh is one of the finest ran organizations in sports. They develop players like it's going out of style. Dixon can't beat out Leftwich, that's all I need to know.
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