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sir andrew

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Everything posted by sir andrew

  1. Donte gets in before Aaron Williams? wow.
  2. Are they going to the Sabres game tonight??
  3. Might have to call Kenny Carpets. Damn. Now the jingle's in my head.
  4. Whoa! No one can rock the barber shirts like Marrone.
  5. Wow. That's downright terrible. Think I'll go get drunk now.
  6. You know this is a great board when a thread welcoming a new user is a great thread in its own right. F5!!
  7. This x100. Used to look forward to watching whoever played primetime games. Now barely ever watch the full games. Just the Bills and that's it.
  8. You're starting to sound like the guys on 'GR.
  9. When you have a QB that cannot get the ball to his #1 receiver, there's going to be a lot of potential "busts" on WR.
  10. This. Also GB-Det and Pit-Cincy games would probably have more on the line.
  11. Just finished watching the Browns-Indy game. Refs actually let the dbs play. It was probably the most refreshing game Ive watched all year.
  12. Is it bad that I get more excited when brady gets sacked or intercepted than when the Bills score a TD?
  13. Toronto still mad they didn't get the Bills. I call BS.
  14. The Sabres just blew the doors off the Leafs...Championship!
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