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Forward Progress

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Everything posted by Forward Progress

  1. I really want to hear what Jalen Ramsey has to say about this year's draft picks. He provides great insights on young talent in the most eloquent way.
  2. Like many on this board, I appreciate the way Beane runs his team. I'd like to add that I like the way the Pegula's run their team as well. They are present, observing but not interfering with the team. They have hired capable people to run the team, so they enable them to run the team. I will take this style of ownership over a meddling owner, playing with his Billion Dollar toy any day.
  3. It simply isn't prudent to pay a player significantly more than their playing level, based on the hope that a player can play better in the future than they have in past four years. If Lawson is a rare player that can elevate his game significantly between year 4 and 5, then the Bills got this one wrong. If Lawson continues to be who he has been, then they got it right and have an extra $10M available in 2020 to sign a player who is more valuable than Shaq.
  4. This is a good problem to have - this is where comp picks come from.
  5. These CFL highlights of Duke are fun to watch. He tracks and high-points the ball really well. I think Duke beats out Sills to make the team. Duke Williams Highlights
  6. Don't forget about Duke Williams. I know highlight reels don't show the bad plays, but Duke looks like he has developed into an exceptional receiver in the CFL. Check out these catches - he tracks and high-points the ball better than any Bill's receiver in recent memory. If we drafted a guy in this draft with these highlights, would you be excited? I like Duke much, much more than David Sills. Duke Williams Highlights
  7. I heard he hit a baby seal.... with an even cuter baby seal.
  8. I really liked this quote. It's clear that Beane is incredibly thorough in his preparation for the draft. By understanding the most probable actions of the teams ahead, he was able to sit patiently at nine to draft Oliver. From reading another quote from Beane, he had a trade partner in place to trade down if Oliver had come off the board. I think we are lucky to have the GM that we have.
  9. How is no one beating the drum for "Opportunity Knox?"
  10. I am not holding my optimism back. I have started every season with the tongue-in-cheek "this year will be different," but I was really just hoping to see some progress to build upon for future years. This year, I want playoffs and believe we have a playoff caliber team with playoff caliber coaching.
  11. I think the comp picks were intended to help teams that struggled to resign their own free agents. Instead it has benefited the teams that are overflowing with talent who don't have space for all of the their free agents. I would call for a rule change, but I think Beane and his staff will get us to a place in a few years where we can't find room for all of our talented players and we begin to benefit from this system.
  12. More QB's taken ahead of our pick is great news. My biggest fear with Snyder taking the reigns is that it is the Jets who walk away with a bounty of picks from the 'Skins.
  13. We are not a few impactful rookies away from dethroning the Pats*. I wish it was that close. We need the offense, lead by Josh Allen playing like Mahomes did last year, to take the league by storm, while our Defense is as solid as it was a year ago (meaning someone needs to fill Kyle William's shoes).
  14. Words to live by... I feel more inspired than I ever have.
  15. He can't afford the internet anymore. It was either that or food.
  16. Work won't get between me and a Bills game. I have only three reasonable options - vacation, sick day, quit. That sums it up.
  17. I'm not as excited for a Thanksgiving Thursday game. It's not a holiday for me in Canada. I may need to save a vacation day for that day if it comes true.
  18. If you go by Buscaglia's chart, the only options are the Bengals or Ravens.
  19. You're getting married in the middle of football season?!? You do realize that your anniversary will fall into the middle of football season every year from now until death do you part.
  20. How can it be the year 2019 and a universally accepted sarcasm font is not yet a reality?!?
  21. You mean, like this guy.... Fan Reaction Maybe it's time to trust that Beane's team is better at scouting than we are.
  22. That was definitely worth watching. I think I will watch more of Chris Simms' videos. I am getting excited for this draft.
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