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Everything posted by Perk71

  1. Guess they will be going for two after every score if he can't go
  2. I like how Hyde refers to him as Nate Favre... let's hope he is half as good.
  3. True, but for me, imho, Taylor wasn't getting them there. Its just one opinion though (mine), but that's what I like about this forum, everyone has their own opinion and I respect that. I've said it in the past, if everyone was the same in this world, life would be downright boring... lol Go Bills!!
  4. If he isn't the answer at least they'll know going into the off season.
  5. Been a long 30 years for me...lol I just want them to be good again, like we all do.
  6. I just want them to win. These last 30 years have been wearing on me... lol
  7. I just want them to win and I don't care who the QB is! Just win! If they keep losing, then try the kid out. Simple...
  8. I meant categories drop down and it will show 40 emoticons
  9. It's still there. Just click on the 40 emoji spot
  10. I'm not a moron... how long you been a fan?I'm born and raised in So Cal and been a fan that long. Trust me, it's been tough...lol
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