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Everything posted by Perk71

  1. Good signing. Keep up the good work OBD!
  2. Who do you want the Bills to get (Great QB), since you say he isn't great? Just curious.
  3. So now that Jimmy is signed, can the three team trade go through now, or do they have to wait until Kirk is signed too?
  4. Because there wasn't a guarantee that Kirk would be available...
  5. Hadn't thought about this before. If they draft a QB, this could possibly happen. I'm sure they have Plan A-E.
  6. In Temecula wine tasting. Cheers! I'm in Temecula at the winery. Cheers Mead!
  7. History of being critical to a lot of posts...
  8. I'm gonna go with an unknown OC as the pick for the Bills. This is all just a guess...
  9. I know I don't have to click on or read any thread, but why do people insist on creating thread after thread of the same chit (topic).
  10. Can't sleep! I'm up already here in So Cal. Go Bills!
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