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Everything posted by Perk71

  1. They will make the playoffs. No concern whatsoever... Go Bills!!
  2. I fly to Vegas on Wednesday. I'm going to take them straight up like I did against the Vikings last year! Go Bills!!
  3. How can this be? He hasn't thrown for over 300 yards yet!! I kid, I kid... Haha Great job JA! Go Bills!!
  4. 10 games into his rookie year...smh Go Bills!
  5. Allen throws for 322 yards and has 4 total touchdowns. Go Bills!
  6. Right? I just told my uncle someone would put something like this on here. What do you know... Lol Now what?! LMAO...
  7. I'll be in Vegas with a good buddy of mine and he is a huge Cowboys fan. It will be a great Thanksgiving Day! Go Bills!
  8. My opinion is I think the Buffalo Bills are a good football team. Go Bills!
  9. If its a trade for a Mike Evans, yes it would. I know that has like a 1% chance of happening tho...lol I agree with you about drafting and FA, just hope they get stars in FA to get them over the hump. Go Bills!
  10. Lol...soo true Even if there was a trade, there would be many of people on here complaining about it (gave up to much, too old, etc...) Go Bills!
  11. I'm calling a big trade for Bills today. Just a hunch... Go Bills!
  12. Bills would be 5th seed if season ended this week. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/27943032/way-too-early-2019-nfl-playoff-picture-afc-nfc-standings-week-8%3fplatform=amp Go Bills!
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