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Everything posted by BuffaloWest

  1. Fred Jackson is the best offensive player the Bills have had in years. ALL heart. He is the equivalent of Kyle Williams on Defense. All those guys do is work hard all the time. Guys like Jackson need to be rewarded, not made to feel unwanted.Oddly the Bills give a sub par lineback like Chris Kelsey a huge contract extension that he is undeserving of but a workhorse like Jackson is kept in the dark. Brilliant. Maybe they can trade him for another 4th rounder. The Patriots would LOVE to have Jackson. This organization sucks. Period.
  2. He was the team leader in San Diego too. Drew Brees even ripped him off with his pre-game chants that you began to see a couple of year sago when Saints were getting pub. That was Merrimen's thing. I was happy to see the Bills land him for that reason alone-leadership, even if he couldn't perform-he can lead! Also Merrimen has star power, last star we had was T.O.-always a good thing to have some guys who get national attention and encourage other players to consider the Bills. Wish him well this season.
  3. Levy has lost a ton of credibilty with his drafts and hiring of Jauron. As a coach he was pretty good I guess, but with that roster nobody could have lost. I love the guy either way, but what a debacle his tenure was. Clements was a bust IN SF so will Whitner. Harbaugh is a doosh by the way. Thank god Shanahan and Harbaugh didnt come here. Players clearly hate those guys.
  4. If this guy couldnt do anything with Rivers throwing him the ball he'll never do anything in BFLO. He SUCKS, always has.
  5. \ It is ridiculous...How the F do Jacksonville, Denver and St Louis (2 games too) get on there...and Tampa? Even though Buffalo may have been subpar for a long time, The Bills fan base is WAY bigger than these teams and would draw an audience... NOBODY cares about Jacksonville and Tampa including people in those towns-The cant sell out. Not saying we deserve a game, but we did finish above Denver. Detroit should have gotten a sniff too. They might be pretty good on the D side. A Detroit/ Green Bay game would have been a good match up.
  6. Sullivan is a doosh, a hack, a never will be who is resentful he never got a job at a big paper like The Boston Globe. His articles only elicite a response based upon the negative things he puts out there which are based upon speculation, not fact. He isnt a Bills fan at all, nor Sabres. He is no better than an internet blogger spewing crap. He doesnt know anything at One Bills Drive, because no one there will talk with him or offer him any insight. Why? Because he is a hack, and they dont like him. He has to make stuff up. He stuff doesnt include "facts"...They are just fluff pieces that are built to get people buzzing. It works to an extent...His lame article was cited on ProFootball Talk...But then again-Florio is just some F@ck-ing lawywer from West Virginia who started a website (and parlayed it into a big time thing for god knows what reason).... The only thing Sullivan has is a press pass and a computer-no insight and a bad attitude. WGR and The Buffalo News are soo bad....
  7. He is a whiny little doosh. He is like the pencil necked geek who worshipped athletes in school but could never make a team. Hey CowTurd...Didnt Green Bay just win the SuperBowl last year? They are such a huge market... Cleveland is a horrible team...Who even plays on that team....Miami? Horrible patchwork of has beens and never will be's. Cinci is going to blow, so will Washington, Denver and Carolina There are some really bad team out there...The Bils have elevated themselves to somehwere in the middle, not good, but not in with the really bad either....8-8 with a couple of encouraging wins.
  8. The Bills lost an entire generation of potential fans by their ineptitude over a decade plus. If you were living in Rochester lets say and at age 8 took interest in NFL ball and it was 2000. Now your 19 years old..why would you like the Bills over Pats, or Steelers or Giants or Jets? They gave you nothing to be excited about-At all.... My bother has 2 boys who are 12 and they could care less about The Bills and live in OP..... There is still hope to convert them into fans as they dont have a team. Damnit it was exciting to be there from 87-99....
  9. Yep it's horrible programming. I dont know what the AM drive show sounds like as it is on too early out west , but they are syndicated from Colin Cowherd thru Rome, so what 9a-3p...so they only need local content from 6a-9a, and 3p -7p...Im in San Diego and XX Sports 1090 is live and local from 6a-10p every day, and it is a superior station on every possible level. Two sport town like Buffalo with a crappy baseball team-They still make it interesting. Schopp and Bulldog wouldnt even get a Sunday 10p-12 Mid slot out here. They are without talent...They dont pull them because the ratings are probably pretty good and they work for cheap....My suggestion is stream other stations and see what real sports talk sounds like.... You may want to drop this guy an e-mail and tell him what you think of the content, he is the Program Director for WGR 550AM Tim Wenger,again it wont probably matter because the show gets decent ratings Im assuming since it is Buffalo and we want sports talk (plus those guys are probably cheap since they suck so badly...)He isnt the General Manager who probably has the most pull over there, but if enough people complain-who knows...End of the day it comes down to ratings and ad dollars even if these guys suck as bad as they do... twenger@entercom.com
  10. How on earth are The Bengals ahead of us? They are the biggest mess in the league. Same with Washington.... Meanwhile Patriots keeping picking up the two teams best players... Thanks for making The Pats better you stupid pricks-good thinking!
  11. Yeah because so many interceptions are made when the guy is in the wrong place at the wrong time. Are insinuating he was lucky? Being in the right place is what makes a secondary player succesful-called instincts....
  12. BS-The guy sucked. He's wasnt the 2nd best player on defense either...after Williams every single one of our secondary players was better than him. Jacksonville can have him and Trent Edwards-They got snookered and overpaid....Losers-all of them -Jacksonville-Pud and Edwards. Bills will pick up a LB in free agency. There a bunch of them out there -all better than Pud-lose-knee. Correct-Poz is HIGHLY replaceable. When we signed Dockery and Walker and overpaid for them , we were all excited even though we had no idea who they were, we just assumed they must be good if we signed them right? Well jacksonville fans right now probably assume that Poz-Lose-Knee is some great signing...Wait til they see how average he is. Jacksonville is going nowhere fast....
  13. How the hell is Takeo Spikes still playing? That may be a good thing for us... San Diego has some decent LB's that are free agents... Maybe we can pick up more of the scraps and build a time machine to 2006 and have a good corp with Merrimen
  14. Exactly. If I were him Id take less to stay in Atlanta. They might be close to a championship...
  15. * Right Tackle * Tight End .....Both Protect The QB and help us run the ball. Sign Poz Dump Whitner Sign Weddle from SD to replace Whitner We need an impact Linebacker Back Up QB....Take a shot on Vince Young? He may still have something....
  16. Yes it does matter. People want to be remembered for the good things they did while they were alive, or the positive impact they made. If Ralph left Buffalo out to dry after he passes , he knows damn well his name would be forever sullied, his family would be hated, his likeness would probably also be burned in effigy for about 100 years...On the other hand if he has a plan to keep them in WNY when he does pass an dthey stay indefinetely , there will be a bronze statue erected in his honor and he will be remembered with admiration for decades. He cares what happens as much as we all do. If he could announce a plan - maybe he would, but there is a ton of posturing and bluffing going on to swing things in his favor (negotiation wise). Bills are staying in WNY....
  17. The Marlins have always drafted very well. They had excellent young players mixed in with some crafty veterans who clicked at the right time when they won the World Series...Then they traded their best players away... It still kills me that cities like Tampa have championships: a Stanley Cup and Lombardi Trophy...Same with Carolina, Anaheim, and Arizona-World Series and cups...ugh.
  18. Mularkey was the biggest turd we have ever hired. What the hell were they thinking? The guy was such a turd he actually quit as head coach-Yes Levy and Wilson were totally clueless at that point, and it may have been rock bottom at One Bills Drive, but who quits a head coaching NFL Gig, and then tells the world he was quitting because his kids were being bullied about the team's performance at school. What a pus-say! Him and his kids.
  19. The Bills should do what they did in Kansas City and in Green Bay. Remodel. I hear that Arrowhead is amazing, same with Lambeau. The stadium bowl design in BFLO is one of the better Ive been to-great sight lines, no obstructed views, not too steep, etc...and it is large. They need to enclose the entire concourse and polish that up with restaurants, bars, kid zones, Bils HOF , gift shop , interactive zones and LED Tvs throughout..Could be really nice....and what would the cost be? A few hundred million I would imagine, but it beats a billion and would give them another solid 20 years there if not longer.
  20. If you have ever listened to local sports talk in other markets (Not Fox or ESPN-They are nationally syndicated and are not very good), but take Philly, Chicago , Boston's WEEI, and even XX Sports 1090 AM in San Diego - a mid market station, and it absolutely just blows away WGR. WGR sounds like a station you'd get in Nebraska or Delaware, or a college station. Now Im honestly only referring to Schopp and Bulldog. Those guys are bush league all the way-...maybe the am drive show is good on WGR-Never heard it, but the station has some strengths from when I've listened but has a ton of room for improvement-Put that on the Programming Director...However if the ratings are good, which I assume they are, they wont change a thing. It is sad because Buffalo deserves a better option, but with that many sports hungry fans, people are going to listen to WGR -good or bad...
  21. I still like the guy. I will be really sad when he passes. He is the one constant in the Bills organization for 50+ years. I'd love to meet him (and tell him he better keep the Bills in WNY after he passes or he may end up burned in effigy as the most hated person in Buffalo History ) But I like him.
  22. Agree...Lookit, if Pittsburg or Green Bay had run things like the Bills for the past 12 years, they would be criticized or irrelelvent too (Even with multiple championships). The Bills may be on the right track, but at the very least-on a better track. Pitt and Green Bay show that you can build from within if you draft properly and have the right personnel. We have had some of the very best come through BFLO, but Wilson blew it and the guys went on to win elsewhere. You have to learn from past mistakes-Wilson has made too many mistakes to count, and if The NFL wasnt a bulletproof business, and Buffalo wasnt unbelievably loyal, The Bills would have been out of business years ago. Flutie was a winner...We'll never know if he had enough to go all the way with The Bills because he got boned and pulled before the Music City Miracle game-so bad comparison...Since that day-Karma has been a real B word. Wilson should retire his number o something to exercise that one..Another guy like Drury, Flutie-David Eckstein with St Louis and Anaheim-Small undersized, scrappy player who won MVP of the World Series a few year ago-Winner and leader (By example)
  23. Who knows what he has left in the tank. NY wasnt a good fit for him-It didnt work out. If he panned the Sabres owners/management when he left -Good for him. Those guys completely mismanaged the entire Briere/Drury situation. Both players were team guys. Sabres could have gotten the deals done for both guys if they had been proactive, but Quinn and company were such arrogonat a-holes they didnt get anything done-and waited and waited for free agency to come. Clearly NY and Philly (amongst other teams)saw the value in these guys. After that debacle-NO player wanted to come to Buffalo and play for those clowns...AND-To make matters worse-The Sabres were forced to sign Vanek to a 7 year deal for $7 million a year because they were so arrogant and short sighted that they didnt address that situation earlier either-Those morans had a lot of nerve. They were horrible managers. The only reason the team was as good as they were was dumb luck by landing Briere and Drury-Not that they were some "Post Lockout Geniuses" with some great foresight. That success was pure luck-nothing else and it went away pretty damn fast after Briere, Campbell and Drury split. Thank god Quinn and company are gone. Now Quinnn can spend time trying to lure Bass Pro back into his hugely succesful Canalside project. Thank god for Pegula!
  24. Terry Pegula seems to be a godsend for The Sabres, not that the team was in big time jeopardy of leaving or anything but his purchase secures their future in Buffalo and puts to rest any conversation of them ever leaving... More importantly- He is committed to building a winner and spending what it takes. It would be great if he bought the Bills obviously and instituted the same philosophy. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Free agency in The NHL begins on Friday. The Sabres look to be players, maybe big players. My question is: Does Wilson concern himself with another guy coming into his market and setting a precedent of winning at any cost and follow suite? Wilson is aware of The Sabres importance in the market and their winning ways of late. I heard Tom Donahoe acknowledge this point in an interview on San Diego Radio about 4 years ago.... What does Wilson have to lose by going all in for once? You have to think he wants a championship. I think Pegula's Sabres create some competetition in the market for discretionary/recreational dollars from fans. If you have to choose between Sabres and Bills season tickets at the same cost which do you choose? The Sabres look to be pretty good. The Bills could do some damage in free agency when it begins-but will they? Finally-I hope the Sabres bring back Chris Drury. His numbers have tapered off but the guy is a PURE WINNER. That is a rare thing to find- a player who leads by example and inspires play around him. I loved him as a Sabre. He should be the captain...
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