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Everything posted by BuffaloWest

  1. New England Or NY Jets. The Jets have to see how well Stevie did against Revis this season. They love flashy, me first type guys too, and they will pay him. Burris was on a one year deal. he'll probably be back, but Holmes may not be. He is a total doosh, so they may say adios. Patriots too. Welker and Branch are free agents. Both probably come back, but Ochocinco is gone. Stevie may take less to play with Pats and a real QB and coach, plus you know he'd love to stick it to Chan. From indication...he is not coming back which is too bad. When you don't hear guys like Gailey say "We want him back" that isnt a good sign.
  2. Imagine if The Bills bring back Edwards as Defensive coordinator, don't give Fred the raise he was promised (and he holds out), they let Stevie walk and bring in no significant free agents. Brandon is a doosh, we all know that but he has marketed the team well, but even PT Barnum couldnt sell tickets to that trainwreck. The Bills must make a splash and not just cosmetic ones like T.O.
  3. Congratulations on a solid second season as a starter and back to back 1,000 yard seasons. You are a talented receiver-the best we have and your enthusiasm for your city , fans and teams is endearing. The t-shirt thing was unwise. You hurt your team. In life, when you disobey your boss, or parents, there are consequences. You left Chan with no choice. I hope you and The Bills make amends and strike a deal to stay put. There are glimmers of hope that this team could succeed.Hell Cinci and Denver are in the playoffs...could have been The Bills. But it isnt the Bills....It is never The Bills, and as much as I want you to stay, If I were you I'd get the hell out of town and take less money to play for a team with a real QB (Fitz sucks), a real coach (Gailey isnt a winner), an owner who is committed to winning (Wilson isnt). Read the signs bro. After the Pitt drop, NY Jets debacle and today, you are a drop away from being the next Scott Norwood in the minds of Bills fans. Go play as a number two receiver and take a bit less. Good luck. You seem like a good guy...oh and "Happy New Year" to you too!
  4. Going 10-22 over two seasons is grounds for dismissal. Losing 9 of your last ten games in your second season after starting out 5-2 is grounds for dismissal. Losing 49-21 to your most hated rival after leading by 21 points is grounds for dismissal. Running a ridicuosly predictable spread passing attack without the proper personnel when you have a very solid running attack is retarded! I honestly just don't think this guy is a winner, and I dont think he can get us to the promised land even with better personnel. Chan seems best suited as a QB coach, maybe -MAYBE offensive coordinator, but he's not head coaching material. BUT...I think he deserves one more year, not because he has shown anything, but because it would be detrimental to start over again after two seasons. Thoughts?
  5. I agree. Marty could have been had, and he has clearly shown results. Gailey might be a good coordinator. He isnt a good head coach. Damnit he is old...I believe he says he is like 58 right? Dont believe it. Didnt Levy admit that he had lied about his age when he was hired by Buffalo? Gaily has to be about 68. Have you watched him run into the tunnel at halftime? Ralph Wilson is more spry than Gaily!
  6. I say no, but only because it would be unwise to disrupt what is supposed to be an admittedly 3 year rebuilding project (according to Nix). The Bills need stability and another re-do would be devastating at this point. I dont think he gets fired, but if you look at his record, he probably deserves to be fired. If this was Bills circa 1990-2000, he would have already been fired mid-season Assuming he loses out, and goes on an unimaginable 9 game losing streak he will be: 9 Wins 23 Losses-That is AWFUL! Tony Sparano got fired for a record of:29-32 Todd Haley Got Fired for a record of: 19-27, bad, but that is after being even more devastated by injuries than Buffalo and he got the Chiefs to the top of The NFC West last season and into the playoffs I don't think Gailey is much of a head coach (maybe a good QB coach or Offensive Coordinator). I belive he needs a very strong supporting cast of assistant coaches in order to succeed. Let's hope they get him some help this offseason, or a year from now we'll be chatting about what coaches are available. I still think he is better than Jauron.
  7. EXACTLY! No one really presses The Bills organization to do anything, or answer any questions. They rarely grant tv, radio or print interviews of any significance. The one guy who seems to call them out is Jerry Sullivan. Like him or hate him, they guy calls it as he sees it...When they were succeeding , he gave them their due, now that they suck, he is calling them out again...One of his articles appeared in The San Diego Union Tribune yesterday in fact-it was rather scathing. The organization should be called out regularly-It is an embarrassment how poorly they have been run for the last 12 + years...any other business run this way would have been shuttered 6 years ago...Luckily for Ralph the NFL is bulletproof. I love Ralph, but come on man-sell the damn team to someone who can keep them in BFLO and carry the torch into the future. This isnt working anymore-clearly.
  8. I was pretty blown away by the HUGE representation Bills fans from Buffalo to California brought out yesterday at Qualcomm Stadium. There were Bills fans EVERYWHERE in San Diego from the city to the beach to parking lot tailgate at Qualcomm. Everyone was cool and well behaved from what I saw too. The tailgate that is usually so-so in San Diego was taken up a notch with Buffalo fans occupying at least 40% of the crowd. Yes-A team that has been run into the ground over and over again for not one year, or five years but twelve looooong years and counting had made up 40% of the fans at the game. Most fan bases would have checked out 10 years ago...But not loyal Bills fans. You deserve better than this. You deserve a winner for your support. The game SUCKED-but hopefully you had fun in San Diego...Good thing the game was on Sunday too-It is 47' and cold rain here today!
  9. Totally agree. At least haley won the divison last year in AFC West. He was depleted by injuries this year and that wasnt used as an excuse-they still fired his ass. Apparently he is a real doosh , but it shows that KC wont accept anything other than winning. Gailey will be 10-22 when season ends...That is unacceptable. He gets one more year but must get a new DC -one who could become our full time HC if Gaily fails to make playoffs in 2012.
  10. It was the beginning of the end when The Bills lost to Jacksonville in first round of playoffs-1996 I believe. Kelly got killed all day that day as our O-Line was horrible and had not been given the attention it needed for several years. John Fina picked at #1 was the first step in the demise of our o line-he was horrible, and Kelly retired after that day marking a 15 year search for a QB-which we still have not found. The O Line was never fixed since that day and Todd Collins began the long line of losers we stuck in at QB for the next 15 years.
  11. I would say that the Bills fans were closer to 30-40% of the crowd yesterday. The Bills fans handle themselves with class in the lot and in the stadium It was a great tailgate. The game was an utter embarrassment. Probably worse that the last time we were here and lost 48-10 because that Chargers team was Really Good. This Chargers edition isnt even close. You people deserve better than this. The support the Bills receive from coast to coast is unreal especially when you consider how god awful the product has been for 12 years. One of the days the worm will turn in our favor. It has to- doesnt it?
  12. Kirk Morrisson on with Darren Smith yesterday. Nothing shocking here one way or another, pretty much straight forward but worth a listen.... http://wpc.31d2.edgecastcdn.net/8031D2/xxsportsl/common/global_audio/40/43344.mp3
  13. Agree...It is stupid. Show a commitment to being a pro and to your business-and your business is that of being essentially the CEO of the Buffalo Bills Football team. As the leader , you need to be professional and go about your business in that same manner. It is not cool, not funny, it doesnt give you superhuman powers like Sampson's mythical hair-in fact you have lost 5 games in a row...it looks stupid-Time to turn the page. If anything it is a bad omen at this point. A lot of organizations (Like the Yankees ) would NEVER let him look this stupid, and lastly , how you gonna scam on all this fine SoCal Puz- Say in San Diego when you look like an axe murderer? Seriously though Lose that she-ot like, right away. Buddy -Will you please talk to this freakin doosh! Uhhh no. The beard is not normal. If you saw someone in your neighborhood or at the store who looked like that you would think to yourself...That guy aint normal.... This isnt some nicely groomed beard. This is unkept, weird, axe murder, rats live in that mutha Phukin thing~ nasty! Plain and simple it is retarded and these guys need to focus on football...NOT..."haha look at Fitz beard-It is so funny becuase it is out of control!" Brady Chopped off all of (girly) long hair the day after he lost to the Bills-Why? To show he was all about football, and not being some pretty boy little girl who cares about his hair . That was a good move and I respected it.
  14. The Bills are losers. You are what your record says you are. Next year is the year we will see if they are turning the corner. If they dont make progress, they need to star over again. Ralph Wilson doesnt care if the team wins or loses anymore. He is squeezing every penny he can out of it and not putting any back into it. No team has more bad fortune than Buffalo with the exception of maybe Cleveland (and maybe Detroit if they dont make playoffs this year-which they probably wont...) It is dumbfounding and unexplicable how things go for this team year after year after year....
  15. Steer Clear of Chippewa..It was fun at one time, but the ghetto crowd moved in and it is no bueno now.... I always liked Colter Bay, Mothers and Gabriels Gate in Allentown. Coles and Blue Monk are good safe bets for food/drinks on Elmwood. You have a lot of choices!
  16. Phillips is in Houston and the D is on fire. The guy is a great Defensive coach, no question about it- 3-4 is his specialty. Our Defense is a mess because of lack of pass rush primarily-We need LB's and we need DE's...If we get some, our defense is pretty good...Good secondary and great DT with Williams and Dareus. We may not be that far off, but we need some free agents of significance signed this offseason. Turner, like Wade Phillips is a proven coordinator-lousy head coach. Jauron was never good at anything other than sucking.
  17. Norv Turner is really on the hot seat in San Diego. I would not be surprised if he doesnt make it through the season without being fired. The fanbase is up in arms and wants this guy gone! They also hate AJ Smith, so I assume he will be out-Widely perceived as a dick. This is similar to the Dick Jauron situation in Buffalo a few years ago. Like Jauron, Turner makes bad game time decisions and shows no fight, spirit or fire. It drives fans nuts. Turner has had some success , especially as a coordinator. Jauron has NEVER had success of any significance. The situation in San Diego is actually worse than Buffalo as Turner took over a 14-2 team and never did anything with the team. Also San Diego has a bonafide franchise QB-Buffalo did not.Anyways.... Here is my question: How would you feel about bringing in Norv Turner next year (assuming he is fired) and have him run the offense with Gailey as a QB Coach or OC or something-He is a good coordinator-just a bad HC, and then have Wannstadt running the defense? It would reunite the two Dallas coordinators who beat us in the superbowl....
  18. Agree we need to get all the young guys in there to see what they have going into next year because we are finished for this season. Regarding signing Fitz...We are unbelievably unlucky. We HAD to sign the guy when we did. He was a top rated passer in the league the first 4-5 weeks. He looked like he was legit. If his numbers stayed at that level or increased we were in big trouble...His asking price would have gone up, or he could have hit free agency and signed elsewhere..We had no choice but to sign him or risk losing a top passer...Now we know again that we are a cursed organization becuase we got bamboozled. This is different than the stupid Jauron signing, becuase he wasnt going anywhere but we felt compelled to sign him long term after a 5-2 start. That was stupid. We have no luck. Even when we belive we are improving we get smacked inthe face and realize we have not improved one iota in 10 long years..Damnit we are due for some good luck.
  19. Point is they didnt beat us so much as we beat ourselves with mistakes (of course they forced many of these). Anyways-We gave them the game mor ethan they beat us down to earn that many points.
  20. If you ONLY look at the stats from the game vs. Miami, it was ALMOST not a blow out and should have been closer. We had simliar numbers to them. We even had more yards. Their number #1 wideout had 5 yards which tells you it wasnt ALL the defense fault. Have a look, we lost on turnover and inability to convert on third down BILLS DOLPHINS First Downs 14 16 Total Yards 245 242 Turnovers 2 0 Time of Possession 28:54 31:06 Net Yards Rushing 41 95 Rushes 19 35 Average Per Rush 2.2 2.7 Net Yards Passing 204 147 Here is where the game was lost: Third Down Efficiency 0-12 5-12 Interceptions 2 0 Fumbles 4 0 Blocked Punt 1 0
  21. Stevie Johnson's stock continues to drop. He has fallen behind second and third receivers in the league. He is currently ranked at #33-NO BUENO. Yes the team sucks, line, QB etc, but there are players on worse teams that rank higher. Dont sign this guy as a #1-He isnt worth $9-$10 million a year, maybe $6 Million... I like him-he just isnt a top tier guy. Great #2 though. http://espn.go.com/nfl/statistics/player/_/stat/receiving/sort/receivingYards/year/2011/seasontype/2 Fred is still solid as #3 running back in league-PAY THIS GUY....Not Johnson. ALSO-Why on earth didnt the Bills sign Gronkowski-The guy is a beast, hometown kid-He would have been the face of the franchise...but we take Torrel Troup-someone nobody ever even heard of. He's a bust after one and a half season. Nice going Nix!
  22. Fitzpatrick needs to shave that mangy, stupid looking , gimmicky beard. Show a commitment to a complete focus on football and not being the guy with the stupid beard. I can see hockey players growing them during a playoff run, but Fitz's beard does give him superhuman powers like Samson's hair did. Brady chopped his long hair off right after the Pat's loss to The Bills. It showed that he was more commiteed to football than growing out his hair to "look cool". Shave your beard Fitz. You look like a total f'in choad! Focus on your job, because right now you and the team you lead are an utter discgrace.
  23. I had a nice Lee Evans White Throwback, I had "Evans" removed by my drycleaner, and figured it could double as an Andre Reed Jersey... So what happens next? I run into Andre Reed at the PB Ale House /San Diego Bills bar when Im wearing it during the Redskins game and I had him sign it...Now it is REALLY an Andre Reed #83 jersey. Andre is a Kool Muther FUKR!
  24. The Bills would be wise to resign Stevie...he is good, but not great. His numbers don't indicate that he is a #1 reciever. The BIlls should NOT pay him as a top receiver , definetly not top 10 money.Pay him what he is-the #25 receiver in the league. Each week he is losing leverage on a new deal. He is a solid #2, who would excel with a top threat dominant WR at #1..... The Bills SHOULD go after Vincent Jackson who is a dominant reciever having a bad season on a bad San Diego team.He is still top 10 even on a down year... VJ wants out of San Diego, and the Chargers have an emerging rookie in Vincent Brown. Buddy should be able to get this one done!
  25. We are still alive but if we lose, it is over for sure. It will raise bigger questions too. Miami does have some talent, but this is on Gailey and Fitz to win. They need a new approach, and I hope we see some new things here. No reason why we shouldnt use Brad Smith and especially CJ Spiller in a different capacity. Throw in some new looks becuase the old ones have been figured out (on both sides of the ball). Why dont we use Spiller like New Orleans uses Darren Spoles? He absolutely MUST be utilized. We will see what this team is really made of on Sunday....
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