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Everything posted by BuffaloWest

  1. http://espn.go.com/espn/page2/story/_/id/7238430/page-2-rebrands-nfl-logos-better-reflect-field-performance
  2. I heard from a big shot ad agency in Southern Cal on Monday of this week that they have it on good authority that the San Diego Chargers are moving to LA after this season (Which they can as the lease is up on Qualcomm). The people he allegedly learned this from are already positioning marketing opportunities with the new LA Chargers....Who knows? I hope not . It should be Jacksonville first, then Oakland , then St Louis. San Diego, with 50 years of NFL heritage and being a super nice city should have an NFL team....We shall see.
  3. San Diego's O Line SUCKS! Turner is a lousy coach. AJ Smith let great players walk: Sproles, Tomlinson, Michael Turner and so on... Gates is injured and old. Vincent Jackson is indifferent and hates AJ. The team needs an overhaul. River is not the problem, and he is not an arrogant guy despite what he appears to be-he is actually a really good guy. I like Mike Tolbert
  4. Cowherd is relatively entertaining from time to time, arrogant and annoying much of the other. Someone said he loves the Cowboys-He does...He has them in his top ten every week-even at 3-4 last week. The Cowboys are 4-4. The Bills are 5-3. Do the math. Right now we are the better team. This will be another very close game. Bills win in end. Romo is a total clown. We still owe Dallas an Ass-Whooping from that MNF debacle a few years back. The revenge tour continues!
  5. Buckner didnt really choke away the championship...No one ever remembers that was game 6 , not 7...Boston hadnt another chance to win the WS that year and didnt. It wasnt all on Buckner. The kick was all on Norwood. Norwood Choked. The Bills scored almost every time they had the ball that day. The misseed tackle on Bavaro on third and long was the turning point where NY went up... but that was a make-able kick...the distance was there, he just shanked it.
  6. Bills are on in most markets (The other games suck early Sunday). 4th time this season in San Diego! We are picking up fans every time we are on. Come on Bills make us proud out here! Bonus Sabres are on TV on VS tonight-Life is good! http://www.the506.com/nflmaps/2011/wk9.html
  7. Clayton still has a job because he is outrageoulsy handsome and pulls more PuzzA than you ever will! (Flacco is average, I had him on my fantasy team, and he did little to nothing-BUT he did go to Delaware- Go Fightin' Blue Hens!!!)
  8. Niagara Falls NY is a dump. I was just there to see the Falls. I parked in the Rainbow Mall, or whatever, parking lot. That was after driving past shuttered old hotels and homes and industrial mills belching filth into the sky (Looked Like Oakland). If you have never been to Tijuana or a third world country...Go to Niagara Falls NY and it will give you a good feel for it....It is very unfortunate since it COULD and SHOULD be amazing-Now- with that being said, once you pass/clear all of the grossness-The natural beauty of the actual Falls and surrounding park will make you realize why you made the trip. I wouldnt build a stadium up there until the city of Niagara Falls can make a major U Turn . It is Ghetto and run down and not the right place right now...Orchard Park is an AMAZING place...not just for tailgating either (although it is like a college alumni homecoming party every weekend!)...Orchard Park has a great village, Green Lake, Chesnut Ridge, etc...It is just so much more pleasant than anywhere else. Keep it as is and fix it up!
  9. BS...Edwards was better than JP, and he won more games than JP in his time as a starter. Edwards stared out decent and got worse and worse. Blame that on Jauron, his O Line and whoever the OC was who suggested going No Huddle...Worst era in Bills history was Losman/Edwards.
  10. You are all referring to Todd Collinsworth. Although most people dont remember-He was The Heir apparent to Jim Kelly and palyed QB for Buffalo a bunch of years ago. I thought he was bagging groceries at Wegmans, but it turns out he was still playing ball for Chicago somehow last season. He still sucked. Anyways-Yes he's back in Buffalo now and he is running for Mayor or County something or another-we shoud all support him.
  11. I remember seeing this a few years ago ,and I like the conceptual design, especially by adding brick to make it have a solid, retro look. They did that with Camden Yards and PETCO Park and it has the nostalgia of old time sports. However I doubt they move the field house next to the stadium. That would exceed the amount of money they are talking about spending and I believe they are happy with that where it is. How much did Green Bay spend on their overhaul? I know KC spent about $300 million. Why not go all in and really make it nice?
  12. John Fina SUCKED...Total turnstile. Kelly retired because the guy sucked so badly. Bad choice. Not to mention~ I met the fat drunk at a bar in Scottsdale and he was a puddle and told me he thought the town/city of Buffalo sucked, and was a dump and that was why he was living in Arizona...You never heard Kent Hull say that. Fina was a big time doosh
  13. It is customary to take swipes at Buffalo. This guy has probably never been there.He's just going by stereotypes. I can tell you that I was visiting BFLO from San Diego last weekend at it was EPIC back there...Beautiful early fall weather, amazing Bills tailgating and game. NY does not offer the same type of football environment BFLO does...It isnt even close. It is like an alumni homecoming weekend at a big college every weekend in Orchard Park-There is no other town other than maybe Green Bay that can come close to that . Dont tell me BFLO doesnt have much going for it, because it really does. It is charming, vibrant and welcoming. My wife has fallen in love with it and she spent her entire lif in Southern California. When NYC is under water in about 50 years...All the turds from NYC will move west to BFLO!
  14. Wow looks like The Bills are on again in San Diego! This will be the third time in six weeks I dont have to go to PB Ale House to watch. I miss PB Ale House!
  15. It is true...I have been saying for along time that people like The Buffalo Bills. We just assume we were disliked. I have friends who grew up out here in SoCal who are Bills fans their whole life.."Their Dad loved OJ at USC, or they started liking the Bills during the SuperBowl run..." The Bills are a very likeable brand and on air hosts on tv and radio are pulling for guys like Fred and Fitz. Is it really any surprise no one liked us or cared when JP Losman, Trent Edwards and Dick Jauron were running the place? I flipped between Colin Cowherd, Dan Patrick and Scott and BR in San Diego and ALL 3 stations talked Bills in about a 40-minute span...Not bad!
  16. Is he? I just dont like the guy as an analyst. He isnt very bright or articulate. Hell of a player, but talks like a white boy trying to be a brother. In other words-He's dooshy.
  17. MY E-Mail to Gish.. Your article about The Bills was beyond retarded. If you actually consider it an article… I work in sports media in Southern California And I can tell you that there is more of a buzz out Here about The Bills right now than there is about Albany’s NFL team..Wait you guys don’t have Any pro sports teams. Stands to reason why they’d have someone like you be a writer of sports in a town with no sports! Congratulations on that. The Bills have the 4th largest NFL fan base in United States. When you bash that base, you will be hearing from them. Not that anyone really cares….Not like you are anybody of any significance in sports anyways…
  18. Yep he did that in San Diego Too. I feel Agile, Mostly Hostile...Highly Motivated Highly Motivated!" That is his thing and Drew Brees does a lame version of it in New Orleans now. He stole it if from Merrimen. He is a leader.
  19. True...Bills are reportedly in contract extension talks with Stevie and Fitz. They just signed Kyle Williams. Im optimistic they will sign these guys. If not, The Bills need look no further than what happened with The Sabres when they waited, waited , waited to talk contract extensions with Drury and Briere. Both players got better and better as they year went on, their value went up and by season's end they were off to bigger markets with deeper pockets (and then were forced to overpay Vanek just not to lose all of the stars) Let's hope The Bills are smarter than The Sabres (under Golisano and Quinn) were.
  20. The Bills did not have a 4 game losing streak after Arizona tha year. they came back to BFLO in the next game and defeated a very good Chargers team. It was after they extended Jauron (Secretly) that the team fell apart....
  21. For all of those who have for years complained about the Bills being disrespected, disliked, overlooked etc...Now you can see a couple of things: * The Bills were a very poor organization for a very long time-barely even an NFL caliber franchise and didnt deserve any attention * The Bills did not have any likeable players for a very long time. JP Losman, Willis McGahee, Trent Edwards, Marshawn Lynch are TOOLS. Fred Jackson, Ryan Fitzpatrick, Kyle Williams and Stevie Johnson are likeable, hard working guys you root for. * The Bills are a very likeable team across the country. Im in California, and people like the Bills a lot out here. We have a great brand. You cannot say that about about teams like Jacksonville, Atlanta, Arizona, and Houston. People are happy to see The Bills (and Lions) succeeding and you can clearly see this with all of the attention they are getting after just 2 weeks. Will it keep up? Yes- as long as we are winning it will....
  22. Out here in San Diego talk radio is going ballistic with angry callers complaining about the Chargers loss to The Patriots. If you watched the game, The Chargers could have won this game. They blew it and shot themselves in the foot. On several occassions They had chances to go up and didn't. Here is what you must do (and what San Diego did not do...): * #1: Attack Brady-over and over and over again. (See NY Giants Superbowl, Ravens and Jets Palyoff victories in NE) Brady must be punished, even at the expense of him completing plays. If he gets knocked around-he aint the same guy. We need to dial up some serious blitz packages they are not expecting. * #2: Control the clock, keep Brady of the field. Pound the ball , wear down their defense. * #3: Most importantly- NO TURNOVERS. The Patriots capitalize on mistakes and make opponents pay the price. You do these things, and with the crowd noise at The Ralph...Bills can win this one. Like Levy once said: "Winning is simple, but it isn't easy"
  23. True...But Lindell also missed one. Was it blocked a bit? I dont love Lindell. He is sort of a chump, and I just never feel great about him in clutch situations. Oh well, could be worse... I guess I like him since he is a Bill.
  24. You know it seems to make a difference...Do you remeber when the Jets switched unis back in the mid 90's and they had an old Vinnie Testaverde? They were more intimidating wearing those unis for some reason (Think Parcells was there too at the time which probably helped) Anyways-Dress for success-It builds confidence. When you look good, you feel good-you perform better.
  25. I like the Warner and Gannon analogy...This guy may be the perfect fit for this team-The right guy. Weren't Plunkett and Stabler sort of like that too-Journeymen who found the right team?
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