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Green Lightning

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Everything posted by Green Lightning

  1. I have to agree. It's not Whitner's fault we drafted him that high. He not pro-bowl but he's pretty damn good. And we can't afford to lose any players who are good players. I'd move him if the price were right but wouldn't set out to do it. I don't understand the hating on Donte.
  2. By any measure, this offense is far better than what we put on the field last year. Miles to go, but last year's offense was pathetic.
  3. Our first and second picks the last two years are either starters or will be. (Wood not Maybin) And if we would have made just about any pick but Maybin we'd have 5 solid players to build upon chosen in the first two rounds. Love to have that do-over.... Still a few more strong drafts and intelligent FA signings is the only path we have out of this mess.
  4. I remember that Jets game. Awesome! Thanks for the stories and memories DieHard. Sure is good to have you back!
  5. Yeah, that's bold. Face Book is still in the abstract. Try it in person sometime. I don't think Lil Donte would seem so Little.
  6. After reading the thread on how 17 of 22 starters on the Steelers were drafted by the Steelers, your point is well taken. Nice post.
  7. Never posted there. Is it worth the effort? What's different than TSW?
  8. Many on TSW call him that but that's with the luxury of pseudo-name and no chance of ever saying that to him to his face. Anonymity breeds courage!
  9. True, but it makes no sense to cut him. Bench him? Yes. But after the fiasco injury riddled line of last year, why not keep him around for the rest of the season to back up whoever they put in there.
  10. Steve Johnson has 4 TD catches this year. Carrington almost had a sack. Troup made some good tackles the more he played. They're rooks and they're young. Play them and they will improve. That is what the rest of this year has to be about.
  11. He's a second year guy coming off a horrible injury. We're going nowhere this year. Let him play and improve and get back to full strength. We'll be better for it next year.
  12. You're wrong. There will always be a low period for a scheme transition. Why not this lost season? What part of that crap defense we put on the field the past four years do you want back? That Tampa 2 crap that folded every 4th quarter? The part that gave up 3rd and long regularly? The sh*t run defense? Suck it up and make the change now.
  13. I keep saying it - just ignore Sullivan. Dont listen and don't read him and he won't bother you. I stopped long ago when I realized he evolved - or devolved from a sports jounalist to a media buffoon. He's an act and I just don't care for the act in the same way I couldn't stand watching Jerry Lewis - it's the same schtick every time. So stop listening to him and reading him and you will discover what I did - the guy is just not relevant.
  14. Great! More sun, food and Jills for the rest of us. Honestly If it's such a travail for you guys why spend time posting and reading TSW?
  15. Green was a stop gap signing. Likely for depth and I trust he will be a back-up by season's end. Bad as he is, he's better than our reserves last year. The only move that has given me pause is the Kelsay extension. That, as the King once said "is puzzlement" and I will never buy it. What I need to see from Buddy now is shedding more dead wood and do a few more trades for picks - even if it means moving Stroud, Donte and even Evans if the price is right. We need to see the young guys and rooks play. Wood needs to be at center after the bye. Green needs to be on the bench.
  16. NO...NO...NO!!! Mods - please shut this thread down now before people actually consider this idea sane!
  17. Why should he? It's year one of a total rebuild. What the Hell did you expect? Ten years of bad decisions and drafts and you end up with what we have. I fully expect to see Nix live up to what he just said and you'll see his picks and rooks playing significant time in the weeks ahead. This is a project and not a one year turnaround. It's just nuts that you would look to clean house in year one. Besides, the future was brought in with Nix. His name is Whaley.
  18. They got to work with what they have. The longest march begins with a single step........
  19. I've seen precious little penetrating on his part. It that's his strong suit, the ride is over.
  20. What you say is mostly true and as I noted they deserve some criticism for it. But I disagree that little can be done in the time we're in. It's true that the replacements are not as good as the present starters. But that's just for now. They have upside the starters don't have and need to play to improve. I'd move Stroud, Whitner and others to capture some picks and lose Green and a few others and play the rooks. Don't lose 10 to 12 games with vets and has-beens, play your draft picks and be better for it next year.
  21. Thanks John, I have to think both Nix and Chan are somewhat surprised at how little talent we have now that it's the real season. They can be criticized for that but it's what moves they make in the next few weeks that will be the measure of what kind of FO we really have.
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