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sllib olaffub

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Everything posted by sllib olaffub

  1. I think the Bills have to leave this draft with a few things: a couple WR's to develop. This draft is loaded with talent at the WR position. It would suck to be going into next year's draft/offseason still needing WR's and be looking at a 2013 draft without a lot of options. You take what the strengths of a draft have to offer, that is a key to drafting well. So, we need to exit this draft process with at least 2 WR's who can play. That would give us Stevie Johnson, M. Easley (who we hope will work out), Nelson, Jones, Roosevelt, and 2 others. They could both stand to be starting material. I think you've got to leave this draft with a LB prospect - probably 2 as well. We need some excitement there, some explosiveness. Now, I'd rather see us get one dynamite player than two mid-round, hard-working types. We'll see what they do. We should also leave this draft with an OT who is good enough to challenge for the LT spot - at least good enough to challenge Hairston. And, IMO, since Hairston overperformed last year, I'd say we're looking at a LT in rounds 1-3, and probably 1-2 rounds. Corner depth is always needed. And, I'd really like to see a QB with some talent end up on our roster. I'm hoping for a Cousins, or an Osweiler - although I really like Cousins or Weeden. But, if we're still without one in the 4th or 5th and we can land a Wilson/Foles/Moore, then I'd be okay with that, too. At least there is something about those guys that says they might be able to do something at the NFL level. Just not another Levi Brown who was a waste of a pick and who never, ever had a chance to play. So, I'm saying we need to get 2 WR, 2 LB, 1 LT, 1 QB, 1 CB - that's 7 picks. If the Bills end up getting starters a 4 of those positions, it'll have been a good draft.
  2. Yes, it is nice to trust the Front Office to make sound decisions come draft weekend. And, I agree that our roster is in such shape that we could be competitive right now. What is even better, IMO, is that the areas on our team where we're weak can mostly be addressed, by most accounts - mock drafts and such - in the first 3-4 rounds. The way I see it, leaving the 4th round this year (that's 5 draft picks) we could have a new starting OLB, LT, and WR. Or, we could also - because we do have a team that has enough to be competitive already - draft according to what the strengths of the draft are, and that is a strategy I really, really like. Why reach for players, while simultaneously passing by quality starters, just to fill a certain specific need? We've gone and made D-line a strength. I think there are enough quality WR's at the top of this draft that we could go out in rounds 1 and 2 and get 2 starters, and go into the season with one of the best WR groups in the NFL, and it'd be one of the youngest, too. Now, all of a sudden, we could have, for example, a group consisting of Johnson, Alshon Jeffrey, Marcus Easley, and Floyd - all on the field at the same time, with Freddie in the backfield - that would be a tough group to cover! Or, we could draft an OT and an OG, or two OT's in the first 3 rounds and end up with a young, potentially excellent O-line for the next 5 years. Or we could go OLB and CB in the first two rounds, maybe making a trade back into round one to leave the round with Keuchly and Jenkins, or stay put and end up with, say, Kirkpatrick, or Gilmore, and Lavonte David in round 2 - that would be a super exciting defense for Wanny to work with! So, yeah, there are so many exciting routes this team can go in, and with only a couple of the right picks we could become very competitive - and we're still a young team, so we're seeing now the making of a nucleus that will be the next Bills Dynasty. I'm loving this time of year!
  3. I agree totally about Nix being a very good talent evaluator, and a very good drafting GM. Firstly, though, it should be said that no GM is going to be right all the time about draft picks. So, saying that Nix was wrong about certain players is not sufficient evidence to suggest he isn't good at what he's doing and done. I think if he were making many more misses, and if his choices were random, and not pointing toward a definite type of team, then you could say he was not doing so good. However, his drafts have produced players that point to a type of team I'm really excited to see in Buffalo. You can tell Nix wants to see a larger team physically, with a beefier defense, especially the front seven, and insisting on a type of WR set reminding me of San Deigo's - the big, fast, open when you're not types - all point to a PHYSICAL team, one that really plays other teams, that is meant to be dominating, and we're seeing it. Our team, even when losing, has become more competitive. Teams can't just walk through us anymore like they did with Jauron. I think Nix has a vision of a weather tested team, one that is going to still be standing and strong toward the end of the season. This year I'm predicting playoffs unless Fitz derails the whole team, or QB spot undermines our success. That's a good solid rise from bottom to the upper half of the conference. I'll take it.
  4. I've heard and read a ton about LT's in these posts and online, and on television. I know we're going to take a LT, and we're going to take one early. I know we're going to get a WR or two. What I'm interested more in is who are the Bills going to be zeroing in on at LB? There will be at least 2 linebackers added, as well, and I would really like to know who the favorites are for that lot after the 2nd round. Are there many diamond in the roughs out there? Who is the next terror at the linebacker position to wear a Bills uniform? Because, man, I miss having a dominant LB to watch making plays out there! I love what you're saying about the real randomness, or odds, of these draft projections. I, too, agree, that the whole thing is a crap shoot. I do, however, disagree on one point - there are some college kids you just know are going to be good in the NFL. Not a ton, but there are some that just stand out. Dareus is one. Everyone knew he'd be a good pro. I'd also say an example was Calvin Johnson. Another - J.J. Watt. There are college kids that just have an "it" factor about them. They are the kind of bodies that just transcend normal limitations. I suggest there are some "sure thing picks", that you know will be good. You just cannot predict GREATNESS.
  5. Thanks for the post! I am always very, very grateful for your informed opinions, as watching the O-line, or studying it, is a meticulous project. Anyway, I am not anything of an expert at projecting O-linemen. I do, however, have very good instincts when it comes to reading people, and reading between the lines, so to speak. I happen to have thought for a little while now that Nix prefers Martin to the others who will be available at 10. He is generally pretty honest, and although he doesn't go out and say what he plans on doing, he does tell it as he sees it, for the most part - and he has said there are something like 3 LT's who could come in and play. Kalil. The jury is out on Reiff, Martin, Glenn, and Adams, but from what I've read and seen of Nix talking on the matter, he seems to have been impressed by Martin. I'm thinking he has another LT prospect from a smaller school in mind, for the mid rounds, as well.
  6. It's interesting to see the kinds of talent teams are bringing in to get a better look at. Indy, for instance, has a lot of guys not on other team's lists - and that is because they're looking into second round grades, lower first round grades. Baltimore, too, had a more unfamiliar list - again, later 1st round players, but it is interesting to see where teams want to get more info. I would think the top rated guys are looked at so closely it might be beneficial to get a better look at 2nd and 3rd round players to see if there are any jewels - but, then you've got to worry about the publicity, about the players be know to be on your radar. What a complicated business this is! And, if you're going to try to be sure about any pick, you want it to be the first. Still, I think it'd make for an interesting study - do the better drafting teams over the last ten years tend to bring in the same guys for closer inspection as all the other teams, or do they employ a different strategy?
  7. Yeah - I wanted to say that when it comes to drafting a QB this year (and, IMO, you should always go for the better guys anyway) if we don't draft one by the second round, or trade up into the second round, we're getting a project guy who will maybe be backup material in a few years. That's a no-brainer. What I'm trying to say is guys like Weeden, Cousins, Osweiler - the talented guys who might be good NFL QB's in a year or two aren't going to make it to the 3rd, 4th, 5th rounds. If we want to get a QB who can play in the NFL, we've got to get him early. So... is it worth it? I say trade back into the second round, or use the 2nd rounder we have and get the guy - just get a guy who can play, man, because we NEED one as insurance if Fitz goes down or falters. As it is now, if Fitz gets hurt we're done. Our season is wasted. Who wants to hang the whole season on one guys health? If it were Manning, or Brees, or an elite QB, you'd say, if he goes down we're not going to make it to the super bowl. That's understandable. But, if our QB goes down, with the backups we have, we're talking about UNWATCHABLE games here - and I don't want to sit through another season of that kind of frustratiuon. We need some talent at that position - and I think we need it as badly as we need talent at the LT, WR, OLB position. Because, I'd say Hairston is about as good a LT as Fitz is a QB, but Levitre can play LT better than Thigpen showed he can play QB last year - and that is scary, man.
  8. These mock drafts are like trying to predict tomorrow's lotto numbers - it is just insane to even assume any of it will turn out in any predictable way. But, it is fun to daydream about who might make our team better, and how we might turn in the best draft by getting starters in the later rounds - I know, I daydream about it, too. But, the big issue I have had with almost all these mock drafts - except Promo's, because he uses a very realistic value, non-biased method - is that everyone's mocks show us picking guys in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th rounds that could very well go a round earlier, or even two sometimes. Case in point: Jenkins, CB - is considered as talented as any CB in this draft. He is a steal even at the bottom of round one, and after Claiborne is taken, which will be in the top half of the first 10 picks, any team really needing a CB might consider this kid - even at, say, pick 14, or 18, and on and on. It's unlikely he'll be sitting there at our 2nd pick. I hope we end up with talent at all our positions of need, but I'm guessing the guys the Bills pick will leave me scratching my head until I look into them, and it'll probably take me a little while to warm up to each of them after the first rounder, as it has since Buddy has had a hand in these drafts.
  9. I think the question comes down to this: do you want to give your team every chance to win this year? Sure, I don't think Fitz is going to end up proving that he has it, and I do think the Bills will want to replace him, but, if I'm wrong - or, even if I'm right - and he gets hurt this year, we have NO ONE the Bills trust to throw in there in his place right now. So, I'd like to have a developmental QB, exactly the 2-5 round type, one who has some interesting physical abilities but who for some reason or another has fallen a little - we could use a QB who can step in as a backup and give us at the least the HOPE of winning. And, as it is now, we need to add that type of QB to the roster. If we can't go out and get the sure-fire best QB in the draft, or one of those, then we need someone with promise. Remember what Gailey did with an average Fitz. Think of what he could do with more talent.
  10. As many QB's as there are this year that could get drafted, I think what many of us here say are 3rd or 4th round picks are going to end up going earlier - with guys like Weeden, Osweiler, and Cousins going by the end of the second round, even.
  11. The areas that will be open to improving Buffalo at 10 are CB, WR, and LT - there are multiple options available at each position. I'm guessing LT, unless Floyd is still available.
  12. I'm going to say with a great deal of confidence, 10-6 and a wild-card spot. That is assuming tragedy doesn't strike Buffalo again this year in the form of injuries. As it is now, if Fitz were to get seriously hurt early, or Mario, or Dareus - any number of serious, season ending, injuries could really alter how things unwind this season. But, if the Bills stay healthy - yes, I know Wanny is in his first year, but the success of a 4-3 greatly depends on the front 4, and Buffalo's is going to be good from the start. We've got professionals on that line, and there will be no shortage of effort and determination on their parts. Plus, Wannstedt has said he wants to set his players up so that they can just play fast, and not be encumbered by too much thinking. A guy like McKelvin could really blossom under those conditions. I think our linebackers will become much more noticeable, too - and in a good way. Along with a much improved Defense, I think Chan will have more offensive weapons to work with - a healthy returning Easley, a WR or two in the draft, not to mention he'll have had an offseason to figure out how to better use Freddy and Spiller and Co. He knows what he can do, how to exploit the players, hopefully, better. And, finally, the schedule is not so bad. I see us winning 10 or 11 of the games, if the leaked schedule is anywhere near accurate.
  13. When looking at a QB and deciding if he has "IT", the combination of abilities and talents that qualify him for the Franchise label, I don't need to have a QB have the best arm, or have the greatest mobility. I could go on and on about what he does or doesn't need. What it comes down to, though, for me, is can I trust this QB to come out on the field in situations where the game is on the line, and can he do whatever needs done - can he make plays, and can he win the game. And, can he do this consistently? Because, we've seen Fitz pull out some nice wins. But, I'm still at the point with him that if we need a drive, or a couple drives to get put together in order to win, I don't trust Fitz can do it. I'm still thinking, when it's all on the line, that Fitz will just as likely find a way to mess it up. I don't believe the Bills can count on him. All the other skills and abilities aside - he could have mid level arm strength, erratic accuracy - but, if he still put it together when it counted, I'd be much more loyal to him. So, I agree with the others on here who say there are a good 15 or more QB's who I'd prefer on this roster over Fitz. And, I hope - I hope so much - that the Bills draft a promising QB prospect this year!
  14. One of my basic philosophic beliefs about the draft is this: Draft according to the strengths of the draft, NOT according to need. If a team picks need over talent, it's almost always going to end up with the types of picks that have plagued Buffalo for most of the last decade. Granted, I know no prospect is a sure thing, and busts happen. What I'm saying is - especially for a team like Buffalo which is not one or two players away from complete - in Buffalo's case, they're going to be adding more starters and depth next year, too, so if a draft has a bunch of talent at WR, for instance, and there are starting caliber WR's available in the second and third round, the likes of which would normally only be available a round earlier - then Buffalo would be wise to pick the talent, as opposed to taking positional needs, if those other positions are not as talented. I'm of the opinion that doing what Detroit did with the DT's, for instance, was the way to go. Don't shy away from creating dominating, overabundant areas on a team, because there will always be injuries, and games can be taken over with, for instance, unstoppable pass rushes, or a passing game that can't be stopped. I'd love the Bills to continue creating dominant areas on their team - the D-line is there now, and we could have a dominant WR corps with the right 2 additions in this draft. Or our O-line could be dominant, with the right additions. I hope the Bills are able to still be adding potential stars in the 3rd and 4th this year (Nix is excellent at maximizing mid and late picks).
  15. You've got to compare what the Bills get in both scenarios. Now, the Bills, if they were trade savvy, could trade for the pick, only to trade it once they have it - but that stuff is ridiculous to forecast and Nix isn't that kind of GM. If they trade up to get Kalil, or anyone else at 3, they'd have to give up their 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and probably another 1st or 2nd to make it happen, in light of what the Redskins gave up. All that for Kalil or Clayborn. Now, compare that one player to someone at 10, like Floyd, or Glenn, - or, even a trade down to say 15, still getting Glenn, and another 3rd round pick. Sticking with 10, though, you get say Glenn, and then in the 2nd you're able to get Sanu, or Stephen Hill. With the 3rd you get a QB prospect, say, like Cousins, or a LB like Zach Brown, maybe - or a slick trade up to get a starting calibre LB. So... one player and a loss of all the other prospects, or all the other prospects - There is no way - NO WAY - Buddy Nix trades up.
  16. This is a good question and one I've been pondering lately. First - what does the switch to 4-3 with Wanny as our coach, and the addition of Mario and Anderson do to our defensive? That is what we have to go on now. I say Wanny's approach, his system, is going to allow our players to show their talents more than we've seen lately. That means our secondary should jump up in the turnover statistics. Secondly, with Dareus and Williams in the middle, we'll likely see less of a run game success against us straight up the gut. To the outside, though? That will depend largely on how well Anderson, Kelsay, Merriman, Morrison - and whoever else they bring in do in run support. We know our pass rush is going to be excellent. So, as it is now, how will offenses attack us? I'd say an offense like New England's, which has had a few years to figure this type of attacking 4-3 offense out, will go about it with - surprise, surprise, Adding blocking backs - FB's (which we know they have) and attacking the middle of the defense and screen plays, or perimeter plays. I still think in order for our Bill's defense to be able to dominate we have to eliminate the weaknesses that we see and are aware of. Our LB corps is suspect. We need Sheppard to prove he's able to man that middle linebacker spot. We need an OLB to add to the starting three, even if Sheppard is good enough for the Middle spot. I think our Safeties are pretty excellent as is, with Byrd, Wilson, Searcy (who I really like) and Bryon Scott - an excellent LB/Safety option to counter the TE's. But, our CB's are suspect. McKelvin has to be put into positions where his skill can play without having to rely on thinking too much. Otherwise, his great skillset will be worthless - and I'm pretty sure there is some DC out there who could figure out how to use him properly, so let's hope it is Wanny. Aaron Williams looks good. Corner is good, too, and Florence is reliable. That rookie from last year - Rodgers - he looked good to me, too. So, although we could stand to get another proven, lock-down corner to complement the bunch and turn it into a strength, I think we could go at it okay, WITHOUT Injuries, now. To answer the question - there are still going to be ways to attack us and frustrate us. And, it is a copycat league. Look at how we got shut down on offense last year after teams figured out how to stifle our strategy. We need more playmakers in whatever mold Wanny is thinking of at LB - Unless he thinks he can use guys like Batten, Moats, Chris White as LB's - in which case we might not be as thin as we think. We'll have to see about that. I say in the first 4 rounds (5 picks) we need to add a LT, WR, OLB, CB, and either a second OLB or WR. Unless there's a QB in there they really like, which trumps all other positional needs.
  17. I would be fine with that. In fact, I'd love it. I am so high on Stephen Hill - I like him as much, and there is something I can't really pinpoint - no, I think it's that he looks to have the best of both worlds, when it comes to recievers - he's tall, and he's tough, a good blocker, and FAST. Anyway, getting him in the second, and also getting another Tackle, a guy who could swing tackle opposite Pears and Hairston, and give us depth and solidify the line, between the three Tackles. Yeah, I'd love that scenario. Because, Keuchly at 10 kind of scares me. I know we could really use a dynamite LB, but I just don't think Keuchly looks like the type of LB that is explosive, like a Clay Matthews. He seems more like a London Fletcher. I guess, when it comes to drafting high, a dependable LT is more valuable than a dependable LB. Solving our LT and WR needs in the first two rounds would be just great. I'd like to walk away from this draft with another WR in the first 4 or 5 rounds, too - just because there are so many really intruiging WR's in this draft, I think you could get a bonafide starter in rounds 4 and 5, and it'd be great to walk away from this draft with the O-line settled, and having WR's be a strength, and having two exceptional RB's - Fitz would have to prove it this year, or we'd have a great offense for a rookie to step into next year.
  18. That's well said. He is what he is - and Gailey made what he is into something that can be won with. If Fitz is on 25 other teams, maybe more than that, he might never have had the success he's had here in the last year plus. AND, that isn't even all that complete SUCCESS - it's success compared to what Buffalo has had recently. So, yeah, Fitz works out - when the line is holding up okay, when the recieving corps is healthy, when Gailey has a good game plan - when all those things are working, Fitz can win the Bills some games. But, he is not a QB that will win games AGAINST the odds. He is not a QB that is talented enough to OVERCOME the hurt WR's, the poor O-line. If Gailey can do with Fitz what he's done, then the sky is the limit with a QB with, say, Aaron Rodger's abilities, or Cam Newton's. Bills fans are just glad a QB can win here, and they're glad they can relate to an underdog who can overcome some shortcomings. But - I, for one, would rather we shoot for greatness and land a truly elite QB than settle for an underdog with a big heart and big problems with accuracy/consistency. His contract reflects what the Bills really think of him - it pays him good when he's playing good, but it frees them up to let him go when they can find a better QB. Unlike the true Franchise QB's - Rodgers, Manning, Brees, Rivers - guys who hold the cards. We will be much, much better when we finally get another QB that is arguably a top QB.
  19. If this were a true schedule, I see us finishing 10-6 or 11-5, realistically. Very friendly schedule. The only games I don't see us able to win are San Fran, Houston, splitting the Jets and Patriots games, and maybe losing to Seattle or Tennessee. That's 5 or 6 losses. I don't see any other games, realistically, that we SHOULDN'T win. I'd love that schedule!
  20. My guess is they're hoping he can become enough of a player to be trusted to go in on short yardage plays of a yard or so or less and PUSH THE PILE. If a team had a big enough dude to go in on those 3rd and 1 or goalline situations and negate what the defense was lining up, he'd be worth a spot if he was good enough to be counted on in emergency situations, too.
  21. While I liked what I saw of Hairston, I believe the Bills should be looking at dominance, and not just passable play. It's obvious the influence and pull Wannstedt has on the roster - since he took over, and claimed that the success or failure of his defense largely depends on how good the D-line is (that is the case with all defenses, by the way, and there is surely some notice, at long last, of the Giants success against the Pats), the Bills went out and spent more on TWO players to come in and give them that D-line than they've spent on offseason aquisitions in a long time. That D-line gives us the chance to have a Dominant defense, not just a good one. Now, you look at the offense. With a very good, opportunistic defense, the Bills could win with an offense that runs the ball well and just doesn't turn the ball over a lot. They could win 10 games playing that old school style. Especially considering their new QB coach - Lee, the brain behind the resurgence of the wildcat offense. Now, we'd all love to see the Bills light up the scoreboard every week. But - if you look at our roster NOW, look at where we can be as a team this year, after the draft, and where we want to be in the years to come (I have to believe the Bills are looking to win NOW, after putting that money into the D-line; sure, it will sell tickets, but those players are only going to be in place like that for another 4-5 years. That means it is prime time NOW - not in another 3 years) I'm thinking a safe way to approach winning would be to use the draft to finally finish off the offensive line, and to add whatever talent is necessary on the defensive side of the ball. My reasoning is this: you add DeCastro in the first (all hypothetical), and now we have perhaps the best interior, or one of the best interiors in the NFL with Levitre, Wood, DeCastro - all 3 potential pro-bowlers - and SOMEHOW, in rounds 2-4, that's another 4 picks, add a starting OLB, Swing Tackle, and WR. Our Defense could be very good. We could run the ball exceptionally well. There are enough WR's in this draft to be getting starters in rounds 3-4. We still have Easley, Nelson, and S.Johnson. It's not like we are without WR's. We just need a guy to add speed and be a threat on the opposite side. I just think if we can finally add the talent to the O-line to make use of the talent we already have, and let them gel for the same years we have this nice D-line, then you can go out and add the peripheral players (WR, TE, - and QB) when the opportunity is there. If you start adding the weapons before the protection is there, then you're in a spot where, like times last year, our QB was so rushed and off that he couldn't hit open recievers. I trust Nix to know the talent when he sees it. He's done an exceptional job of finding O-line talent off other team's waivers. I would like to see our RB's used more - instead, as at times it looked last year, Chan was trying to make the offense something it wasn't.
  22. I think you absolutely go either Luke Kuechly - we NEED a playmaker at the linebacker spot - or, DeCastro is fine, too, if he turns out that good, it will only help us, OR, we go Floyd, if he's still there, because we NEED another WR threat about as much as we need LB help. BTW - I trust Nix to be able to recognize NFL talent, and to be able to pick up PLAYERS even in the later rounds - because, I think he's done an outstanding job at recreating the Bills team, turning them into a Bigger, Stronger team that soon will be talented enough to handle the better teams in our conference.
  23. I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Buddy Nix has a simple philosophy, it seems, when building a team. Start with the lines, and start with the interior and go outward. Now, sure, some of aquiring talent has to do with who is available. But - look at the aquisitions and strengths of this team now: Wood, Levitre, Ubrik/Rhinehart - that's a solid interior, if Wood is able to stay healthy. Troupe, Dareus, Williams - and the other backups (now Carrington, apparently, who I really like) - this is a strong group, too. He went and solidified the outside of the defense's line. I think the Bills like Pears and Hairston, but they obviously want insurance and they want to stack the talent, and make it as good as possible. So, adding another LT capable of starting and playing well when starting is a must. Adding another C, or capable center, is a must. With those two additions, we'd have a line that was good enough to move forward with. With the right additions, we'd have a line that was not just good enough, but a strength. Once these lines are done with , we can move to making the peripheral positions strengths. We have a couple WR's and two excellent RB's. We have a QB who is good enough to get us through a season. I think with the addition of a very good WR, and a QB who could be a franchise QB in a few years, we'd have all we needed to have a good offense moving forward. On defense we have two linebackers who are good enough. We could use one very good, play maker there. We have a secondary, I think, in need of one more playmaker CB. So, as I see it, before our team is set, we still need, in order of importance, a starting level LT, WR, OLB, CB, QB, C, and anothe TE wouldn't hurt. It looks like in the first three rounds of this draft we could get 3 of WR, LT, CB, OLB. That would leave QB and another position for next offseason. Centers can be found in later rounds. As can other positions, as we've seen with this staff. I think after next year's draft we'll have the Bills team that will be set to compete for a Championship for the next 5 years or so. As for Fitz - I think they already know they need to find a QB to push him, to be ready to come in and take over if he falters. I think Fitz is the guy to carry this team until it is polished enough to insert the really talented Franchise QB, who they will have to go all in for at some point in the next few years, if they can't find him with some luck before then in the mid rounds.
  24. I agree - I think the Bills just want to better see how other LT's in the draft compare to Kalil. I'm guessing they probably feel there are guys they might be able to get in rounds 2-4 who have similar upside. I really can't imagine them giving up picks to move up for this guy. They're still too many holes away from being a contender. So, it's got to be for comparison's sake.
  25. Sure, the Bills wanted Bell back - because, when he was healthy he didn't suck; in fact, he was pretty good. But, he was never mean, or nasty, or anything but an athletic big man who could pass protect well. And, he got hurt A LOT. He wasn't dependable. You just need to be able to count on your O-linemen. Yes, they will get hurt, but you need them playing a lot more than not, otherwise chemistry is never fully developed, and that means a lot more on the O-line than any other place on the field. And, as for Hairston - as was said, the kid came in without much at all for practice and played pretty good. Not only did he show that he belonged on the left side, when he was in there the line had a different feel than it did with Bell. Hairston wasn't just finess. He was powerful, and you could tell with the right conditioning and practice he could be a force, especially with the line together. So, I think the Bills are anxious to see what he can do with a summer of practice, and they are hoping he'll be able to man the position and pick up where he left off. But, as he is young, and they are looking to find a back-up/competition for a very important position, I see them looking to draft someone in the 2-4 rounds to give him competition. All in all, though, if the Bills were worried about going it with him they would have been a lot more active in F.A.; unless they've had their sights on a 1st round LT all along - and, we'll see soon enough about that.
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