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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. nope im saying fans of the team are F(*_^& stupid for saying "He DoEnSt FiT ThE PrOcEsS, I DoNt WAnT HiM"
  2. CAP SPACE IS A MYTH. See GB who just gave their QB a 200 million dollar contract while being 30 million over the cap.
  3. if your "process" involves not getting elite level players, its a stupid process.
  4. I doubt they are moving either. They now have Fant/Metcalf/Locektt. Great triple threat for a rookie QB.
  5. apparently its multiple players, which is unusual.
  6. The more I think about this the more I think Ridley should either join the current lawsuit or file a lawsuit of his own against the NFL. Owners allegedly offering coaches 500K to throw games. Ridley loses out on Millions over $1500
  7. Calling it now. Gronk will be a Bill.
  8. Hell the division clinching game against the jets wasn't full this year. People were also flocking to the exits before the game was over as well.
  9. Yea his play on the field is top 10 worthy a true disrupter if there ever was one. Im still trying to figure out where this "lazy" "unmotivated" crap comes from. https://uga.rivals.com/news/jordan-davis-gets-results-not-stats “I remember at one point in the game, I had three people on me, Davis said. “We got a pretty good stop on that one too. I take pride in that. It’s a real big feeling of accomplishment if I have two people on me.” When asked why he requested an area instead of receiving one from the coaches, Davis said it was just an aspect of being a leader.
  10. let me know how you feel when the new ticket prices are announced along with $4-6K PSLs.
  11. HE absolutely plays fast. He was constantly in the back field and getting quick jump off of the ball. He absolutely can chase down a QB as well.
  12. which is just not true. not this year or the previous year because the Sabres have sucked the life out of everyone. but before then there was. I knew 3-4 people who had both, and i can be the only one.
  13. Sure, but it doesn't change that most of the time the Pegulas are out of touch with everything they do and the Buffalo community. See Kim Pegulas latest interview. When she harps on people are "not fans of Both buffalo sports teams, its one or the other"
  14. Vea also only played 20% of snaps for Tampa in 2020. Snap count in college means little, IMO. Others will disagree. Not to mention it fits Beans/McDs D line rotation scheme. Was making the point that if he could be Vita Vea, its a no brainer. Obviously im more biased than most, but i think Davis is going to be a massive asset to whomever drafts him. (All puns intended)
  15. I wouldn't put this past them, they are very out of touch with nearly everything they do.
  16. with all due respect. All we heard leading up to this was "He is a flat blob who cant move" Now he goes out and shows everyone he can and do it insanely well, and it seems the narrative is changing.
  17. yea but he's fat and likes food allegedly so hes a bust. Being a UGA fan i can say this, i never once heard any issues with Davis until the combine started. The Bills would be stupid to pass on a guy that is going to take two guys to constantly move him. Not everybody has to be a pass rusher. Star is not a pass rusher either he frees up space for others. Last note on this, there is another pure speculation piece allegedly about the Bills riff about the KC game, yet everyone says well unnamed sources cant be trusted. yet unnamed sources say Davis has an eating issue and everyone believes it..... so.......
  18. For reference Vita Vea who everyone generally accepts as one of the best only plays around 50% of snaps for TB.
  19. This thread has gone about how i expected it to go. Reports paint Bills in somewhat negative light, TBD comes to defense of team and tries to discount reporters because they wont name sources. If this was another team say the Chiefs that this happened to, this board would be eating it up. sometimes you just have to call a spade a spade.
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