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Everything posted by CountDorkula

  1. Arazia claims to remember nothing about that night, so he can’t really say he thought she was 18.
  2. Again what she said doesn’t matter though. like I mentioned previous it’s no different than any under age person trying to pretend to be 21 or over to buy alcohol if they are served alcohol by the establishment and that establishment is caught they are charged not the person who lied about their age
  3. Again what she is telling people does not matter for another example would if I walked into a grocery store or bar to buy beer and said I was 21. if they sold it to me and I wasn’t 21 that store or bar would get in a lot of trouble it doesn’t matter what I say.
  4. No but the fact is a girl was raped and that should be all that would matter in this instance. I don’t know how these people who are sitting there victim shaming can then sit there and look at their daughters in the same breath. I have no idea if ariza is guilty or not all I do know is he has been named in a very terrible situation
  5. Hey @Gene1973 I see you reacting negatively to every post that gives some sort of sympathy and has any tone that Araiza may be guilty. Care to chime in.
  6. The victim shaming doesn’t surprise me though people cult follow NFL teams. Araiza is innocent until proven guilty but the girl who is bringing forward the lawsuit is guilty of lying extortion blackmail etc. etc.
  7. Not sure if that will matter or not. Plus it turns into he said/she said. the fact is according to the law he had sex with a minor if he indeed did.
  8. My speak to text on my iPhone keeps doing it twice if I use it. It doesn’t show up until after I hit submit
  9. Yeah I guess if you’re not worried about $1 million defamation lawsuit if you’re just completely fabricating a story and filing a false police report
  10. if this were any of us and someone called our work saying that we raped them and then we were sued, we would’ve been fired already
  11. She could also be going public because most rape victims don’t And she is trying to raise awareness.
  12. I’d say the same thing I said about ariza. Put him on leave send him away from the team until it’s resolved if found guilty then cut him if not he can return. My moral compass is bigger than the bills
  13. Put him on administrative leave if you can and just send him away from the team he doesn’t need to be cut right now but he shouldn’t be around the team until resolved.
  14. Yeah but loyal bills fans will just say she’s trying to do it just for money because he plays for the billsYeah but loyal bills fans will just say she’s trying to do it just for money because he plays for the bills
  15. That’s not correct it all the Araiza parents according to the text where the ones offering to make this go away for moneyThat’s not correct it all the Araiza parents according to the text where the ones offering to make this go away for money
  16. Or don’t trust anyone because the NFL is a garbage can and allows players to get away with literal Murder.
  17. Something similar happened in the Alex Jones sandy hook case. the lawyer for Alex Jones sent a history of text messages accidentally To the plaintiff’s lawyers where the plaintiff’s lawyer repeatedly asked for privilege and sense Joneses lawyers never classified them as such he was able to use them publicly
  18. It depends if they were classified as privilege then they can be
  19. Because he’s on a team? So that also makes DeShaun Watson “Not Guilty”
  20. I mean the school not cooperating and trying to hide it might have something to do with that….
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