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PS 56

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Everything posted by PS 56

  1. He is also from California and we know how well that has done us in the past....
  2. My fingers are crossed that you are right!!!!
  3. God I hope not. We do not need another California quarterback.
  4. Oh well, guess I am re-upping my Direct TV Sunday Ticket. We never get Bills games out on the west coast.
  5. I am a Tebow fan but think taking him at 9 would not be wise.
  6. I just don't see Philly making the trade to #9
  7. The chances of any new stadium being built in LA over the next several years is very remote. When and if it does happen the Raiders have first right of refusal.
  8. The guy is a primate that deserves everything the commissioner will throw at him. He is LUCKY he is escaping without charges.
  9. Lets face it, when it comes to professional athletes, their fans and the press pump so much "wonderfulness" up their butts that they eventually begin to believe they are god like. If he wound up playing for the Bills I would welcome it. Does he have issues? You betcha. What pro-athlete doesn't?
  10. It is an illness...one that I really have no interest in recovering from. I may be a whole coast away but I love my Bills. One good game and I am on a high for a month.
  11. 1. Its great entertainment. 2. It provides a basis for conversation with other fans. 3. We can no longer kill gladiators in the arena of feed Christians to lions.
  12. I have an even better idea. Extend the tax deduction to everyone. Government takes too much money as it is.
  13. I am thrilled he is elsewhere. His age and his playing ability make him very questionable. I know I was not the only one watching those last two Dallas games. He was not doing so great.
  14. To take a line from my favorite movie "Animal House", "We need the dudes!".
  15. Chan has a reputation for fixing quarterbacks. I say we let him have a season fixing the ones we have. In the draft we need to focus on the O line.
  16. This was a great read... and a lot of work. Thanks for posting
  17. Great overview. I especially like the last line on Brohm. When Buffalo acquired him last year Green Bay did counter. That leads me to believe they saw something in him as well. I have my fingers crossed on the guy. If anyone is known for developing quarterbacks its Gailey.
  18. Kind of makes you wonder what it was about Brady that made him what he is today? Coaching? Dormant skill? Bad evaluations? The other side of this is first round picks that go nowhere! We have seen a few of those.
  19. I absolutely agree. Although I don't see us being a 2-14 team. I expect another 7-9 or 6-10. Heck, even a blind squirrel can find an acorn now and then.
  20. You are out of your mind. Cromartie is a problem waiting to happen. The Jets have been ripped off and the Chargers are breathing a sigh of relief. He has had so many off the field problems it is unbelievable. He makes Lynch look like Mother Teresa.
  21. Having been raised in Buffalo, I now make my living elsewhere. I am still a raging Bills fan and am proud to still call Buffalo home. My family came from the south of Buffalo. I enjoy it when I get a chance to visit friends and relatives still living in the area. Its a remarkable area with some remarkable history and culture. The city and area have fallen on some hard times but I believe its best days are still in front of it.
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