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PS 56

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Everything posted by PS 56

  1. Read all about it! http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/recenteqsus/ Looks like it was a good one. Coming from California I know my quakes!
  2. I totally agree. I like Edwards. I also thought he caught a raw deal last year. But Edwards has been knocked on his noggin too many times. I don't see how he can come back and be the leader the team needs this year.
  3. Denise Milani http://www.mademan.com/chickipedia/denise-milani/ Wowser....
  4. I am stunned at this news. I hope he is not pushing it too hard. I want Woods 100%.
  5. I love ida but I think you will see injuries spike across the board with 18 games.
  6. I like Levi as well but I think you are being premature to say Brohm has no faith in his abilities. When given the second chance he dashed to Buffalo despite a counter from Green Bay. Any quarterbacks' first year is bound to be tough. Yes, there are a few exceptions but the norm is several years before you are worth a bean. Regardless, before a preseason game or two this is all speculation.
  7. I think this is a legitimate ranking. We are clearly not in the top ten. We do have some upside potential. It will be an interesting season.
  8. There could not be a better quote from Marshawn. Welcome back dude!
  9. I have to chime in and say I love your post. I Bill-eve we will have a better season than last year. I am concerned about our opponents in the east but, if you read their fan sites, all of those teams have their share of doubters and problems. This does not mean we are going to see the super bowl, but we will have a fun season. Personally I am on pins and needles regarding our quarterback situation. I can't help but wonder how it will turn out.
  10. Agreed. There is not one person who posts on this board who has not had to stiffen his or her backbone at sometime in their lives and get down to business no matter what they "feel". I think this shows Lynch's immaturity and lack of commitment o the team. If he is thinking this is somehow increasing his chances to play elsewhere he is only fooling himself.
  11. As a USC Alum, right now all I want to do is kick Pete Carol hard in the B@$$&.
  12. Considering his past behavior, I bet on the girl. If he wasn't big ben he would be in jail right now.
  13. I don't know about the extremely brittle comment. Heck, you get hit enough by a 300 pound defensive lineman and you would get injured as well. Not making excuses for him just pointing out that getting hit a lot has its consequences.
  14. I second that vote. I even became an Oakland fan when he was traded there. I have since overcome that transgression.
  15. For those who are going to cancel you need to call Direct TV and do ity ASAP. As for me, my brother and I split it. I'll go to his place to watch the games.
  16. Please oh please let him stay healthy this season.....
  17. great post. Kind of sums up our situation perfectly. Those that have followed the career of Drew Brees have seen the development take place. Its very rare that a quarterback steps off the collegiate playing field and has success in the NFL day one.
  18. Bravo, great comments. I think we lucked out in getting Brohm. If Greenbay decided to keep three quarterbacks on the roster like just about every other team he would not be a Bill today. I don't care who you are, playing quarterback in the NFL out of college is tough. You have a lot to learn and experience. I am excited we have him on the Bills and feel he has the POTENTIAL to do great things for our team.
  19. I caught that too. pretty S^*)(* comment.
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