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Everything posted by strive_for_five_guy

  1. This team is just sick. No doubt, 2007 Pats had their loss at the wrong end of the season.
  2. Time for some Thunder & Lightning from the Bills ground game in the 2nd half.
  3. For those that get too amped up for the games, it’s recommended that you download the Josh Allen pregame play list.
  4. Well the Special Teams Gameplan thread was obviously put out there as a joke to mock the other two, so don’t get too fired up about that one, lol
  5. Get ahead early and then pin the ears back!
  6. An inside source tells me that Heath Farwell has been calling other teams that the Chiefs have played so far, to find out what has worked.
  7. Even against subpar competition, they’ve been that dominant. Now just have to prove it against our new nemesis this weekend.
  8. Totally agree. The point of the OP was to express concern about Tasker’s whereabouts, and half the thread turns into gripes about him and his replacement.
  9. The emperor has no clothes without Brady. BB has been a prick to the media for a large majority of winning* Super Bowls. Easier for even Pats “fans” to turn on him when things aren’t going well.
  10. Like most sequels, this is going to end worst than the first for the Jets 😁😁😁
  11. You had me until the vision of you in a thong 😬😂
  12. Your classmates clearly didn’t know much, Bo played his last NFL game a year prior! He was an unbelievable athlete before his hip injury, though.
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