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Bring Back Kelly

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Everything posted by Bring Back Kelly

  1. If Clayton said this than think the total opposite. Thats what will happen. He is about as reliable as a wet diaper
  2. What makes you feel that Suh would sign with us. Even if we traded up, We would still have to sign him to an affordable contract. We do not have the Dollars to sign a high-profile draft pick. I'd pick outside the top ten every draft. You get more bang for your buck. Sure you get a great player with a high pick, but the last time we picked someone at 4, was a HUGE bust. This should probably be one of the priciest first rounds ever.
  3. I agree with the article. He could have worded the blood-sucking leech portion a bit. It comes off as too rash and angry, but when I look at it overall, it was a very good article. I am angry too, and feel the pain of all the losing seasons add up. The reason he stayed in Buffalo is He wouldn't have made enough of a profit. He also did not want to look like Art Modell and root up some place else. He will leave that decision to his kids.
  4. Your Nuts. Give up a starter, for a scrub QB
  5. Our Defense is going to get run over. Plus Maybin is rendered useless on the end now. This could set us back, unless we get a big DT and another LB to fill the gap. I do like the switch to the 3-4, but we just don't have the guys in place to run it correctly to start. I would say the defense is behind the offense now. Thats not good.
  6. Man was it good to beat the Patriots. Seems so long ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXtADpsGs5k
  7. To be honest, Stevie Johnson is as good or if not better than Chris Chambers.
  8. Tell us something we don't already know. He has been rumored to come here even before he went to The Eagles. Wake me up when there is some real info.
  9. I have LeFevre pegged as a third rounder, but he had a good bowl game, so it's anyones guess now. I think if we get him in the third, thats great value. You could get either an OT, LB or DT before him
  10. David Carr or Travaris Jackson Jackson is young enough to be a long term option. Carr has the experience. either guy is an improvement
  11. Judging from our history of first round picks. We will draft a "No Need" position and take a guy higher than he is evaluated. So I'm feeling it will be Cornerback from Alaska or to that regard.
  12. Wilfork will never want to come here. He will be on a contending team. I mean really, Who do you think will want to come here. No big name products. Just like the coaching search.
  13. Marv Levy, albeit; a nice guy was a terrible GM. Period! He made a lot of bad moves while manning the ship. The fact that he agreed to give the amount of money to that offensive line was damaging. Not one of those guys panned out. I agree that we should have gotten ourselves some Lineman, but The draft was the way to go with that. Why pay unproven lineman that amount of $. I know we all have our opinions on Dick Jauron too. He was also a nice guy, but just could not make his teams win. He could not get any offense established here. He made many dumb calls on the sidelines and was easy on his players during training camp. This I believe is the main reason why we had so many injuries. These guys were not battle tested. Sure a lot injuries are freak accidents, but look over the last 5 years. We must have had the most amount of injuries of any team in the NFL. He was too soft on them. Plus He never showed a single ounce of emotion. But Back to Marv. He bailed, and thankfully so. We might be in a worse situation if he stayed. I think he knew that. He just did not know how to be a GM. I do like Buddy Nix. I think we might have the right GM. Lets hope that we have the right coach now. We really need a guy that will lead this team in the right direction.
  14. Link: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...-else-lined-up/
  15. Isn't it strange that even though Jauron was fired months ago, We dont have much time to get quality assistants in here. And now we are scraping the bottom of the barrell. Not too many people to choose from. The fact that Dan Reeves wants to coach the offense is kind of scary too. If it were me I would get the guy who made the Tampa 2 defense successful; Herman Edwards. Make the guy Assistant Head coach in the process. That way we don't have to revamp the whole defensive roster and we can focus on Offense. I dont mind going to the 4-3, but we need more linebackers. Keith Ellison wont cut it.
  16. Wow Do I hate Tax guys. except my own of course. Man, I'd love to see this old Buzzard out one night so I can kick his ass. Just so you know senator, this site is for all of us who want to B word about the bills. If you don't like it, you can move along little doggy Go spew your tax lnfo somewhere else.
  17. You may have a point. but either way Gailey wont be doing the drafting. Nix will. Hey maybe since Nix was around for the Shawn Marriman draft, maybe he'll go after him in Free Agency.
  18. Man you should move to Florida with your boat. You have too much time on your hands to dispute the ethical reasonings of Ralph Wilson. Bottom line you feel we don't owe him for having the franchise here in Orchard Park. Good. We know your opinion. Me: I've been a season ticket holder for over 10 years. I deserve the right to be pissed off. We have not had a good product to cheer for in a very long long time. I'm sick of Cash to the cap, ( ironically, we never seem to spend to the cap anyways) Ralph begging for dollars when He wants to fix the stadium, Hiring low level coaches, watching Ralph Wilson's halftime speeches, Hearing Thurman Thomas blab about January 15th as if it was the day we can mark in our calendars (sack of shiPPP) watching Poz, break another bone. and the recent state of the Bills. He (Ralph) owes his fans alot. ethically speaking. So why dont you get in your new boat and sail your Ross Perot ass to FLA. Thank you and Good Night
  19. Brandon Marshall would be huge, but Chan spoke about in his press conference "character" Not sure Marshall fits in that statement. Vick either. Could this be a Marv Levy thing all over. Where did the character guys Levy spoke about end up. Either let go or starting on or DE spot. (Chris Kelsey) Ughhhh
  20. Great. He can give us all the finger again. Why don't we just give you the finger. I cannot believe you suggested his name. Dolt
  21. Read Webster guys post. That is exactly how it is Senetor. Since taxpayers money paid for the stadium and he had made a good profit, off of all of us for a long time, He is indebted to us. Sure he could have moved to other cities, but if it isnt broke why fix it. And since he knows the taxpayers paid for it, he would look like crap to move. but if he is not here. What do you think his kids will do Senator. give us all a kiss. You are naive to think that he isnt doing this out of the goodness of his heart. So for all your undocumented information that you spoke about. I hope you can feel good that Ralph is here for you.
  22. Since the guy is invested into the community, I would think that he would let the people whom live in the community know what's up. If he really cared about Buffalo and us, He would want us to have peace of mind knowing that we will not be moved to Toronto or LA. But He is not like that. He is a penny pinching OLD Meiser who looks out for himself and his bottom line. Why do you think he got this place Buffalo. He did not originally want this destination, he was stuck with it. We are appreciative that we have the franchise here, but Come on. He wouldn't think twice about passing all his money and his assets to his kids. and in turn they will sell to the highest bidder. and that wouldn't be any one in Buffalo. This is reality. They probably told The Kelly ownership group that they would get first crack at it, but if another buyer came along with more money they would go with that.
  23. Ralphy couldnt be out in the sunlight or around garlic or even near a church. He has been sucking Buffalo Dry for years.
  24. On that note, If we could get these guys, I would go after Matt Light in Free Agency than draft Round One: Rolando McClain – LB Alabama Round Two: Greg Hardy DE – Old Miss Round Three: Dan Le Fevour QB – CMU Round Four: Arthur Jones DT – Syracuse Round Five: Eric Olsen OG – Notre Dame Round Six: Stanley Havili FB – USC
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