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Bring Back Kelly

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Everything posted by Bring Back Kelly

  1. LeFevour is a system QB? Are you kidding me. for a guy that can run, throw and out think a defense. If he was a system QB like you say he would get sacked all the time. His system is to stay in the pocket and throw to spots. This guy has the legs to run from 30 yards out and score. He has played in cold weather. but the two things that stand out in my book on him is his "clock" he knows when to step up in the pocket and when to get out of the pocket. the other thing is his leadership. He is a good leader and commands his offense.
  2. His legs at 30 are still faster than ANY other QB in the game. Plus his stint in the slammer rested them up a bit.
  3. You kidding me? He is dynamic! Not sure long term this is a good idea, but lets face it Chan Gailey isnt going to fill the seats. I know Vick will and out of the Free Agent QBs He clearly is the best one. What they should do is get Matt Light OT from the patriots first. We need a good lineman first
  4. This is why Wilson has to go. Meddling old bast!@# makes this decision. He wont be around long enough to see nix win anything. Please sell the team. As a fan, I'm sick of our city having to suffer because this old coot makes the rules. I wont be renewing my seasons.
  5. You are right on that. No big name at OC, if he is calling plays. He would be wise to have a good Def Coordinator though. I can see Herman Edwards. I thought Mike Nolan, but he is now Miami's DC. Dont expect Jerry Grey, that wont happen he is now in Seattle. Here is a name to be thrown out there. Jim Mora Jr. He was a very good Def Coordinator. with no options left for Mora, He may come here.
  6. The old guy is Ralpf, thats who needs to go to a nursing home. About Gailey. What has he ever won? he was handed a great team when he was with Dallas. He gets to the playoffs yes, but gets killed. He did nothing at Georgia Tech the only thing he may have done was get the dolphins to a respectable 11-5, but he wasn't calling the shots there as an OC. This situation is totally different. He has to bring this team back from the depths of depravity and lead them into the playoffs. It takes someone with a little more moxy than what he brings. I rate this guy below Perry Fewell, way below him.
  7. Great article. He is right on the money. Hope we have a succession plan soon. We need new life to this organization.
  8. This my friends, is just typical Bills fashion. Out of style and Out of date! I would say that, it is a new low for me as a Bills fan. Say what you will about Gailey as a coach. Please! I like to hear more bad news about this guy. Because he got fired as an OC from a terrible team like KC, that means He will lead this team to the promised land. It's all Crap. It's Ralph being Ralph! Someone please just put this guy in a nursing home where he belongs. He needs to take his meds because he is dreaming again. Hay Ralph, They are serving lime Jello tonight for dessert. better get on it. Is this the great news we were expecting from Thurman! Not only did he lose his helmet, he lost his mind too. total BS Signed, Another pissed off fan.
  9. He's a bum. Re-tread Coach, who got canned from another losing franchise. At least he was their OC and not the Head Coach. Typical No-emotion coach. I would have given Buddy Nix the benefit of the doubt, but this is a bad hire. If it was my job to turn around a ounce proud franchise into a contender, I would not have hired this guy. I dont care if people are turned off on this team. I would have done everything possible to get the right coach in here that is a hard-nosed football guy. They should have at least interviewed Billick. He did everything but beg to come here. There is a reason Chan Gailey got fired from KC. He's a bum.
  10. There are two teams that I hate terribly. The New England Patriots and The Dallas Cowboys. granted, lots of people distain other AFC East teams; like the jets and Dolphins. But The Patriots, thats another story. They have the most arrogant fans in the business. They trash the stadium every time they roll into town. And what can I say about that pretty boy Brady. Glad he suffered this year. Thats all I can say about him. Now The Dallas Cowboys, they stole the hardware from us twice and deeply unnerve even the best of Bills fans. Its time to get their shining star from them. The prodigal son whom has constructed good "O" Fences. He might cost a little more than the average Coordinator, but he is perfect for this job
  11. January 15th 2010 is here... Bueller...Bueller.....................Bueller
  12. There are reasons why this guy has been a back up QB his whole career. He lacks confidence when the SH*$ hits the fan. He is a bum. If he was so good than he would have over taken another under achiever in Jason Campbell. I wouldn't want him as a stop gap for anyone. And on your OC comment, Yes you need a good coordinator, but judging from the history of bad coordinators we have had, I'd want a HC that is instrumental bringing his QB along. Who do you think made Brett Favre into a All Pro. Mike Holmgrin his HC.
  13. You don't hire a coach, so that he doesn't develop his players, QB or any other players. We need the QB of the future here NOW. We have not had one here since Kelly. True we need someone to show them the ropes, ala Crafty Vet. thats what you do to support your youth. I cant believe you said Todd Collins. you should be dunked in tar and feathered for saying that. but it is the job of the coach to develop his QB. I'd have to say thats an important position, Don't you.
  14. It's Heimerdinger – Not Meimerdinger – Humdinger
  15. Listen I like Billick too. I think he is what we need, but here are the reasons why The Bills might not run after him: 1. The first and most important aspect of finding the right coach here is developing a QB. That is our biggest problem, besides stopping the run. Billick failed miserably developing Kyle Boller or any other QB that he had. 2. Billick is opinionated. Ralph likes his guys sterile and free of emotion, like Dick Jauron 3. Billick has made a good buck already. Why would he pay for someone whom is not his exact fit 4. It seems that Billick is sounding a little desperate about coaching right now. 5. Billick may have pissed off one or if not more people in our organization. Who the heck knows. That is the unknown variable. 6. and finally, he took Willis Magahee off our hands. knowing that Jamal Lewis was finished in Baltimore, he put his chips on Willis to carry his fortunes knowing that he was all about him self. This is not much of a reason, but I cant really think of any more. If you have more reasons put them up, cause I think we are all confused why he has not been in for an interview. He is a great teacher and motivator. Exactly what Buddy said he was looking for. Maybe with the right Offensive Coordinator, This can work.
  16. To my knowledge the only guy who really sucked running the West Coast offense was Mariucci. I'm sure there are others but Maybe we need an offense that is a total change from what we use. I say focus on the run but have better pro sets to choose from. I dont know anymore. I'm so numb from all the crappy offense we use.
  17. This guy could be a good coach to work with Buddy Nix. He had shared GM & coach responsibilities when he was at Green Bay. He knew he was better off being just a head coach, so I dont see him trying to take control like other coaches. He always had good running games where ever he was. He would be worth considering. But this is the Bills here. Whatever I expect or want them to do they do the opposite.
  18. Interesting! He should have been the coach we hired instead of Jauron. If Marv had not had his grand vision of Dick Jauron as coach, maybe this guy would have been the coach. He is currently The Texas A&M coach. Not the hotbed for football in Texas
  19. Pete Carroll has gone on record in the past as not interested in coaching the bills. I guess he dislikes Ralph. What a surprise. I think someone said he got his first coaching job here too. as a QC guy or something like that.
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