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Bring Back Kelly

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Everything posted by Bring Back Kelly

  1. I know the Bills said they would due their homework when it came to finding a coach. They also said it would take a while to get the right guy. Well, finding the right guy that wants to be here is critical. Whom out there is a cold weather coach. Cowher surely is, but does he want to be here? I would say Billick is somewhat of a cold weather coach and yes he wants to be here. I think the hold up on him is that as an offensive coach, his O's have sucked, but you have to see that this guy is what we are looking for. As for Coordinators, I bet you will see any one of these guys in here this week. Mike Nolan, Cam Cammeron, Brian Shottenheimer, Marty Mornhingwig, Sean McDermitt and Pete Carmichael Jr. Other guys that could get interviews are: Jim Harbaugh, Jim Mora, Jim Fassell, Herm Edwards(hope not), Dom Capers(Hope not) and Mike Leach Who would you think would fit here, because as of Now, Leslie Frazier looks to be in the lead. I dont mind the guy, but That would mean we would stay with the Tampax Two Defense.
  2. Not Quite. Cowher has a cushy job right now. and the potential to be the next Carolina coach. either, this year or next year. It is easy for him to wait a year. We cant play hardball, like some of the other teams in the league can anyways.
  3. I cant believe this thread is still going. It's going to be a long time before we hire a coach. at least three to 4 weeks before one of the coordinators take this job. A lot of us want Cowher, but really! Nothing will be done for a couple more weeks.
  4. There is a reason why "Lisp Lips: Felser is retired. Out of touch
  5. I totally forgot about that. Too funny. Sign this guy up
  6. Wow. I think this guy needs to not read between the lines on what the old Geezer said. You think he blasts Cowher? Dont get that! He is just saying that he is in the dark, like the rest of us. and that he wants a coach that will be involved here. Who knows what's going on with this search, All I can say is that it will take longer than any of us fans want.
  7. Don't know if this is true yet. When you call Mike Tice to be on your staff, that cant be good. He has never had a good offensive coordinator work for him except Jim Fassell. and that did not help Kyle Boller turn into a star. He has had good Defensive coordinators, but with a defense that was as talented as that, any coach will look good. I like Billick too, but there must be a good reason why he hasn't received any interest.
  8. Are you that dence! Of course, This has been stated before and is Old News. I have been on TSW for months, check around. but on the headline it says Report: Buffalo to interview Billick. You dont put on a headline Report: for one. that says that they are stating with certainty and secondly, in my post I said this article has no merit. Why dont you crawl back in your man cave and keep touching yourself Red Rooster. How did you come up with that name by the way.
  9. Since everyone is in a coaching frenzy. I spotted this article on Fanhouse. It has no merit since it is stating Jason Coles speculation. but it is here for viewing. I would want Cowher, but a close second would be Billick http://nfl.fanhouse.com/2010/01/02/report-...-brian-billick/
  10. If you look at his college highlights, you'll notice his line has been bad for years. He has had to tuck it and run a lot, but when he gets inside the 10, if he runs it, it's a TD. He used to be a running back, so he still has a way to go to be a polished NFL QB, but the sky is the limit with him. Some Qb's can really throw the deep ball – Jemarcus Russell- JP Losman, but they don't have all the other intangibles. When this guy throws intermediate routs he throws a good ball. His deep throw needs work but he's smart unlike some of the other guys out there. Mallett has the tools, but they say he's not so bright. If Le Fevour works with a good QB coach, he will be a great NFL QB
  11. Hey maybe thats the date when they will announce plans to build a new stadium. LOL Possible destinations two blocks from my house so I can make a killing in parking. But there I go dreaming again. Maybe they can time the construction to be completed the same time The Bass pro gets built. ummm, that will be a while. I've noticed that Thurman is pretty vocal lately. I don't believe a word he says. remember he ounce claimed he was the "Michael Jordan" of the Bills and was a key figure of "The Bickering Bills" He is just board. Hey, to perform like a pro you have to talk smack like a pro.
  12. I think your full of crap, and must not have a life if you are posting broken links. next time why don't you post a link to drive people to and crash everyones computer while your at it.. Dolt
  13. This guy is the real deal. but living up to The best player to come out of the MAC??? Didn't Big Ben and Randy Moss come out of the MAC! I do think we should grab him in the second or third round. You take a chance, but I can't see him getting into the first round yet.
  14. How the hell is Brohm going to learn from a guy that escapes the pocket every chance he gets. No way we get Vick to teach a young QB. To sell tickets yes. He would be another marketing ploy, but He is no way a teacher to young QB's He might be able to show him a couple pet tricks, but thats it.
  15. He already has stated that he is too busy with his foundation, his hunting and his philanthropy to be the next coach. I wouldn't mind him doing it, but I doubt he fulfills that role. Plus he may be part of ownership in the future.
  16. Nope, It's either Sam Bradford, Jimmy Clasuen or a drafted QB I mentioned in another post that The guy who is an underdog, and a solid QB is Dan LeFevour. You could get him in a leter round, if you went with another position first.
  17. I agree. He was blessed with a good team. Having a young Randy Moss, a Young Daunte Culpepper and a good offensive line will usually get the job done. Plus Chris Carter was good and Robert Smith carried the ground game. I'm not a fan of that meathead Tice. he was handed a good team and imploded it. He scalped super bowl tickets. (Not that that is too big of a deal. but He was all over the place.) Hey if he came here as a TE coach than thats what I would limit his job description too. We need a good offensive Coordinator. Someone whom has established a winning plan. Heck, maybee Mike Leach. then we could start off by drafting the QB of the future- Sam Bradford, Clauson or maybe even Dan LeFevour (get him in later rounds – ironicaly, he reminds me of Daunte Culpepper) I just hate the idea of Mike Tice. I do like Billick though.
  18. It looks like Brian Billick has contacted Mike tice about joining his staff, if he comes here? Here is the link: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...-buffalo-staff/
  19. OMG I cant contain myself, I have some important info I cant bare to pass up. Billsbacker5545 is an A-Hole for posting this garbage.
  20. I agree 100%. Every article he ever writes has a negative tone to it. He is a chronic complainer. He's like a little kid screaming about something. He needs a good slap in the face if you ask me. (Don't monitor my parenting skills. I Don't have kids yet.) I always said this about Sullivan. He never played a sport in his life, but he can comment on them and criticize every move without ever have making a move himself. Look at the guy, he couldn't run a mile without dropping dead. Jim Harbaugh may have a lot of football experience, but for the same reason why he does not want Buddy Nix as our GM, You would think he would feel the same way about finding a coach. Look for one. One that is proven in the NFL. Look for someone that not only has experience, but someone that is a person that commands people well. We need a great motivator, someone that has coached in bad weather conditions, someone who scares the hell out of people. Whom do you think that guy is. Cowher of course. If we cant get him, we need to really do our homework here. I know I wouldn't leave the keys to the car to a guy that just got his permit.
  21. So Does Rob Johnson. That doesn't mean that he had anything to do with it. That Defense was unstoppable.
  22. Well here is the source: it's unnamed but it's somewhat of a source. Dont know what the difference is. Nobody is going out on a limb here. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2010/...t-another-year/
  23. Just because I'm a fan of Jim Kelly, doesn't mean I live or die by his choices. Plus, both tasks differ from each other. Reporting news flashes differs from writing a book. Yes he can write a good book, but he usually waits for a breaking news story to break before he ads his two cents. If I need a credible report, I look to Adam Schefter
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