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Everything posted by IronyAbounds

  1. Yeah, you can't point to either side of the ball to blame, it was a team effort in losing.
  2. Overall a great team effort, and I'd have to give the game ball to Daboll. I thought the play calling was outstanding. Given how bad Seattle is against the pass he didn't try to establish the run. Just superb.
  3. Not for those who get it. Lots of evidence now that even for many who don't get that ill there is lingering heart damage. I think the NFL is kind of adopting a head in the sand approach. Baseball is showing the problem with the non-bubble approach, and there is far less close contact.
  4. The new playoff structure starts in 2020...assuming there's even a season in 2020. I have a hard time envisioning any crowds in stadiums by September.
  5. Not to say Allen won't get there eventually, but if the Bills had had any of the 4 QBs from today's games they are in the Super Bowl and very likely could win it.
  6. One of the guys at the 538 site summed it up pretty well in my mind. He said Allen is all tools, no toolbox. He can make just about any play at a given moment, but there is no orderly fashion to the way he plays. He may well put it all together, but it is just as likely he remains wildly inconsistent and unable to lead the Bills any farther than a first round playoff loss. My guess is that as was the case this year the team will have to depend on the defense to take it where we would love for it to go.
  7. Among the many things to be sad about the loss today: since the Titans won the Bills would have still had a chance to host the AFC Championship Game. Don't think either the Chiefs or the Ravens would lose next week, but the prospect would have been sweet. Next year the AFC East is gonna be a dogfight and it may well be 9 wins takes it. The Pats are set to fall, the Jets may well be quite improved and the teams won't have the NFC to beat up on.
  8. This year’s extraordinarily easy schedule won’t be repeated and the team’s success this year is directly tied to it. The team also did not have too much bad luck on the injury front. Unless the team improves considerably on the offensive side (and that would require Allen to take a significant step forward) another 10 win season will be hard to reach.
  9. Just a Billsy way to lose. Next year looks promising, but there won't be an easy schedule and Allen may end up with a Bortles type ceiling. Very disappointing.
  10. And if that happens they get a home game next week against a team that is either 12-4 or 11-5. The AFC worked out ok this year but the system is deeply flawed when a crappy team from the worst division in the NFL gets a home playoff game against a team that won 3 or 4 more games in a tougher division. It's also screwy that if the Niners win, the Saints have to play the Vikings, giving the Saints a much tougher game than the Seahawks have against the NFC East winner, even given the NFC East team's home field advantage. No system is perfect, but this seems completely screwed up.
  11. I hadn't remembered Roger Kochman - and he never played again after that injury. The old AFL was so much fun. One bomb after another, which is one reason the passing percentages were so much lower.
  12. My dad and I had endzone seats for that game, which was my last regular season game at the Rockpile (we moved in the summer of '64, but I did make a preseason game against the Lions in OJ's rookie season in '69). It was freezing at that game. Of course the Bills won the championship the next two years so I guess I was the curse.
  13. The team will go where the defense takes its. Tonight the defense was subpar. With that said, the offense certainly didn't help matters at all, which amps up the pressure on the D and gave the Pats more offensive snaps than they should have had. Very frustrating loss, and I don't want to hear about next year because there are no certainties in the NFL and you have to take what you can when you can. Neither Texas nor KC will be easy to beat at home, and another one and done playoffs, while certainly better than no playoffs, will be disappointing.
  14. At what point will Allen stop being graded on a curve? This was a C performance. A few very good throws mixed in with lots of inaccurate ones. Not being able to get TDs out of the first and last drives was a big cause for the loss.
  15. Cleaning out the garage this weekend I came across an old Sports Illustrated with a cover story about the Bills thrashing NE 31-0 in 2003 to open the season (Brady had a 22.5 rating in that game). I remembers how exciting that was, and how disappointing the balance of the season was. Until the Bills put a metaphorical stake into Brady's heart, I don't think that bloodsucker is dead.
  16. Tainted Tommy is getting ripped quite a bit this year. The guys at 538 are all saying he has sucked for most of the year. It isn't a case of Josh getting unfairly ripped while Tommy's struggles are ignored.
  17. I said it early in the year and I think it still holds true. The Bills will go as far as their defense takes them. The offense, including Allen, is just too inconsistent to depend on to win in a shoot-out, so the defense has to keep the score down. All in all though, I'm thrilled the team is in the playoffs without needing a miracle. Now, if we can just get a miracle of two wins and two Pat's losses...
  18. The Pats bigger problem will be losses to the Bengals, Bills and Dolphins in the next three weeks and having to go as a wild card team. Now excuse me while I refill my crack pipe.
  19. It's the G*d Dam*ed red jerseys. Whoever ok'd them needs to be shot.
  20. You'd be hard pressed to find anyone who pins the blame solely on Allen. He's part of the problem, but not the only one.
  21. Well, the Bills have only beaten truly rotten teams all year, so it only makes sense that they lose to any decent team. The defense is above average but the offense is atrocious, from the QB to the OL to the receivers. The coaching is suspect to say the least as well. The whole playoff narrative depended on the Bills' spectacularly weak schedule, and unfortunately most of the weak opponents are gone. The Bills have done nothing to indicate they can win either of those 4 games.
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