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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Dude - it took me 9 words for me to get you to take off your shoes and step in your own pile.... How is that for skills OC?
  2. @OC - Hit the mark a little too close huh? What is PPP then? BTW - I am a rich engineer...although now I mostly do consulting work for start ups helping them move up...
  3. You just answered my question...you have an original post wanting "libs" to "join the conversation"....then you immediately say in your next post you don't want to have a conversation... I couldn't have painted the nature of PPP any better than you just did....BRAVO!
  4. About the two pee onz: Either a media outlet is going to pay huge money for them to spill or Kraft pays them huge money to clam up!
  5. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/05/11/george-zimmerman-reportedly-involved-in-florida-shooting/ Dude has the WORST luck
  6. Link? I love the posters here - When a "lib" throws some qualitative speculation out there the critics are on it like white on rice.... Whereas this post here contains so much conjecture, so much speculation. so much white conservative wisdom it is comical, I don't think you missed a single euphemism....... awesome - you win the day!
  7. These peoples free speech was not threatened....did the police or Feds show up to shut them down? No...the police were there and defended their rights. Geller et al have proven nothing....yet they accomplished their goal....Bravo.... Do a small amount of homework and explain to me what she was doing then....I am not saying the shooters were in the right... I am saying they are b$tsh&@t crazy and when presented with what they see as blasphemy...they shoot. Geller KNOWS this...
  8. True...but your trying to reason with people who don't.... Willing to fight? Your missing the point...fight where - with what - am I going to fight for my right to draw the prophet Mohammed by baiting hardcore Islamic's with a contest - knowing that there is a likelihood that they are going to show up with guns....ummm I have better things to do....BTW - these people were hardly "fighting" for their right - that battle has been won with guns and blood in the past so we don't have to do that now - this lady who runs the coloring club is clearly looking for a fight... No - I am not going to put my life on the line for a bunch of xenophobic clowns who clearly have too much time on their hands
  9. Problem is - the Islamic faction doesn't live by our rules - they have their own - so if you want to have a Texas style color by numbers contest to stress your American style freedom - don't be surprised when they shoot you. They have their own constitution - the Koran - they don't care if they die in the process - they answer to their concept of a maker - not to 1776. Not sure this is a liberal/conservative issue. I believe in freedom of speech - but I am not going to publicly draw the prophet it means that I might get shot by people who don't have the same belief in freedom of speech.
  10. As usual - you are taking my critique of the GOP as an endorsement of BO's policies. As usual - you feel the need to throw labels around instead of addressing the issues. The state of the ME right now is a direct result of the policies of GB/DC - a fragile set of countries held together by either massive foreign intervention (Israel/Egypt) or governed by strong armed despots (Iran/Iraq/Syria/Libya/SA) was disrupted with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan under the false neo-con notion that democracy would sprout like little flowers and spread across the region. Didn't work - and the world has a mess. That being said - there is no "good" ME policy on the table. You have a displaced people (Palestinians), a country shoved into being from the outside world (Israel), a country cobbled together from 3 distinct peoples (Iraq), a country that hates us because we screwed them over 50 years ago (Iran), a country held together for 50 years by their military which we funded (Egypt), another one ravaged by two superpowers (Afghanistan) - mix in sectarian hatred and a millennial long culture of killing. Tell me oh wise Magox - what policy is going to straighten this all out?
  11. Huh? GB/DC Middle East - OK Iraq/Afghan policy was the worst foreign policy approach and actions in the history of our country - on so many levels - a catastrophe - this is not in dispute. Saudi policy - Continued the "Sell us oil and we will look the other way - and buy some airplanes from us" This policy has been in place for a century - almost. Iran: Well - we effed that up in the 50's when we deposed their democratically controlled government and installed the Shah. Can't believe they hate us. GWB did jack here. Egypt: Well - let's continue the defacto parrot government of the Egyptian military by funding it and letting it run the country - another "winner" idea that surely will work in the long term....wait....what? Syria-Lybia - Leave the despots in charge. Actually the Neocon ME strategy was to overthrow Iraq and Afghanistan and and install democratic governments and let freedom ring - American style - around the ME -W000T! They were completely wrong. Stick with bashing Obama - carry on!. Carry on with your BO bashing.
  12. GB and DC were at the helm of the worst 8 years of foriegn policy administration our country has ever had. We, and the middle east, will pay for those 8 years for decades. And i voted for him.
  13. Where do you have this information?
  14. Couldn't be more wrong bro - abortion rates - while higher among minority women - they are pretty much the same against all other demographics: "According to a study by the Guttmacher Institute, "Almost three-quarters of women obtaining abortions in 2008 reported a religious affiliation. The largest proportion were Protestant (37 percent), and most of the rest said that they were Catholic (28 percent) or that they had no religious affiliation (27 percent). One in five abortion patients identified themselves as born-again, evangelical, charismatic or fundamentalist; 75 percent of these were Protestant.” That's from a CHRISTIAN website http://www.charismanews.com/opinion/40519-why-do-so-many-churchgoers-have-abortions So - all you men can spout your "ideals" - when it comes down to it - and a young girl gets pregnant - they seem to have a different decision making algorithm.
  15. I do read Gawker once in a while - only because its linked with my favorite site - Jalopnik. I don't need/use websites to affirm my positions. If you are so "up" on me you should know - I don't want HRC in office - voted DEM once in 30 years and would prefer a GOP candidate to win. Sorry of I am old enough at this point to not buy anything anybody says - including GOP promises of "lower taxes" and MR's low level foreign policy statements. AFA me being conservative - I would say I have conservative fiscal ideas - not dreamy political fiscal concepts - there is nothing worse than fooling yourself. I would say my social views are "conservative" too - in that people should do whatever they want as long as it doesn't bother anyone - and religion should be out of all politics.
  16. You must be a high income person - good for you - as that is who a flat tax will benefit in terms of paying less - the middle class will pay more in a flat tax system. Remove all deductions, loop holes, credits - all for it - the tax code is the biggest source of corruption we have.
  17. Easy slick...I have listened to Rubio and I mentioned why I find him questionable and backed up my position by comparing to what i consider an exemplary politician. You have not responded to either of these posts directly - but simply threw some labels and names around. Your age is showing.
  18. For whatever reason labels are important to you guys. So be it. Not sure how old you are but do yourself a favor and do a little research on James Baker - a true "conservative". Look at the breadth of his accomplishments in tax reform, middle eastern and russian diplomacy. Look at the depth and width of how he did things and compare that to the puny thoughts of these GOP candidates - Rubio, Cruz, Huckabee.....these are small small men. We need better.
  19. Rubio: Was for immigration - now is against it. Against immigrants getting preferential treatment - unless its his parents Doesn't want to level with Cuba because it is communist and will go back on BO naturalizing relations - OK do the same with China (Nixon) and Russia (Reagan/Bush) if you are so principled. Plus - just plain stupid. Will shut down communication with ME countries - sounds like a winning strategy - of course no clear strategy other than 'Merica! OK - blow the liberal whistle on me - this guy has nothing - all of the above show his inch deep comprehension of complicated issues - and the typical GOTP simplistic answers. Where have the James Bakers of the GOP gone?
  20. Bill Clinton was adopted and dirt poor Prolly not - maybe because he has sliced his platform down so narrowly he will never win a general election....
  21. I don't usually run for president but when I do..... I pander to the most jingoistic narrow minded easily lead demographic in the hopes of leading the most diverse nation in human history
  22. Joining war on marriage, war on Christmas, war on religion....
  23. I did not grow up in a “religious” household – but I have read the New Testament. I am not sure anyone seems qualified to speak for Jesus to be honest with you. Look at the last two Popes – completely different approach and view of what the Catholic Church should be. I cannot fathom – though – how the teachings of Jesus have been leveraged/construed for the advantages of the few – or utilized for the advancement of organized religions. To me – there seems to be a complete disconnect. If Jesus – the son of God – was on this earth – I can’t believe that he would discriminate. I think people views on SSM written into the Bible are 2000 years old – or 1500 – are like many things written in both the old and new testament are not “the word of god” but man’s view of things at the time. If you think the bible is the word of god – then you can’t pick and choose – it’s all or nothing. Look around the world today. The Middle East/Indiana/Africa/9/11 most of the worlds troubles seem to be religiously based – or at least highly leveraged by religion. Did you see 60 minutes last night – Ireland divided by Catholics and Protestants – both Christians – ready to kill each other for in the name of religion? I don’t get it. I do think the Indiana legislation is simply a bone thrown to the religious right to saw off same sex marriage. I think if you want to operate in our society which has decided not to discriminate – play by those rules – start adding religion to government and it’s a mess.
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