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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Cuomo is a blowhard and an egomaniac....but I would add that the overturning of campaign finance reform by scotus was a bigger blow to democracy than other elements....witness the current choices for our next president as well as the production of congress....
  2. The contempt for the loss of a life in this thread is stupefying....are all of you truly that bitter and disillusioned?
  3. I find this - not you - part of the lack of understanding of the voters. Illegal residence peaked in 2007 and has been declining ever since - down possibly as much as 20 percent - it was down 10 percent by 2011 - the last time a true gauge was taken. The US borders along Mexico have never been more closed - 38 Billion per year spent - and net immigration with Mexico now is ZERO, nothing, nada, we will have no more illegal Mexicans here next week, next month, next year than we have now. But many prioritize this issue. At the same time - we seem content with a Health Care structure whereas we pay 2x what every other country pays to provide their citizens cradle to grave care. Hmmmph
  4. Have you gone to his website - looked at the issues he outlines and come to this conclusion? Interested to see your logic in how you come to this.....after all there still is congress....
  5. Typing on ipad so forgivevthe typos - awesome burn tho! Someone as well versed as you the subject should be well aware of US inceration rates vs the rest of the world.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Incarceration_rates_worldwide.gif
  6. So your saying the US is correct by standing alone with an incarceration rate many times higher than EVERY other country....is that compassionate conservatism or American Exceptionalism?
  7. All the more reason to insure your safety
  8. Everyone who gets arrested has done something....everyone...thats why they got arrested. You can look at this a couple of ways. Maybe one responsibility of jails etc is to insure the incarcerated are safe. Yes....We all know they should not be there in the first place...but they are. Secondly....everyone of these incidents whether its this one or take your pick is horrifically expensive for us taxpayers. Maybe it would be better to stay away from this type of trouble with some preventative measures and training to save you and me some money,
  9. Some may think that it would be better if people did not die in police custody....causes problems....are you one of those "compassionate conservatives"?
  10. http://www.noaanews.noaa.gov/stories2015/071615-international-report-confirms-2014-was-earths-warmest-year-on-record.html
  11. Bernie's Platform 1. Getting big money out of politics....socialist? 2. Addressing climate change....socialist? 3. Pro Gun rights.....socialist? 4. Single Payer Health Care.....apparently you are happy paying 2x what the rest of the civilized world pays 5. Lowering Cost of College....apparently you are cool with kids graduating from college with a mortgage 6. Tax Reform.....socialist? 7. invest in Infrastructure....Socialist? 8. Trade Policy that take into account more than just corporations.....socialist? Your comments are an inch deep - barely
  12. Broaden your scope - the deal has been generally praised
  13. Do any of you guys have kids? Seriously - how many kids do you have? Sounds like most of you are just opining rather than speaking from experience. I have two kids in college and due to my their endeavors - I have been lucky enough to spend the last 15 years with the younger crowd. They have their heads on straight - straighter than most adults - I look forward them taking charge - be hard to do worse. You think kids are....whatever....listen to yourselves......
  14. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives is also on the scene. The agency is leading investigations of five other fires that have struck Southern predominantly black churches in recent weeks. So far, three of the incidents have been identified as arson or potential arson If you guys are good conservatives - I will be glad to be called a liberal
  15. http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/another-historically-black-church-south-carolina-burning-n384876 Racism - officially not a problem in the South
  16. Flummoxed by something you can't answer.....? This is hysterical....are you more pious/real Catholics - as opposed to the fake catholic that bd obviously is - saying it is a sin to not vociferously oppose SSM of people who simply live in your country? Do you have the same level of angst with divorce/cheating/ogling/lying/sloth/wanting too much money/ I must be missing those threads....
  17. Not often has a ruling given so many so much with absolutely no cost....get over yourselves and try to be bigger...
  18. Ok - I just started a church that recognizes and marries same sex people - does it now hold merit?
  19. Wouldn't it be totally cool and appropriate to raise the rainbow flag at the SC statehouse in replacement of the stars and bars!
  20. Ohhh the wailing....What....Scotus stays in their lane and does not exercise "judicial activism"? .....IF the GOP or anyone else has a better idea write it up, pass it in congress and send it to POTUS....instead you want the SC to do all your heavy lifting? BTW - I hardly think the ACA is a good health care system - The GOP is missing an opportunity - the USA has arguably if not patently - the worst health care structure of all industrialized nations -
  21. In every other industrialized nation you are quantum leaps safer from gun violence than here - at least that would be a start - after all - aren't we "exceptional" ?
  22. The USA has become a defeated place if one has to arm themselves to go about their daily business....
  23. Unprecedented Federal overreach of enforcing the constitutional rights of minorities.... I guess stopping importation in 1808 makes everything cool then....cognative dissonance must be comforting....
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