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Iraq Vet

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Everything posted by Iraq Vet

  1. IF true... They should lose a 1st and 7th round pick. One in the beginning and end of the draft. That way no one will think of doing that again. If course that also helps the Bills.
  2. Expectations for the PC are way too high!!! We are all going to be disappointed. Relax people! Rex is going to give typical coach speak for the 1st PC. He is getting the lay of the land 1st. In 3 months Rex will be Rex. Slow down!
  3. I fear with all of the hype.. everyone is over excited and Rex will give nothing but coach's talk... standard lines. I would if I were him. give the standard lines on how "EJ is our QB" and "looking to turn this into a Championship team" "Excited about the defense" of course "always liked the Bills fans". Once he gets the lay of the land Rex will be Rex in the future.... but today is nice things day... maybe one wise crack... Pay respects to RCW and the 90s' teams, Thank the Pegulia's
  4. Schopp is a dope. He spews anger and hate if someone confronts him on his stupidity. Bulldog is ok.... he always sounds like he has had a couple of beers game day like a true fan Sort of like Rick Jenerate, in the 1990's Rick was always hammered in the 3rd.
  5. Trade Bryce Brown and Nigel Bradham (or maybe Kiko) and our second pick for Cutler or Kapernic or one of the Mannings or an early 1st round pick for a QB. Or Trade Bryce Brown and Kiko plus our next years 1st and a 5th for a top 2-5 pick this year.
  6. Good Luck JIm Schwartz. You were great. After Marrone walked out this was not going to be smooth. We will be fine with Rex Ryan defense. Our concern has to be offense and QB. I feel bad the defense has to learn a new system AGAIN... but these guys are paid millions. Hit the damn books or IPads or whatever. Just get it done. Hit the gym, take care of your body and study. Hire maids and chefs to clean up and feed you... just focus on studying.
  7. Still silence from the Bills... Issues with the contract? or is Rex just too busy assembling his staff? I have a creepy feeling about this.... what if it falls apart because within the sections of the contract discussing roster moves and control can not be agreed upon.
  8. I don't understand all of the people being negative. This is not Mike Malurkey, or Dick Jouron... Chan Gailey was a hire that was on no one's radar. For once we went big. I don't know if this will work but this year will be fun as HELL.
  9. For the 1st time in Bills history we hired a big gun. Even the great Marv Levy was a cheap hire that worked out.
  10. Rex would be ok.... But is he angry enough? He is loved by players and the press. Rex needs an offensive genius to work with him.
  11. Titanic hit!!! He might not get a HC job now anywhere, but lower level division 1 schools. Maybe Army?
  12. The cool thing is all these interviews will give TP a NFL education fast and intense.
  13. I bet he feels great... the dirt bag that didn't like the trade is gone!
  14. Be angry all of the time... the best coaches are pissed off all of the time. Think about it. Think about the best coaches...always pissed off. Marv Levy was always fuming mad... on the sidelines Bill Parcels never smiled until the games were a blow out. Bill Belcheat... I don't have to say anything more Jim Harbaugh.... Bill Cowher Mike Ditka The list is much longer... I am sure you can add to it of you think about it. ​ We just have to find a guy with massive rage issues that has good assistant coaches and let them game plan.
  15. I want "The Coach" Chuck Dickerson... sure he is older then dirt. But he is a very angry, mean old man. Plus he is an offensive line coach.
  16. I think Rex can do just fine. Vick was too old and flaws in his game were known league wide... Geno Smith is a mess, he was considered highly talented but a seriously deep work in progress. How is Rex's fault?... the GM screwed him with crappy talent! Yet, they were forced to put him in as a starter too soon... in NYC none the less....potentially ruining Smith. The almighty and nearly holy Chip Kelly made Sanchez serviceable at best. Rex could not do something similar at the time, that's because Sanchez stinks. The Eagles are now a "system" offense like N.E. Put anyone in there and they look better (Matt Castle). Simple and super fast.
  17. Breathe people!!! Whaley has done some good with the roster. With a little luck.... he will find a coach. Maybe that Denver guy as HC. Payton is retiring and he can be a QB coach. If EJ fails...suit up coach!
  18. Wrong side of the Ball. We need an offensive guy!
  19. Stop the panic. This is the GM's job. He has done a good job with the roster... now give him a chance to get his coach in here.
  20. Great QB's don't grow on trees..... We have to be both good at scouting and very lucky. ex. Tom Brady, Russel Wilson....
  21. Can Ryan Miller throw? Will they let him play on turf with skates? Just load up on QB's for camp and let them fight it out. Use 2 picks on O-lineman and the rest on QB's... One of them has to work.
  22. We just went 9-7!!! This staff has rebuilt the team. Seeing some of these post, you would think we were 6-10 again. If you told me at the beginning of the year, we would be 9-7 I would have called you nuts! I thought 7-9 maybe 8-8 if we were lucky. Sure we should have crushed Oakland and won the KC game. But we also had no business beating Green Bay and Detroit. In Detroit, we got lucky because of a historically bad kicker. This looks like a 9-7 team. Not a pretender... but not yet a contender either. We are close. Let the same staff work at it one more year. Yes Pegulia should hire some advisors... but let these guys finish what they started. 2 years ago this team was a joke. Heck, the GM was who... Buddy Nix and before him? Heck even Russ Brandon was acting as a GM at one point (as a figure head for Tom Modrack... who is where now?). Relax and enjoy this... we are building something here.
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