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It's in My Blood

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Everything posted by It's in My Blood

  1. Jamarcus Russell is the poster boy for why the NFL needs a rookie salary cap. What would you do if your 24 won the lottery?
  2. The only reason this bozo has a job in Buffalo is because he in constantly feeding into the negatives and the fans like to read someone going against their optimism. Hes better suited for a tabloid than a sportswriter. Jerry fu*cking Sullivan. LMAO.
  3. Who gives a crap. Does the possibility of a Brett Favre affair really matter to anyone except his wife/kids and sponsors? Move on.
  4. So the Bills extended Kelsay , invested millions into a deal to keep him a Bill , just to spite the fans in hopes of a massive decline in attendance and support , justifying the sale and relocation of the team? Either support the team or get the f*ck out , enough already.
  5. As much as I like the moves by Nix this season , i cant explain the kelsay extenstion. That came way out of left field and should be and will be scrutinized heavily by fans and media alike.. I really dont know what was going on behind the scenes when they thought Kelsay was worth an extension.
  6. Im tired of posts like these. Dude , we are rebuilding and when the pieces to Nix's puzzle are available or attainable , rest assure they will be acquired. I have more faith in this FO than I've had since Polian was running the show. Be a fan not a critic (yet). This is your team , the team you root for , and the team that matters. Give them more than 1/4 of a season to get it right.
  7. I realize the man crush you had on Lynch but the facts are we have 2 starter-worthy rbs in Spiller and Jackson and Lynch was a luxury for a rebuilding team. The Bills had to maximize his value while they could . He would've walked in 2 years and left the Bills with no compensation. Yea it would have been nice to get a 3rd or 2nd for Lynch but the fact remains that running backs in the NFL today have very little value and the Bills had no leverage in negotiations because of the quality of rbs on currently on the team in Spiller and Jackson and the fact that Lynch would not be resigning with the Bills.
  8. I hear ya but its called be a FANATIC. Bills are a way of life for so many of us and we will keep talking (mostly complaining) about them until we're 6ft under. Yeah, it does suck that the Bills suck again this year , but what else do you look forward to every Sunday September thru Decemeber?
  9. He seemed "choppy" when he hit the hole and could pull off a 5-6 yrd gain but he looked average to me, but who knows what he could do with an average o-line. All I know is we got 2 backs that could easily start on any NFL team and we essentially rid ourselves of a ticking suspension bomb in Lynch and gained a 4th rounder. He's gone and so what. Spiller will be dominant in time and Freddy will be a nice subsitute until C.J. takes over.
  10. Amen brother! All these years of suffering will only make it that much more sweeter win we finally win it!
  11. A post of this intelligence is rare at twobillsdrive.com
  12. OTOH one doesn't get the 1st pick very often. If there is a huge playmaker out there (WR, DE, QB, LB). Go ahead. It just better be worth it. When you have the 1st pick in the draft ,you better be drafting a quarterback. Maybe defensive end or lineman , but they better be freakishly dominant and once in a decade type of player. Taking a WR or LB here is ridiculous.
  13. I don't see the wildcat formation viable long-term. Every defense in the NFL was unprepared for that type of attack when Miami unveiled it in the pros a couple years ago. Now , each D-cord. has a scheme(s) against it and will only improve in time. Its a fad. Miami was horrible in the wildcat last night ( granted they were playing the jets d ) but it still hasn't packed the same punch for any team this year as it has in the past.
  14. Minny is desperate to win it all this year and Im sure they would be willing to pay more than market value to bring Moss back. Its a win-win-win for all 3 parties.
  15. Better to get value out of Lynch now then lose him to free agency in two years. No way he would re-sign with the Bills. Still , a fourth?
  16. Im so sick of posts like these. I mean what do you really expect out of a team that is clearly re-building (again). Yes , we are 0-4 , and we should not be winning games against the likes of the dolphins , jets , pats , and packers. Those 4 teams are solid playoff caliber teams , we are not, yet. If you had high hopes , or even mediocre hopes for the Bills success this year ,then frankly , I feel sorry for you. Year one of a new regime , especially with no established franchise QB and offensive/defensive lines usually means a year in which you bottom out , figure out which players are here to stay , and then improve what you don't have in the offseason. Yea it sucks that we aren't competitive this year , but hey , no one is forcing you to watch the games. WE ARE REBUILDING!
  17. I wish the media would pretend that that bills don't exist this year. It would be alot less embarrassing.
  18. Keep Whitner. He's not an all-pro safety, but he comes to play every sunday and is better than alot of safetys out there. Time to trade Evans. He deserves a chance on a winning team and we deserve to be able to spend his ridiculous cap number elsewhere...like say , on the o-line?
  19. Why? So we can delay the development of the team for another 4 years? No. Take your franchise QB in 2011 with the top pick , then focus on the lines. I don't want to go another year with a backup qb or some other teams castoff.
  20. After a decade of futility , how can we not.
  21. If the team is building for the future, a return to '07 and '08 form for Lynch would work. He's signed through 2012 I believe so that works too. As much as we probably would prefer the great story and good guy to stay here, it obviously makes more sense to trade Jackson than Lynch. Trading Lynch instead of Jackson would be complete stupidity. Lynch is in his prime while Jackson is pushing 30 and as we all know , 30 is the magic number for declining play especially at the running back position. It shouldn't even be a debate. Lynch is an all-pro back and will only get better when we finally put together a decent oline.
  22. Everyone will be expecting another blowout of the Bills at the hands of Brady and Co. , I am too. But I honestly would feel good about this season if we swept NE and happen to lose the rest of the games. I've only been a solid BB fan for about 15 years , but my hatred runs deeper with the Patriots than any other team , including the Fins. There is something about them that makes me cringe and wish nothing but utter and complete failure for their entire organization.
  23. That all sounds fine and dandy , but there is no way in hell Andy Reid trades Kolb this year. Michael Vick's status as a NFL player is standing on shaky ground. One screw up and he's gone.
  24. I thought the same thing. I think the offense not stepping up there speaks volumes of how they feel about Trent Edwards. You can bet it would be more than a push or two if Poz posed on top of Rogers.....btw...Clay Matthews is an absolute bad ass.
  25. I say make the trade. I like his run stopping ability and presumably we have 3 starting backs so why not. We are in absolute rebuild mode and bringing in a hard hitting young LB wouldn't hurt...now about that salary....
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