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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. Satan would be a great hire. Has no scruples about anything and would lie, cheat and whatever to get it done..... Hey it worked for the Pats*....
  2. I hope that was still some post sleep hangover.... I can't think of a worse way to bring 2010 in then finding out OBD is going to stand pat.
  3. At game time, maybe around that. But by the time the 3rd quarter starts, I would go with way under, possibly even preseason like numbers.
  4. This is pure speculation.... But maybe he would like the idea of competing against Belicheat twice a season? Cowher might think he owes him a bunch of a55 kickings for all the playoff losses Pittsburgh suffered at the hands of the Pats* over the years. Just a hopeful thought, in reality I agree and can't really imagine Cowher will decide to coach here.
  5. I live in Rome and still always choose the 15 minute drive to Recovery for watching sports if that is any indication of what Rome has.
  6. It is a little bit down the road from Utica, but Recovery right across the street from the Turning Stone Casino is a great place to watch any game. It is pretty big inside with lots of TVs all over the place and the food is good. As for right in the Utica area the only place I have ever tried is Zebb's in New Hartford. That was decent but nowhere near as good as Recovery.
  7. Gotcha, that makes sense. I doubt we will land him at all, but I really hope you are right.
  8. Just curious.... Why are you predicting Tuesday in a bunch of threads versus any other time between now and then?
  9. It makes absolutely zero sense for Fitz to start. But like you said, the fact that it doesn't make any sense is why the Bills will end up doing it.
  10. Ha, this has to be the one. Explains the month leading up to the regular season perfectly.
  11. Not to mention that technically that isn't even the same team anymore. The new Cleveland Browns have been nothing but garbage since rejoining the league. I can't understand how Holmgren would laugh us off and then go to some other team who at best is just as pathetic as us.... The only thing I can think of is that RW and the Bills have a pretty bad rep around the league as a poor place to be.... But still.... Worse than Cleveland?
  12. It seems to me that the rule makes the minority being interviewed look foolish. Especially with Grey seeing most people think Shanahan is a lock for that job anyway and that Snyder asked the league if his interview fulfills the rule. I know I would feel pretty stupid going into a job interview knowing I had absolutely no chance at getting it. I just can't see how this rule makes any difference at all.
  13. He definitely was slowed down a bit with age and some of the beatings he took. To be fair though IIRC that was when the o-line really started to deteriorate for the Bills and that season he was sacked almost 40 times. I'm sure lack of mobility didn't help, but I would have thought he could have had a couple productive seasons left in him playing with a good team behind a solid line.
  14. Wasn't he actually talking about playing for the salary to go directly to Hunter's Hope as well? I remember something about that being his main motivation for wanting to come back and play.
  15. Is it looking like this game will sell out in time to be on TV?
  16. Seriously, you would think someone who has a job that requires talking and communicating an opinion would have a grasp on the English language at least at some level. I can't watch any of the CBS stuff at all anymore because of him. Sharpe is terrible.
  17. I didn't even get tickets when I renewed. They sent me a tube of astro-glide and a rubber fist. I guess it will basically have the same effect.
  18. In four seasons of continuity he has done nothing to make you think he is progressing towards anything resembling good football for this team, especially on offense. This has to be one of those joke threads that people make just to get everyone fired up.
  19. I read a lot of that too this past summer. However that was "excited to be playing and on best behavior TO". You have to admit he hasn't seemed as enthusiastic out there on the field lately as he seemed to be back in August so his "positive influence" on the team and young guys has to be diminished as well. Makes no sense really to cut him now, though trading him before the deadline might not have been a bad move. Wouldn't make the offense any better but it can't get much worse and there would at least be a bunch of tape on the new guys for whoever comes in next to analyze. Actually it should be easy for DJ to find ways to get these young guys involved with Owens still around but you have to have an imagination for that and our head coach is about as imaginative as Hollywood and all their crap remakes these days.
  20. Maybe you are thinking of Labatt's Maximum Ice which was 7.1 or the Molson XXX which is 7.2?
  21. It is a great idea so the young guys can play, and I was thinking they should have traded him before the deadline for all the same reasons. That being said it has almost no chance of happening for all the reasons people are already giving you. Nice try though.
  22. I worked as a waiter for some period of time and a lot of what you went over in your comments Chef about the dislike between the groups and your anti-server post was spot on. I think someone should stick up for the front of the house a little bit though because your opinions only make sense from the stand point of a very good and efficient kitchen staff. From the server's point of view a lot of the anger at the cooks can come from the fact that the kitchen can directly control the quality of the service for the customer in many ways. I realize that most people don't think the servers actually prepared the food, but the servers are the first line of defense with any problems that come out of the kitchen. Poor quality of food, or untimely delivery, not the fault of the server will still bring a 5hit storm of complaint down on that server and most likely seriously affect the tip. So while the cook can have a bad day and still make his same amount of pay, that same bad day can cost an otherwise very good server a ton of money. I'm not looking to start a cook/server board battle. You were accurate with the "part time gig for most of them" statement and I am in that group as only doing it while in school for a while here and there. I just wanted to give the server side of this age old war of the front and the back a little light so as to not confuse people into thinking the cooks are always the protagonists in this drama.
  23. I would think Bell is worth holding on to for a little longer to see if he can develop into something better too. Either that or more rookies on the line with the blown-up team so may as well keep the young guys together who have some time under their belts just to see if they improve. And I am sure all Bills fans are really hoping they all do because I can't imagine going through this all over again next season.
  24. I like when the server tells me good choice after I order. Makes me confident that what I have coming is going to be pretty good. Saying it implies other things are bad is reading too much into a simple statement.
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