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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. They should be allowed to take the name MTV since they actually have music programming on all the time.
  2. I would much rather be in the position of the Bills where everyone thinks they will be the worst in the league than someone like the Jets that everyone is expecting a deep playoff run from. The sports media guys are almost always wrong which means Buffalo will be better than a lot of people think where as the Jets are almost certainly being set up to disappoint people.
  3. Thanks for sharing the info. That is perfect.
  4. I thought the best part of Goodell's plan was that they wanted to push the Superbowl back to President's Day weekend. For a lot of us that would mean a built in day off to celebrate the Superbowl correctly.
  5. Has anyone found anything about a taped replay of the game being broadcast in the Syracuse area? Yes, I know about the NFL network replays but I am talking Time Warner so that doesn't apply.
  6. If only we could get Jim Brinson back.
  7. +1 The changed ending to Jedi is terrible. Adding something I could have lived with but completely changing ruined the whole thing for me, even if the ewok song was kind of corny.
  8. Anyone get someone from Time Warner on the phone yet? I'm trying to get through.
  9. Anyone in the Syracuse or Liverpool area not seeing the game on 5? I have Time Warner without a digital box, the co-ax is just plugged directly to my TV. The channel that scrolls whats on is showing Bills game on WTVH 5, just like all posts on here have been saying all day, but I am seeing Jeopardy right now?!
  10. Your mistake is assuming that Nix was thinking he could fix the Bills in one off-season. It is going to take more than one draft to clean up the previous regime's mess and get a winner assembled.
  11. I thought Canada had some kind of weird law about drinking outside of a bar or residence that would make tailgating illegal whether they had the space or not?
  12. One Microsoft point is equal to 1.25 cents. So 800 points is actually 10$. Not trying to nitpick you, just an FYI for you or anyone who reads this.
  13. I don't understand why Jauron sucked so bad at that. If he would have just played a couple of games of Madden he would have instantly had a better understanding of the basics of it.
  14. The Clayton quote posted above makes some good points. Despite that I still think the offense will be improved only because Gailey has shown he can get decent results out of very little. He should be able to find a way to make the couple bright spots we have productive while hiding the weaknesses and no matter what he has to be better than Jauron. However the defense will likely struggle, especially the first half of the season. It is hard to argue that all the players switching positions will be able to do so easily enough to really make a difference early on. So one step forward for the offense but two steps back for the defense means around 5-6 wins to me. That being said I guess I still agree with the OP because that probably is still better than most people think.
  15. Got presale tix for the Buffalo show this morning. Can't wait, this show is going to be awesome.
  16. Me and a friend of mine have been debating if whether a championship for the Buffalo Bills in a season played with all replacement players would truly count or not and I am curious to what the general consensus is. He is of the mind the a Lombardi in Buffalo's possession would be awesome regardless. I however think that to be world champions they would have to actually compete against the best in the world, and if Peyton Manning and the rest of the current perennial pro-bowlers are sitting out then that really wouldn't be the case. Obviously this is a purely hypothetical situation so don't bother debating how likely or unlikely it happening is.
  17. I don't like being around smoking at all either, but it seems a little excessive to not allow people to smoke outside of the stadium anywhere at all.
  18. That brings up a good point Lori. A lot of those guys back then were far from angels, but we only got an occasional local news story about possible shennanigans. I can't even imagine what kind of media insanity and league troubles could have spun out of control over Bruce and some of his alleged off-field activities assuming any of it somehow ended up on TMZ.
  19. Depends on what kind of confidentiality agreements he signed. In any case I don't disagree that they might have expected some kind of security leaks to happen "accidently", but you have to admit this shows some poor judgement, which is in many cases is a fireable offense.
  20. I am still waiting to find out what happens to this Software Engineer who lost the phone to begin with. I work as an engineer in a Classified environment and if I pulled something stupid like this I would definitely get fired and/or sued, and maybe even charged criminally. I can't imagine making the decision to bring sensitive information out into the bar with me while I drink. I wouldn't say I am rooting for the kid to get into some trouble but I guess I will be a little annoyed if this goes completely unpunished.
  21. I really don't see how a lot of you guys can even argue about this as far as what he deserves. We all make decisions every single day that affect our future. Sometimes it is just short term and not that important, and sometimes you do something that sticks with you the rest of your life. His act was definitely a huge mistake as it is ruining his potential for an NFL career, but this is no different than mistakes people are making every single day that seriously negatively affect their lives. I don't feel sorry for him at all because that is just the world we live in. Is it fair that no one is taking a chance on him? Maybe not, but who can honestly argue that life is fair?
  22. Jumpman, Archon and the Summer and Winter Games were all awesome. I feel the need to also throw Raid Over Moscow and Beachhead 1 and 2 out there as must-haves back then. Also, Impossible Mission. "Stay a while.... stay forever! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha" (Though I am not sure I ever actually figured out how to win that game)
  23. Exactly. Knowing this, and that the kid can see dead people from the trailers, it wasn't hard for me to figure out either. As soon as Bruce Willis gets shot my friend made a comment jokingly to me in the theater that the movie was over because the main character was dead. I laughed and then thought to myself maybe that is it. For the rest of the film I tried finding proof he wasn't dead and then it became more and more obvious he was. And I'll second the vote for The Prestige. That movie is amazing.
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