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Metal Man

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Everything posted by Metal Man

  1. The Syracuse market is blacked out for the Bills game but they can show another game. Immediately surrounding Buffalo is considered the primary market so based on NFL rules they cannot show any game at all in that time slot if the Bills don't sell out. As for bars with the NFL ticket in Syracuse, they won't be able to show the Bills game either. The rules are very stupid and need to be evaluated again though I don't see it happening anytime soon.
  2. I have been out in the Syracuse area, and lived in the Rome/Utica, over the past 5 years and the black out does go that far. From what I understand the actual black out area goes to East Rochester but because the Syracuse TV broadcasts can reach into the black out area their CBS affiliate can't air the game either. Then because Rome and Utica get their CBS from Syracuse it is blacked out there too. My question is will the NFL ever change these antiquated rules as broadcasting technology improves. What happens when a station has the power to broadcast over the entire state? I realize it is not likely just asking rhetorical questions. The answer is obviously that the NFL will never change the rules and even if you live 200 miles away you still can't watch what could be one of the only Bills wins this season on Sunday. So much for trying to market the team regionally.
  3. Hopefully someday someone writes a "tell-all" book about the inner workings at OBD over the last 10 years or so. I would love to know all the details behind all the head scratching decisions during that time.
  4. This ^ And this. ^ Don't share this confidence though. I don't think the Yanks have the starting pitching to get it done this season. Philly is looking like the way to bet for the 2010 playoffs.
  5. To me the issue of will Maybin eventually be good given the time to develop or not is secondary to the big WTF of why was he even picked at all. It should have been obvious to anyone, even someone who wasn't a scout, that he was a project pick for the NFL just based on his age and size alone. The problem is that the Bills could not afford to waste such a high pick on someone who might be good someday. The team doesn't have that luxury because they need immediate impact players now. Not sure who was responsible ultimately for this pick but whoever is was has to be the worst personnel evaluator in the entire NFL.
  6. Are we sure that his contract was up this season? His Wikipedia page states that he signed a 6 year deal which would put him under contract through 2012. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marshawn_Lynch#Buffalo_Bills
  7. OBD knows their stuff. Kelsay is a blue collar player with a high motor. They should give him 50 million.
  8. +1 Dave Matthews Band would be so much better if Dave Matthews didn't ruin every song by opening his mouth to sing.
  9. IIRC the Bills were supposedly interested in Willis that year but took Lynch instead when the 49ers grabbed him the pick immediately before. I was pretty disappointed when his name was called before Buffalo had the chance to draft Willis. You just knew he was going to be awesome in the NFL. Was kind of thinking the same thing about McClain in this year's draft though I seriously doubt the Bills would have taken him.
  10. I don't think anyone really believes that Fitz is going to turn the whole thing around. The offense definitely is a mess. But I do think it is hard to argue against that Fitz at the very least will be more exciting to watch as he WILL try and pass the ball to the WRs. It is kind of sad but as Bills fans this year all we can realistically expect is for the team to be kind of competitive so there is always some enjoyment out of the games. With Edwards this obviously wasn't ever going to be the case.
  11. I was confused about this too. Seems to me a GB third round pick would be more like an early 4th round one?
  12. http://www.leftbankrestaurant.com/ Not a lot of people seem to know about it, but the place is very good.
  13. Gus Johnson is pretty good. I just wish he wasn't paired up with Tasker. I really want to like him but just isn't that good. Definitely have to give a nod to Van Miller. His calls made some of the greatest Bills moments in history to date all that much better.
  14. I suppose I can accept that logic. Something subtle like a hat or t-shirt makes a little more sense than being totally decked out for a team that isn't even playing, and a jersey does kind of fall into the "decked out" category. Now crossing sports... that is a completely different fashion foul.
  15. I'm not sure I see why this is so terrible. Let's say you are visiting your friend in Charlotte and that he is a big Panthers fan. During your visit he drags you to a Panthers/49ers game of which neither team holds any interest for you at all but being an NFL fan you have no issue with going. By your rules are you saying it would be wrong to represent the Bills there anyway by throwing on a throwback Kelly? To me it seems that flying your colors at an NFL game would be a good thing whether the Bills were playing or not.
  16. Agree with this ^ 100%. Isn't the entire point of watching your team each week to see them win? Worry about next year's draft position when the season is over.
  17. Wizard and Glass was easily my favorite of the 7.
  18. I'll assume you read the afterword despite King's warning of possibly leaving the story at that point. I can't imagine anyone actually doing that. In any case the end definitely left a lot up for interpretation and there were a lot of tales untold from Roland's past that might fill in a lot of the holes. Overall I was satisfied with the ending though. Without being too specific and spoiling anything I liked the whole circular idea of the quest with Roland learning something about himself and his humanity in each journey that could assist him on the subsequent quests.
  19. I have read the series twice. I fear that hollywood will mess this up like they do with most things. That being said I will probably check it out and hope for the best or at least something better than the Sword of Truth tv show. That turned out terrible.
  20. Is it just me or does anyone else think the local media should be trying to maybe drum up a little hype to help support the team instead of trying to convince people they shouldn't care?
  21. Haven't noticed if anyone has posted this recently, so here it is. http://the506.com/sports/?p=458 Great tool to use during the season to see what games will be televised by Fox and CBS in all the different markets in the country. The guy who runs it makes improvements on the site every year and in the 5 years since I have been using it I have never found his info to be wrong.
  22. I have been to a lot of openers too, but I don't think I have ever left the stadium happier than I was after that 31-0 beat down of the Pats*. Sure in retrospect it didn't mean much seeing they returned the favor on the last game of the year, but listening to a few sections sing the goodbye song to the large groups of Pats* fans as they exited early is one of my fondest stadium memories.
  23. This ^^^^ seems like the best advice. Also I don't understand why people complain about all the things we didn't address in the offseason. It is going to take more than one draft for Buddy and Chan to build their team so lets see how the OL and QBs look this season and at least give them another offseason before declaring anything a mistake.
  24. I don't even see how this is debatable. Maybe it isn't the norm for most, but I thought you watch the games to root for your team to win. Plus since when does drafting top 10 guarantee you a franchise QB?
  25. Cox is hard to forget about so he is way up there on the hate list. Bruschi tops this list for me though. That comeback game against the Bills was such a joke. His stats at the end of that game were nothing special but somehow he was still touted in all of the national media like he was some kind of super hero that single handily destroyed Buffalo. I can't stomach him on ESPN either. As soon as he begins speaking I have to immediately change the channel.
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