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Everything posted by first_and_ten

  1. wins at the end of next year will hardly tell who is doing a better job.
  2. They will probably sell out 5 of 7 games here. The Toronto game will be another laugher. They will discout the tickets and then give away some and call it a success. Seriously why would anyone in Toronto want to this this bad football team?
  3. The Bills are in rebuild mode, what would an aging QB on the downside of his career do for them?
  4. I give the Bills about a 10% chance of beating the Jets this year.
  5. Isn't it obvious they are preparing for a lockout?
  6. The Bills are trying to rebuild. You can't rebuild with an aging TO. Additionally, there probably won't be football next year. No way do we see TO back as a Bill in 2010
  7. I said there "probably" will not be football. And how are you any better claiming the games will be played? Do you have a crystal ball? At least my opinion is based on the situation that is laid out before us. It sure appears that there is a very good chance that football will not be played as we know it. And if you believe otherwise, please let that opinion be based on more than wishful thinking.
  8. Buddy Nix is doing exactly what he said he was going to do. He said the Bills were not going to make a big spalsh in free agency, so why is everyone surprised? The Bills also know that there probably will not be football next year. They are going to keep costs down this year. They will play it safe and claim they are building thru the draft. This team WILL be bad this year. Get ready for a bad ride.
  9. This news doesn't change the fact that the Patriots will beat the Bills twice next year.
  10. Are you serious? It means the Bill's interest in Vick is no longer there (has dried up)
  11. The Bills are not looking to turn their fortunes around this year. This will be a bad year. They will take a few steps back before they get better. They will be a bad footbal team this year. If you renew your season tickets, don't base that decision on hoping they turn it around this year. They will be bad. If you do renew, base that decision on the fact that you now trust the new guys in charge. That they have a plan and that plan will take longer than one year. Plus there is a chance we won't even have footbal next year. Good luck.
  12. Given the above list, the Bills have slim pickings at WR , OT and QB...they better draft pretty good
  13. They need to invest in scouting. I think it's too late for this year though.
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