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Everything posted by transient

  1. This, plus a defense that should dominate (assuming that pass coverage fares better than preseason would indicate). I agree, the FO's goal was to put a team around EJ that would give him the best chance to develop into the QB they envision he can be. Even among his most ardent supporters, I don't think anyone is calling him a finished product... only among his detractors.
  2. No kidding. How he could not have foreseen the career ending injury of Kolb or the absolute implosion of Lewis is inexcusable. And then to replace Lewis with a former starting QB with a 0.500 W/L record on short notice... time to get out the pitchforks and light the torches.
  3. Lest we forget the mess he made of Palmer in just over 2 days.
  4. It would be one thing if his shortcomings were not knowing the offensive system. I'm pretty sure that an 8 year vet underthrowing balls into double coverage against 3rd string scrubs is not due to unfamiliarity with the offensive system, though.
  5. Maybe the site is trying to tell you that if you've read one thread, you've read them all.
  6. What's with all of the innuendo. I have not been down on tool, nor have I been all over tool... not that there's anything wrong with that.
  7. Not available. He has a wife, you know. You know what she's called? She's called... 'Incontinentia'... Incontinentia Buttocks.
  8. Hello... hello... I think we must have a bad connection. I only heard bits and pieces of the last part of your post.
  9. I always find posts lamenting wasted time on a football message board a bit ironic. As if the title of the (any) thread leads one to believe something productive and meaningful will happen if you just. click. here.
  10. How would he help our QB situation? I thought he was a WR for the colts.
  11. I've heard tell that you have a speech impediment.
  12. Actually, I think the presence of a QB with prescience would help our situation out immensely. I'm sure he'd be great at reading defenses.
  13. Might as well get this out of the way now... http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Vuvz15OjCVc
  14. Careful. The mere mention of that Norris fraud sets Kiko on a rampage. And for the record, the earth is deflected downward by 30.5 inches during Kiko's vertical leap.
  15. Makes me lament that we missed a golden opportunity to check that last box. As for the occasion, that was Satan's after party celebrating BB's contract signing.
  16. While there are probably more pressing things, right at this moment the thing I'd change about EJ would be to limit the number of ridiculous and redundant threads that are started about him. PTR, btw, what kind of ham would the hypothetical sandwich have been made from?
  17. At first, I thought the high pitched giggling nancy at the end was Tommy boy, but if you watch about 2 second into the ice bath they show a red 12 jersey starting to run away, then slow down. Probably afraid his 'lil pair was gonna shrivel, until he remembered they're tucked safely away in Gisele's Gucci purse.
  18. Conspiracies?! Are you suggesting KFC really IS controlled by the KKK?! No WAY!!
  19. Too much cheese constipates me... Speaking of the strain, it really upset me when the Goth rocker's penis fell off. Is that what happened to Marilyn Manson?
  20. The words might be different, but the content never changes. So close and yet so far... I hope the person filming this eventually helped the little guy out (unless it's a snapper... then he's soup).
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