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Everything posted by CodeMonkey

  1. If this happens you don't think we would take Mangina do you? Even if you do, please lie and say no so I can feel better
  2. Done. Now I think you need to take a step back and look at the big picture, not just greed.
  3. Wow so you feel that the money is the primary factor. For someone without money or other options I agree with you. But not for someone who has both is my opinion. I guess we agree to disagree .
  4. So he is in DC instead of Buffalo simply because of the money? If Ralph had offered him 7 he would have taken us instead? It had nothing to do with the organizations, the GM in DC etc. etc.? It was just the money? Come on man.
  5. But that is going to make him take Buffalo if he otherwise wouldn't want to? Particularly when he can get the same money this year or next with another team that he might like more? bull ****.
  6. I still don't understand what makes people think this is a money thing. He must have millions stashed away already. Getting paid well at CBS now as well. I said if before and I will say it again, money is not a strong motivator to someone who already has it. *If* the chin comes to Buffalo, I seriously doubt the main reason would be money.
  7. I always respect you opinion. But man, for the life of me I don't get that.
  8. I think Nix was meant to address that. But with Brandon not his equal but his superior, you have to wonder how effective that hire will be viewed.
  9. Yeah man but it sits in New York State. You see companies with white collar (or blue for that matter) jobs stampeding to this state? Yeah me either. Tom Golisano can't be expected to employ the entire state. And even he picked up and moved to Florida to get the !@#$ away from NYS taxes!
  10. Well put but I don't think you need to go all the way to 'movie stars on a beachfront avenue lined with palm trees'. Buffalo is a currently economically depressed, basic blue collar town which you describe perfectly. If you desire even a generic white collar lifestyle then Buffalo is probably not the town for you either.
  11. Yeah, same concept there. The NFL makes out, EA makes out, and the only ones that lose out are the consumers.
  12. Anyplace will seem to have nice people when compared to NYC d-bags You will generally find nice people anywhere you go, unless they are overrun by people from NYC and a few other select places.
  13. Really? I never compared side by side but I expected sports packages to be the same except for the Ticket. Ohhhh I see. DTV grabbed an exclusive on that too from CBS like they did with the NFL. I really wish the FCC would stop all this exclusive rights bull **** on things like that. All it does is drive the price up for the consumers.
  14. Or, switch to dish and get the red zone channel without the sunday ticket!
  15. Very small market town with not much to offer someone not born there. Uncertainty of the teams future after Ralph passes. It is a train wreck currently with no known sound QB in place. At absolute best a 3 year plan away from becoming a factor even in the AFC east. If you were an experienced HC with a family and had other choices would you go there?
  16. I hear you. I love watching hockey though. I was a little frustrated when they first introduced TV Timeouts there as well. But they are few enough and I learned when I saw that little red light between the penalty boxes go on to make a break to get rid of some beer. That seems to work out well. I just hope they don't go overboard with that in hockey too.
  17. Decrease, are you insane? Bills season tickets are cheap as dog**** already compared to the rest of the league. I would expect a modest increase depending upon what they accomplish during the offseason.
  18. No. I do not wish for anyone to be injured. And I certainly do not get any joy from anyone, even a key player for the cheatriats, getting injured. I do not think that any reasonable person who has had a serious injury themselves could get any of the twisted joy that you felt.
  19. My problem with the NFL product is the over the top commercialization. Consider the sequence of events during a game: Touchdown TV timeout Extra point TV timeout Kickoff TV timeout Then every quarter break, when teams call timeout, and even every punt or turnover there is a TV timeout. It has gotten beyond ridiculous in my opinion. It all stems from the crazy player salaries. Lee Evans, 9 million dollars a year for a 16 game season. That's $562,500.00 a game just for that one player! In order to (over)pay the players and generally everyone else involved they need high TV revenue and they can only get that with lots of artificial timeouts for commercials. It has gotten to the point that I cannot just watch a game. I need to be doing something else as well or all of the dead time would drive me crazy. I certainly don't see player salaries decreasing, so I'm stuck with the way it is. I rarely watch football now except for the Bills for this reason. Fortunately I live in the Rochester area and get the games on cable. The Sunday Ticket would be an extreme waste of money for me. In fact if I didn't live around here I probably would not watch much football at all. Of course I respect your opinion as well and can appreciate your love of the game. I have had the Ticket in the past and it is a nice package. The love of football has just been driven out of me, not by the Bills ineptitude the past decade, but by the monotony of how the games are broadcast.
  20. I will be head of scouting. Specifically I intend to setup an office at the sundowner to maximize my Jills recruiting.
  21. No. I don't think there is any chance. But if someone thinks Chin is on the fence and just needs a little push ...
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