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Wing Man

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Everything posted by Wing Man

  1. Excellent post. They need to be pissed off after last night and take it out on the rest of the schedule.
  2. I understand the philosophy of not giving up the big play. Of course, we gave up two in less than 1:10 tonight. I want to know if you feel like the Bend But Don't Break defense is the second coming of the Prevent defense that prevents you from winning the game. My feelings are mixed. Please tell me what you think.
  3. Yeah, but do you remember the times when Landry wasn't calm? You didn't want him coming at you at that point.
  4. It's my understanding that his arm is broken, although not as badly as last time. No time frame was announced. They are going to evaluate his arm further on Tuesday.
  5. I am the eternal pessimist when it comes to the Bills, and tonight gave me new reasons to recharge my batteries for a lousy season. I even predicted the Bills would lose 44-0. I was WRONG about that. Still, the offense and the line played way above my expectations. The defense was good. Losing POZ wasn't great, but altogether, they held the Patriots to 19 points before jackoff fumbled the kickoff. Alex Van Pelt's play calling was THE BOMB, especially for a guy who was nowhere three years ago. Hell, I'll even throw a shout out to Jauron (throwing up inside my mouth) for his game plan. The no-huddle seemed to keep the Patriots D off a step and I wouldn't be surprised to see other teams attempt it against the Patriots later this season. It might have all worked if the team could have huddled or no-huddled at the end before jackoff fumbled the kickoff. It hurts in particular because It's losses like these that you look back on deep in the schedule to see why you're struggling to make the playoffs. It may be too early to break out the champagne but I could be a believer!
  6. Buffalo Bills: You Suckers Will Buy Tickets Next Season Too
  7. Nobody watches more film than Jaws, and Trent Edwards is no Jim Kelly. I could substitute my dead grandmother in the time it takes the Bills to get to the line of scrimmage. If we continue to run the no-huddle with this speed and efficiency, it's going to be a long season.
  8. Patriots 41, Bills 0 and i'll go you'all one better, Buccaneers 23, Bills 13
  9. Lt. Caffey - We're going to lose, and we're going to lose huge.
  10. We waited for the no-huddle to get faster. We waited for Edwards to learn how to face 3-4 defenses. We waited for play calling that met the strengths of the offense. We waited for Edwards to hit wide receivers. Bye, Turk, good riddance. Alex Van Pelt will do better as "passing OC", whatever that means, but at the end of the season, they need to shop for a new OC. Part of Edwards' struggles falls on Van Pelt as quarterbacks coach. Altogether, we need to clean house, and that includes some underperforming players.
  11. Bills 0 0 0 3 - 3 Patriots 21 14 10 7 - 54 The Bills will stop playing the no-huddle in the second or third quarter, and Edwards will be benched by the fourth. Players will say they don't understand how this all happened. Coaches will say it's a long season and it's only one loss.
  12. Look, crying over missed draft picks is futile in Buffalo where even if they picked the other guy, the coaches would ruin them.
  13. I'd give my left arm for a Cowher or a Billick. About as likely as the Bills going 7-9 this season, but it'd be nice.
  14. The players like playing for him. Playing what, I have no idea.
  15. Hey! Dick Jauron's in his 4th year. It usually takes until the next century for a head coach to implement his system successfully.
  16. Dick Jauron was not sighted on the 6th floor of the Texas Book Depository. Being shot by Jack Ruby is still an option.
  17. This Stupar guy is going to need a home in Buffalo if he doesn't have one already, because he's gonna get a roster spot.
  18. When you're at home, always play for the tie. Dick Jauron
  19. I couldn't agree more. If Jauron pulls this in the regular season, we're going to lose games 28-9.
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