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Wing Man

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Everything posted by Wing Man

  1. How many ways can a team invent to lose?
  2. Yeah, we need to get back to emphasizing the horizontal game.
  3. We pick #11... again. Please, oh please, can we have a real front office this April?
  4. Suh is probably the best player available for the 2010 draft. Suh will go #1 or #2 on the board. We'll have to give away our #1's for this year and the next and maybe a #2 or #3 to get him. I don't think we'll draft DT, but if we did, we'd sure shore up our run defense and have a stud lineman for the next decade.
  5. The Young, McNabb, Vick prototype quarterbacks have proven to be good, but not "Super." It's hard to find college quarterbacks that even make the NFL in this mold anymore. Tebow will be the 2010 exception, but he's not running a pro style offense at Florida and will likely struggle like Alex Smith. I expect he will eventually be a success. A first year wonder like Rothlesberger he won't be.
  6. Another FAIL by the pro-personnel director. Why isn't he constantly evaluating players in or out of the game who can come in in place of injured players? Does he think this is the flag football league?
  7. No need to play Edwards ever again this season. If Fitzpatrick goes down or starts to really suck, put Brohm in, see what he's got for 2010.
  8. What Thursday night game? Are you typing from a bar? NFL Network sucks.
  9. Ex-NFL player HITTING someone? Are you sure Smerlas was a Bill?
  10. We could go as deep as 80-85% easy, and I'd be ok with that. Just give me a GM and head coach who aren't wet nurses and Wilson yes men.
  11. If the players aren't happy with the new head coach, it'll be the best thing that ever happened. He's there to be a coach, not a buddy. Produce or get out. Make a decision about whether you want to be a real football player because no one is going to pick you up as a free agent after you're cut. You're already on a rock bottom team. If you can't make an impact here, you're done.
  12. This is all great conjecture but we're not the only team that will be trolling for a new head coach in the offseason and the organization is usually unbearably slow in installing new staff, often losing top candidates to other teams.
  13. It's a three-year contract. There's no reason to make a change. We need continuity.
  14. The part of the article that kills me is the quote where Fitz says, "We're not getting the (offensive line) protection, and whatever it is we have to use the bye week to figure it out." When exactly are they going to figure it out? Skeletor is giving them the week off next week so I guess they'll be studying Madden 2009 at home to figure out what the hell they're doing. They should be on the field at 1 Bills Drive tomorrow morning figuring it out. A real coach would, oh, sorry, I forgot. We have a pop warner coach...
  15. McKelvin didn't fumble. There could be hope.
  16. How many mistackles does it take to lose a football game?
  17. Given our field position, would Jauron consider punting on first down?
  18. 13:52 to play. Oops, gave em too much time again.
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