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Everything posted by prissythecat

  1. Yup. They did. He bombed his interview.
  2. The Bills were one of the teams that contributed to that 35 times figure lol. Fassel interviewed with the Bills a few years ago and failed miserably. It seems highly unlikely that they would be taking a look at him again at this time.
  3. The tiebreak is probably not yet in the Saints favor...
  4. What have you been smoking? Must be some really good stuff.
  5. maybe its a vague reference to buffalo's draft position
  6. People seem to forget that Fassel was interviewed for the Bills HC position a few years back... Management wasn't impressed. So what makes you think they will like him the second time around?
  7. I've noticed you have a lot of man love for Peters. You should move to Philly.
  8. Actually, Big Ben and Rodgers get sacked a lot because they have horrid pass protection.
  9. Well , a lot of people here think that JP can still be resurrected. So why not Trent lol.
  10. Yes. "Past" is the operative word because they couldn't cut it in the NFL.
  11. Brooks Bollinger has significantly better stats than JP does in the UFL.... And Bollinger was cut by the Lions this year.
  12. So if Cassel went 11-5, what would the record have been if Brady had not been injured at the start of the season? Your analysis of the situation is overly simplistic...
  13. Article An interesting article about QB draft selections. Quinn is not exactly viewed favorably in the assessment.
  14. Roscoe never proved that he deserved more "touches" in the offense. As other folks have correctly pointed out, he was pretty worthless as a primary receiver because of poor route running skills and lack of a physical presence. Way too easily taken out with normal bump and run.
  15. Ted Ginn has hands of stone. Why would we want him?
  16. The fact that the Bills could not offload Parrish does speak quite a bit to his "usefulness" . Also, as much as you would like to cite Parrish's returns, how many times a year does he actually do that what you linked in You Tube? Does his 1 return for a TD every year actually make a difference in the scheme of things? Has he done it this year? Maybe you should also link the videos of Parrish having critical fumbles or giving away the Cleveland game. How about that time he gained -20 yards of field position? I'm looking at the current PR stats and it shows Parrish with an awesome 6.1 yd average , which puts him 21st in the NFL among punt returners. Awesome indeed.
  17. Jenkins is gone for the year with a knee injury. http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/1024291...loss-to-Jenkins The Jets defense is not going to be the same the rest of the year. Should make things interesting in the AFC East.
  18. Lol. Parrish = Welker? That's one of the silliest and most baseless comparisons I have seen here and there have been many. Parrish = Dante Hall = doesn't make much of an impact anymore.
  19. I agree. He did not have clean possession of ball before going out of bounds. So the reversal call was a good one.
  20. People will take you more seriously if you can actually get the name of the person you want fired spelled correctly.
  21. what makes you think a slightly built offensive player like parrish will "tear it up" somewhere? he will never be more than a punt returner no matter where he goes. he doesn't have what it takes to make it as a regular part of any offense.
  22. The Bills management was not enamored of Fassel the last time they were looking for a head coach. Rumor was that he made an extremely poor showing at the interview? What makes you think they would re-consider him?
  23. What film in the NFL gives evidence that Quinn would be an upgrade over Edwards?
  24. I remember Denver being interested in JP. But then didn't Denver lose interest since they were able to sign Simms? I don't see much evidence in terms of new articles that supports the fact that JP made a conscious decision to not go for a backup spot. Isn't the truth that there were not many takers? Anyway, going for a minor league starting spot is a huge gamble. If JP fails, his career is probably dead in water. And even if he does ok, doing well in a scrub league does not necessarily translate to NFL success.
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