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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. I agree with you in the sense that past actions carry alot of weight in peoples perception. I think it has more to do with Lynch's past stupidity than his looks. Harrison has never been linked to problems in the past and his record is protecting him to a certain extent. Looks do have some merit but not as much as past history. 90 percent of the NBA looks like JR Smith and a huge portion of the NFL. I just dont think it has that great of an influence anymore.
  2. IMO, it has nothing to do with his gold teeth and braids. Who finds that look remotely noteworthy anymore? I think your last sentence somes it up perfectly. Marvin Harrison is an unbelievably good example. I can't believe that his story is not being talked about. If what multiple sources say is true, that guy is way more thug than Lynch has ever been. For the record I don't think Lynch is a thug either. He is just dumb and immature. He has hurt his credibility with a few poor choices. Harrison's fake reputation has protected him thus far. Unfair but that's the way it is.
  3. Marshawn Lynch plead guilty to one of three gun charges. In other words he was given a break. The gun was confiscated and destroyed without a peep from Lynch or his attorney about it. That alone should tell you something. The locked in a case garbage, is just TSW idiocy at it's best. It just goes to show you how people manipulate stories. The gun was in a book bag, in the trunk of an unlicensed vehicle, registered to Lynch. The police also confiscated marijuana from the car. Many here have also disputed this and said it was white cops making up a reason to mess with black guys in a Benz. I'm just curious why Lynch and his attorney would be okay with the cops making up the confiscation of drugs. Now, I could care less about the weed and apparently these cops feel the same way but we shouldn't lose sight in the fact Lynch was given a break. He was given multiple breaks actually when you review the whole evening. It doesn't matter though, Lynch is an Amercian Patriot and those cops are racist pigs. Assuming they are white of course. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=3955441 The LJ comments have nothing to do with the first ammendment either. Last I checked, nobody was trying to charge LJ for what he said. It's a case of a company not wanting one of it's high profile employees misrepresenting them with ignorant remarks. They have a product to protect.
  4. I'm not saying that people in general wouldn't give Mcnabb the standard benefit of the doubt. I definately think they would. I'm saying that the same few would be crying racism towards Mcnabb, regardless of how it was reported. IMO, you get the benefit of the doubt until you prove otherwise. I think we are on the same page with that.
  5. If Lynch gets moved, I would love this guy. He is said to have incredible character and is a leader. I know first round RBs are not popular but this kid is special, IMO. If much of the draft is dedicated to the lines and the team takes a shot on this kid, I'd be happy. The difference between great RBs and average ones is greater than most will admit too. If Spiller is anything like Chris Johnson, we would benefit greatly.
  6. Agreed. The overwhelming majority of people reserve judgement in sexual assault accusations against celebrities and athletes. The way it is reported is much different than it used to be and with good reason. How many of these false accusations have we seen over the years? It's called responsible journalism but race baitors never miss an opportunity to brand someone. If this was Donavan Mcnabb, the race baitors would be passing judgement in another direction anyway.
  7. I learned "the two greatest things in life." "Never rat on your friends and always keep your mouth shut."
  8. Peter King is a racist? I'll add him to the long list of TSW's proven racists. At least just what I can remember over the last year. 1. Anyone who thinks Marshawn Lynch is a problem or used the word "thug" to describe him. 2. Anyone who thinks Michael Vick is a problem or used the word "thug" to describe him. 3. The cops that arrested Donte Whitner and tasered him. 4. Every cop that has ever been mentioned in OTW or in general the whole profession. 5. Anyone who has ever questioned James Hardy and his maturity. 6. Buffalo's suburbs. 7. All of the Bubbas down south. 8. Anyone who has ever supported a conservative. 9. The majority of the media. 10. The majority of universities. 11. The military. 12. Hollywood 13. Anyone who wasn't on board with the TO signing. 14. Ralph Wilson 15. Peter King 16. Anyone who doesn't feel bad for Tiger Woods. 17. Anyone who doesn't like Kanye West. 18. Anyone who hasn't come foward and acknowledged Roethlisburger's guilt. 19. Canadiens 20. Bill Cosby This is all I can remember. If you fall into any of these categories go ahead and punch yourself in the face, you are a no good racist.
  9. I'm looking foward to that one.
  10. Good for Bryan Scott, I'm glad he was rewarded. Scott and Ellison are going to be solid to above average backups. Personally, I'd like to see Scott on the field often. They both can play special teams and serve as backups. Didn't Nix make it clear that STs only players were going to be weeded out? I think these guys are going to fit the bill and replace the Wendlings/ Bowens of the team.
  11. Chester Taylor has alot left IMO. If we lose a RB to trade, he'd be a solid replacement.
  12. Jarrett Brown has incredible potential and raw talent. You can't do much better than that outside of the fourth round.
  13. I completely agree. He only played three games for us last year. I was happy to have him given the circumstances last season but off of three games I couldn't really tell how good he was. His reputation carries alot of weight around here I guess. Steve Johnson and Richie Incognito are TSW legends.
  14. I would love Spikes in the second but I still think he's a first rounder.
  15. I agree, it would be great to have some veteran experience on that young line.
  16. You are full of crap, Marshawn Lynch could have owned Buffalo. Dreads and gold teeth aren't shocking, let alone frightening. People might think they look stupid, but some people might think long hair and tattoos look stupid. While many others think both looks are cool. Eitherway not shocking and little old WNY has black people too. The fear of the unknown is about two decades old. The white culture has embraced Hip Hop and all the bells and whistles that go with it. Not many of us care about his hair, teeth, tats, or skin color. Can he stay out of trouble? Can he play football? Lately he is falling short of expectations on both fronts. IMO, if he didn't act like an idiot, his look and personality would have made him one of the most popular Bills ever, even in the rampant racist suburbs of Buffalo.
  17. Yup, white people are terrified of black people and that is why Marshawn Lynch's behavior is not soundly accepted. In fact white people in general have a really tough time worshipping black athletes with all that fear paralyzing them. Oh and trust me all the people in the city aren't cool with Lynch's problems either.
  18. Rocky 1 - 4 Rambo First Blood Cool Hand Luke Shawshank Redemption Indiana Jones trilogy Uncle Buck Great Outdoors Planes Trains and Automobiles Fletch Dazed and Confused The Outsiders
  19. I could see that. Some of these actors/actresses are real hacks but have had the fortune of landing a perfect role or two. I guess thats why alot of these people remain typecast.
  20. I don't watch those L&O shows, I forgot he was even in one. I just like him as Private Leonard.
  21. I'll add: Michael Rooker Vincent D Onofrio R. Lee Ermey Bruce Campbell Nick Stahl Bijou Phillips Michael Pitt Henry Rollins - terrible actor but I make a point to see all of his work.
  22. I'll nominate two old ones Citizen Kane and War of the Worlds. I'm not sure if they fit the twist category but they have great endings. I liked the ending in Road to Perdition. It's actually a common ending but it just sticks out in my mind for some reason.
  23. I'll take Moulds over Reed too. It's close but in the end Eric Moulds was the best player on the field most Sundays and that usually included both teams. Andre Reed was a great player during a great time for the Bills but he was rarely the best player on the field. Players that play on winning teams are always upgraded over time. That's the beauty of winning.
  24. Jeff Owens a DT from Georgia, can bench press Tony Pike 44 times. Sorry for the random thought but it popped into my head after looking over some of the combine numbers. This thought then turned into what "Thunderlips" did to Rocky in Rocky part 3. I'd like to see Tony Pike gain some weight.
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