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Everything posted by PushthePile

  1. I saw it today and walked away a little disappointed. It was a decent movie but not mind blowing. In fact I found the twist to be extremely anti-climactic. The story wasn't much different than any of the crap horror movies that are being released weekly. That was my biggest complaint. If it wasn't for good acting and superior camera work, I wouldn't have really enjoyed it.
  2. Shawn Bradley slimed his way through 12 NBA seasons. You can light me on fire if James Hardy can pull that off.
  3. Sure they were, right after the checks got passed out.
  4. I agree. The position was strong last year and nothing was accomplished. A mid-level veteran and late round pick is about all I'd be willing to do for the unit right now.
  5. I'd eat your hat as well. Spikes in the second would be the steal of the draft.
  6. Eric Moulds was alot better than Lee Evans. Moulds was a guy who could do it all. IMO, the guy was among the most talented WRs of his time. Incredibly strong and physical, Moulds allowed QBs the ability to put it up for grabs and let him make a play. That is the true measure of a good number 1. When all else is failing, players like Andre Johnson, Larry Fitzgerald, Randy Moss, and a few others, get it done by just beating the defense with physical advantages. Lee Evans is a very talented player but not in the class of elite. He reminds me of Santana Moss and Darrell Jackson. These WRs can torch defenses but not if the offense isn't rolling as a whole.
  7. No you're right I didn't see those things. I know of a couple plays that a few observers questioned his effort coming back for the ball. Of course that was up for personal debate and many posters felt it was much to do about nothing. Count me in the latter group. The picture you paint is about as foolish as you holding the Bills accountable for not pulling the trade with the Ravens that you heard about on the internet. Both points are lame and unfounded.
  8. Nah, this is just the way Bills fans send off everybody. TO's effort was just fine while he was here. The theory that he was dogging it on the field was well ingrained in many minds before he even put on a uniform.
  9. This is a more reasonable approach. Owens wasn't disruptive, despite the pitiful circumstances. I seem to be in the minority but I thought he showed that he could still be a playmaker in this league, at least when given the chance.
  10. A decent size living room would do just fine. Alot of the equipment comes with different P90X packages. - pullup bar that you hang in a doorway - resistance bands - workout dvds The only other thing you will probably want is a few sets of dumbells. You can do all of the movements with bands but you will probably want dumbells. I'm not sure if the company offers dumbells but I got mine seperate.
  11. Okay, I'm on the bandwagon now. I ordered it and just got through my first week. It is definately a type of workout, I'm not accustomed too. It broke me off and then some but I love it. I considered myself in decent shape before this week.
  12. Personally, I like Sproles a little better for Buffalo. He adds a dynamic that this team doesn't have and his special teams value would be a nice bonus. LT does have some left in his tank but I don't see how he could get 5-10 touches a game with Lynch and Jackson ahead of him. I'm guessing Lynch is staying of course. If Lynch goes though, LT would make sense. Sproles is so explosive and does alot of it on his own. Between special teams and 3rd downs, he'd get enough touches to make a difference.
  13. I love Sproles as a change of pace weapon. What would he be looking to get paid though? He would be a nice return man as well.
  14. Kevin Mawae has had a great career and even at 39 remains healthy. I wouldn't mind seeing a guy with his attitude and work ethic finish his career in Buffalo. Does anybody know what type of player he is these days?
  15. Rolle is way too smart to be flustered by that sort of questioning. I understand the need to mix in a few tough ones though. Teams aren't going to gain anything out of non stop softballs.
  16. Nah just an easy and acceptable answer for him to throw out there. I'm glad he didn't say Buffalo is a second rate organization and where coaches go to die.
  17. As long as we are talking big east in general, did anyone see Hasheem Thabeet got demoted to the D-league by the Grizzlies? That is the highest pick ever to be demoted. I thought he would struggle in the NBA but that's a whole lot of struggle.
  18. Good read, thanks. Now lets hope someone drops.
  19. I agree with drafting the best player available but only to a point. This team has so many holes to fill and could literally justify drafting at any position, other than the secondary IMO. If they were to be aggressive in FA and bring in alot of good players, I'd be more okay with the pick.
  20. The whole trade hinges on what the draft pick is. Donte Whitner is an expendable resource and an expensive one at that. Jason Campbell is an instant upgrade at QB. I'd be willing to package a fourth and Whitner for him but no higher. Campbell has increased his QB rating the last three seasons. He threw for 20 TDs and had a 86.4 rating last year. At 28 years old, the guy still has some upside and would save us from the urge to draft a QB high this year. IMO, he is a solid short term starting canidate.
  21. Tony Kornheiser is as annoying as they come but din't deserve this.
  22. No disrespect your highness, I was just reflecting on your followers. If it's donuts you seek, I'm sure that one of the groupies will be ringing the doorbell shortly.
  23. Plushenko doesn't have half a dozen toolbags stroking him up with every post on a Buffalo Bills message board. They should all be here to sniff some ass in 4 3 2 1 .......
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