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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. Karma's a B word. He is a scumbag ambulance chaser and he's getting payback.
  2. People keep confusing Hannity, O'Reilly, Greta Van Sustren and others with the NEWS portion of the channel. Those are opinion shows.
  3. Wasn't Tasker the MVP of one of the All-Star games?
  4. Glad to see you two and your stuff made it there in one piece. The smoke finally cleared here. Watch the Sabercats win their 4th Arena Bowl this Sunday! How did you like the Falls?
  5. I know what a Flowbee is, but not a Flo-bot.
  6. Not just his hair. Schmucky Shumer is a real oily character. Maybe we won't have to open up ANWR?
  7. Just cut it- it's all green! : or all brown out here in California.
  8. The picture you'll find are Reagan, Bush I, JFK, LBJ, Nixon and Ike fishing out tees from their pockets during a golf game.
  9. When I wa growing up, we just cut the crabgrass, clover and dandelions like the regular grass. They were probably 50 % of our yard. The dandelions give you a good indication where you have cut.
  10. It's the Keebler Elf (Kuchinich) at it again. Yesterday, I got a call where the caller ID said "Debt Reduction" and had a Seattle area code. There was a recorded message of Senator Dennis Kuchinich (D-OH) saying to sign a petition for the impeachment of Predsident Bush and that it was paid for by his re-election committee.
  11. I saw it on one of those UFO shows on the History Channel that claimed UFOs were following our spacecraft. In space it is hard to judge size because there is nothing close by to compare it to. Some of the pictures they show of something changing direction quickly could be small pieces of debris blown by thrusters. On one of the recent shuttle missions (in the last year or so) they saw something floating that they originally thought was several feet long. They thought the shuttle was damaged. They got closer and found out it was close and only a few inches long. I think it was one of those spacer cards between the tiles. They lose those all the time. The astronauts do see flashes. With no atmosphere to absorb the cosmic rays, the astronauts are exposed to more and when one hits their retina, they see a flash. A lot of the static on TVs (to go away when we switch to digital in February) is cosmic rays.
  12. It was more like how many references can I cram in to other great speeches. It was about how bad America is. Typical leftist tripe.
  13. Deutschland, Deutschland über alles !!
  14. Obama loves that pocket pool. Either that or buy some Cruex for god's sake.
  15. Just heard on the top of the hour news that a major find for oil and natural gas was found in an area encompassing the US and Russia at the Arctic Circle. 1/3 of the worlds natural gas and 90 BILLION barrels of oil.
  16. The Obama poster in this article looks a lot like a Communist poster with Lenin instead of Obama and the color of that one was mostly red, but the placement of the portrait and the slanted type are eerily similar. The Messiah will save the world!!!
  17. He has claimed ever since his mission that he saw a UFO while in space.Probably was a paint chip or a cosmic ray going through his eyeballs. Astronauts report seeing flashes when they close their eyes.
  18. The only one within 10 miles of me is Stacy's, which is owned by Scott Adams, the creator of Dilbert.
  19. Q: What do Obama and Osama have in common? A: They both have friends that bombed the Pentagon.
  20. So Debbie, you got a crush on an ambulance chasing cheating scumbag? What's even worse is that his wife has cancer.
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