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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. The National Inquirer broke the Lewinsky story if I remember correctly.
  2. "Our only assumption could be that the person has a serious alcohol problem" Duh!!!!! It's amazing he is still alive with that BAC.
  3. Will The Obama walk on the Sea of Galilee when he visits?
  4. I also don't know if it is based on real events, but the communications with the Apollo mission did come through that dish in Australia when it was pointed towards the moon. I remember that there was a tracking station near Canberra. They would show the tracking stations on the map where they showed the orbits and I remember that one.
  5. An X-box has more processing power than the NASA mainframes at the time. On Modern Marvels last night they had "90s tech". They showed a Furby and said that little toy had more processing power than the LEM did!
  6. Not as bad as passing off ovbviously fake documents as real.
  7. All you youngsters younger than about 45 really don't realize how amazing it was. Basically everyone that had access to a TV in the world (except China and Russia) watched them walk on the moon. It was amazing to go out and look at the moon that night and realize there were actually people up there. I also remember seeing Alan Shepard's sub-orbital flight in 1962 (I was 5 and not in kindergarten yet) just seven short years earlier. I have seen the Apollo 11 capsule at the Smithsonian and each guy had about 2 phone booths of room if that. The LEM's walls were so thin (about twice as thick as aluminum foil) that the astronauts could have put a hole in the wall. They almost ran out of fuel and had to abort the landing. The original landing site was strewn with boulders (the photos didn't have that resolution then) and Neil Armstrong had to manually steer it to a clear landing. Just before they landed, Mission Control tells them they had 30 seconds of fuel left. It was a great achievement of mankind. For all of you hoax believers check out the Bad Astronomy site for a point by point refutation of all the kooky ideas out there. Also Mythbusters will be tackling some of these on August 27th.
  8. He was last on the board at 5:20 PM Saturday.
  9. A KFC opened in Fallujah today. Looks like it's safer than many American cities.
  10. Meanwhile SF is 300 million in the hole, the buns populate all the parks and the city actually lost population. Hey, but they can't sell fois gras, plastic bags are banned and the DA (the city and County are one in the same) won't go after the death penalty for a gang banger that killed a middle aged man and his two sons for accidentally blocking the street while making a U -turn. They've also have a mayor that was porking the wife of his campaign manager and a member of the Bored of Stupervisors that was actually lining outside the city and was shaking down citizens in his district for bribes.
  11. The local )Bay area) sports said that Blanton was 5-12 this year.
  12. I haven't checked this AM, but oil prices have fallen about $15/ barrel in the last three or four days. Coincidence???
  13. Just wait until the environmentalists start suing because they are killing a bunch of birds that are flying into them or thieves start stealing the copper out of them. The second largest wind farm in the US is at Altamont Pass, about 15-20 miles from me. This is near where the Stones movie Gimmie Shelter occurred and I will be driving by it in about 90 minutes from now. A bunch of the windmills sit idle or have been dismantled because of those two reasons. Before you start saying I am against these, I am not. I am just pointing out that there are down sides to all things.
  14. We take them to a f'n country that will allow us to hook up a battery to their nads (BiB's favorite), get them to spill the beans and then shoot 'em in the F'n head. I'm sick and tired of these bleeding hearts caring about a bunch of sub-human scum that want to eradicate all infidels from the earth.
  15. You got it right. He sunk a lot of money in wind , solar and other sources and is just trying to get a return on his investment. Don't be fooled by his turning "green". Most environmentalists are really watermelons - green on the outside and red on the inside.
  16. The heads of the society, which haven't done an experiment themselves in ages said its MMGW. The rank and file of the organization are saying" You didn't ask me".
  17. Acmajibjab can re-live his college years and take more Americans hostage.
  18. I heard nowadays he is mostly running the Comedy Store, which his parents started.
  19. This will probably make SF government work better! I just heard on the local news that he is still getting his salary even though he is locked up!
  20. Walter Williams. a black Republican, has called Jesse, Sharpton et al the "Klan with a tan".
  21. Hold your breath! Sometimes my job takes me to the San Francisco library. If it is the rainy season, you have to breathe through your mouth to avoid passing out from the smell. I went into the bathroom ONCE. I almost puked.
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