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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. The thing is, there really was a "font conference" recently.
  2. You must be too young to remember Jimmy Carter.
  3. Why can't some of these happen to the other AFC east teams? We had more than our share of IR events last year. It's time for some other team to get cursed.
  4. I live about 10-15 inland from SF bay (Dublin, CA) We have coyotes across the street in the empty land there. One year there was an injured mountain lion at the main gate of Lawrence Livermore National Lab about 10 miles away- they have a subdivision right across the street. A mountain lion was found dead on the side of the interstate only two miles from me. In the town south of me, they had to shoot one that ws right downtown in broad daylight. They spot one at least once a year behind in the reserve base behind the county jail which is about 2-3 miles east of me. Then usually a few weeks later, someone spots one in the hills 2-3 miles west of me. Probably the same cat. They have also had to shoot ones right in downtown Palo Alto and in San Jose (1 M people). They have been seen on the Stanford golf course (where Tiger Woods went to college) and only three miles from the San Jose City Hall ( along a river that runs from the mountains nearby right through the city).
  5. It's nature's way of saying YOU'RE OLD! Just kidding- I'm over 50. Hey you kids, get off my lawn!
  6. The shooter's fifth wife (he was married 5 times) had belonged to that church in the past. Sounds to me like he had a personal reason.
  7. A movie about the storms we get here in Norcal in the winter??? In the winter the storms usually make a bee line from Hawaii to Sf , hence the name "Pineapple Express"
  8. Maybe in SD, but not in NorCal. Where I live gets frost on the roofs around Christmas and the highs are around 50.
  9. That's what happened to me with the company I used to work for. They laid off 50% (including me) and a year later went public (they couldn't raise any more venture capital). Before they went public, they had a 7:1 reverse split (70 shares at $1 = 10 shares at $7). The fraction left over was given to me in a check(~$5). I sold them as quick as I could (6 months later) at about $5.40. They never got higher than that. My $1k ended up being $5K. I tracked it and it was about $3 for a while. One day it jumps to $4. They were bought out by a another company.
  10. We had one here near San Jose last winter. Only thing that happened was jars on the top shelves in the supermarkets near it flew off the shelf. The news channels are going into panic mode. Know someone that was 5 miles from that one. His cupboards opened, but no dishes or glasses came out, but a booblehead on his desk fell off an broke. Ho hum.
  11. You just have to find a new refrigerator box!
  12. A few years ago it got up to 116 here, It was as if you turned on the oven and stuck your head in.
  13. This is a start up. On the local news today they were talking about it- It is in Menlo Park, CA (next to Palo Alto and Stanford). It has 30 employees and they made a comment that the lunchroom is full of M &M s and cold pizza.
  14. It's true. The difference between the names Obama and Osama are the B and the S. I could have posted the site where I saw it with the pictures of both wearing the turbans. Lighten up Francis.
  15. 3.5 I think this guy, molson, et al are the same person. They don't seem to have a job except to come on here and spout the DNC talking points of the day.
  16. Q: What's the diference between Obama and Osama? A: Just some BS!
  17. And were supposed to listen to someone with a screen name and avatar of an ugly obnoxious transvestite who's claim to fame is he is on Stern?
  18. Toronto Sun article Thank god the Senate voted down Kyoto 97-0 in the 1990s.
  19. "Science" that is based on runing computer models and not from reproducible experiments is not science. The models cant even produce the current conditions with the data we already have. And yes, I am a scientist.
  20. We have a problem with Edwards because he is an ambulance chasing lawyer, the lowest scum there is. To make him even lower, he possibly has a love child while his wife has cancer.
  21. The global temperature has been going down for the last 7 years. But don't let facts stand in your way!
  22. Still putting out the same old BS? I saw an interview with Newt's first wife. They were separated and going through a divorce when she found out she had breast cancer. It was HER idea to sign the papers in the hospital room. She basically said "As long as you are coming to see me and bringing the kids, bring the papers with you. "
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