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Everything posted by Wacka

  1. I see that molson/ elegant is now using his pbills personna. Molson disappeared (banned?), pBills appeared, pBills disppeared and elegant showed up. Now elegant has dropped off the boards and suddenly pBills show up again.
  2. One of the best campaign ads I have ever seen!
  3. To bring this back to the original topic, up in the SF Bay area, we have had numerous microquakes (2.0) which we have a all the time. If you go to the USGS site you can see the traces of the San Andreas and Hayward / Caleavaras Faults by the quakes. The biggest we had nearby were two 4.2s in two hours about 1.5 miles from me the day after the space shuttle crashed. The floor felt like it moved about 5 feet back and forth and I watched the glass in the patio door vibrate.
  4. Yep. I lived in Sunnyvale from 94-98 and in Dublin since. At the time I moved, There was a SF group and a San Jose Group and no NFL Ticket (besides I can't afford it). They are both the same distance and the SF place requires to pay the Bay Bruidge toll and to park in a ramp ($) even on a Sunday morning, so it was Cupertino.
  5. Death by cutting his head off slowly.
  6. That's right. I was 18 (33 years ago). We'd hit Elmwood and start down by No Name and work towards Forest. We'd end the night at Goodbar and go to MT after the bars closed. Could tell over the years I was getting older as we would not get as far down Elmwood and go to MT earlier and earlier.
  7. He hasn't been around all afternoon. Mom must be making him cut the grass and do the weeding.
  8. Inflate your tires to the correct pressure and get a tuneup!
  9. We'd save all those dollars with the pictures of all those PRESIDENTS on them (which the Messiah doesn't look like). Last time I looked, only Washington was on the Dollar! Maybe those are the ones they use in the 57 states?
  10. Chipotle and Boston Market were owned by McD's, but they were spun off. I always stop at the Walden & Union MT on the way from the airport to my Mom's house. I remember MT from the mid 70s. 3 locations- Seneca, Elmwood, and Bailey. No seating-everything was to go. Open until 5 AM to get the bar crowd. The employees were more wasted than the customers. I stopped there with a friend . We each ordered two tacos. Open the bag and there are 8 in it! At the Bailey one some guys were fighting and one of the guys grabbed me out of line and tried to use me as a shield against 3 others. They pushed me aside and started beating up the guy in the middle of Bailey until the sirens started. If you wanted extra hot, they laughed as they pumped more out of the gallon jug of hot sauce. They had the greatest commercials on the radio: "Hey there's someone out by the dumpster!" "Oh that's just a guy from the other taco place trying to use our garbage to make his tacos!" To the tune of Copacabana by Barry Mannilow: "Down at the Taco, the Mighty Taco, the place where the cool and the hip go" "Soft, hard and super, they won't hurt your pooper!"
  11. I go all the way down to Cupertino for the games. I used to live in Sunnyvale before moving to the east bay. I think I met you at the last Bills-Raiders game. We were partying with Pinto Ken and had wings and weck and Labatts.
  12. I live in Dublin, right on the county line. We also get a spit of fog through the Dublin Grade. It can be pea soup by me, but go 1 mile up 680 and it's clear. I have found that Alamo/Danville gets the hottest along 680. I see frost on the roofs in the morning around Christmas.
  13. Her book should have been titled: "How to save money on plastic surgery" or "How to get millions in union donations while running a non-union vineyard and restaurant chain."
  14. It does get cold here in CA. Where I live in the SF Bay area gets the warmest in the summer (we hit 110 this month and 116 a few years ago), but also the coldest in the winter (we hit 19 this past winter). I haven't had any snow right at my house, but it did snow a mile away (just a flake a two in 1998). The 1000 foot ridge I can see has had a dusting once or twice and every winter we see snow on top of the hills nearby (2500-3800 feet high). Plus the Baywatch stuff you see is SoCal. The surfers and swimmers from Monterey northward have to wear wet suits year round. The snowiest place in the lower 48 is up near Lake Tahoe and one year they didn't even open Tioga Pass above Yosemite because the snow didn't melt.
  15. And they let him cut the person's head off!
  16. Both are chameleons. I saw Depp in the second Pirates of the Caribbean movie and Hoffman in Charlie Wilson's War. I have seen them on TV in public and wouldn't recognize them. They might be able to pull it off.
  17. Every fourth of July, my friend would take a ship model and blow it up with a cherry bomb in the pool (Pearl Harbor). We found our pinewood derby cars from cub scouts, hollowed out the end and put Estes rocket engines in them. I was smart and hid behind a 4 ft brick wall. They went at least a 1/4 mile down the street at an altitude of about 6 inches! The same one with the cherry bombs decided to just light oneengine on the ground (again, I was behind the wall) it started following him until he reached the curb. Hit hit the curb and went straight up.
  18. No not ticks (never got bitten by one ever) but mosquitoes. I go out geocaching and other people with me get ticks bites, but not me. I have seen a tick or two on my clothes, but never got bit. In fact I've only been stung once, by a wasp about 3 years ago. Only seen two rattlesnakes out in the wild, both on a trail where they were in the open, sunning themselves.
  19. It might be because I like garlic salt on my pasta, but I have NEVER been bitten by a tick or mosquito while I have lived in California. I was eaten alive by them in WNY, but not here. Other people here get bitten a lot.
  20. Really haven't had a problem through ORD either way. Closest I came was that I was late once from Buffalo to ORD because the plane was 2 hours late to Buffalo from down south. They finally told us to we needed to get on the plane and take off in 25 minutes or we would miss our slot at ORD (it was one of those 50 seaters). We made it with 5 minutes to spare. Got to the gate at ORD 10 minutes before my plane to St. Louis was scheduled to leave (I was going BUF-ORD - STL- SFO). Luckily it was only 4 gates away and I made it on that one as they were announcing the last call. Had a 2.5 hour layover at St. Louis to eat and relax.
  21. Lets have a contest after elegant, er, Molson, er whatever is banned again on who can spot his next persona the fastest.
  22. You, in all your various personae, seem to be an expert at that!
  23. Youngster, not evertyhing originated in the last 10 years.
  24. The Dinosaur News Media (papers and the three main channels) is going extinct. Not because of the internet, but because they keep offering left slanted news. An example: I live in the SF Bay area. We have 9 congressional districts. They were 8 dems and 1 Republican. The only Republican was my rep. From the primary , on every article about him was negative, while they didn't mention that his opponent had bankrupted two of his own companies. The result- no Republicans in the Bay Area. At least the town elections are non-party. No affiliations listed.
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