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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. The fact that this crazy woman is actually trying to run in 2012 says so much about her... clueless and in denial over just how much she negatively affected her own campaign
  2. Sorry, but your list sucks. Here is mine: 1. Bills (Kelly, Lofton, Reed, Beebe, AND Thomas) 2. Raiders (Bo Jackson's speed) 3. Chiefs (Okoye's power was legendary) 4. Oilers (The receivers!) 5. Dolphins (Marino and receivers, but the running game sucked with Byars)* 6. 49ers (See Dolphins - great passing game, weaker running game) 7. Giants (clone of last two) 8. Eagles (Great defense and passing game) 9. Bears (Great defense and tricky RB) 10. Redskins (Best balance) *I personally caused Marino to fumble so often by calling the rollout play and blitzing with Biscuit that it is a fatal weakness... I once scored over 100 points against them because of it LOL
  3. Hey.. wait a second.. ponder this: Once the Latino population eclipses all, caucasians will be a minority technically, so there you are! They will have to change all of the laws, et al, to reflect this change. That will be SO funny... To get to the post about the Caldwell hire, get real, it is really needed. However, college football has a HUGE problem.. much worse than the NFL, and they have no Rooney rule.
  4. Try the strike season of 1982-83... it gets worse LOL
  5. Shades of Andre Reed, maybe...? You never know... particularly if we get a great OL starter or a TE starter with Edwards. Jauron is the one holding us back, for sure though. Keep hope!
  6. Hey, Bucky Brooks may have been an NFL bust, but he's succeeding in life. Go get em Bucky! Go Bills!
  7. Coulter is a true skank, but Maddow is no choice.... EXTINCTION
  8. At least they didn't vote for a crazed hockey mom like in some states I'd rather take Mr. Sell a Spot over Mrs. Looney Tunes...
  9. Niagara Falls is perhaps the most polluted city in ratio of population in the whole Northeast. Love Canal is but the tip of the iceberg, and the city has been denial for years. Niagara University and adjacent lands have been ruined by decades of chemical dumping. No way in hell... big mistake- too bad Jimbo doesn't know the truth.
  10. 11. Buffalo Bills - Jason Smith / OT / Baylor. He's a very athletic OT and will be a good addition to the Skins Bills OL that was decimated hurt by injury a lack of talent in two spots this year. May not be the starter out of the gate, but could end up being the starting RT by the end of the year. FIXED.
  11. We HAVE our own Darren Sproles- his name is Freddy Jackson, and can we keep him??? That's all I thought about when I sawe him run last night...
  12. I agree... let him have his one night a year to remind us that even after a stroke, the man can still be very productive. So what if he has trouble speaking and his face isn't normal?? His thoughts are very coherent, still like the old DC, and that is most important! The man is trapped with physical limitations- leave him alone.
  13. If you're serious about giving up on the Bills, then: leave TSW and/or deactivate your account. Simple.. let those who wish to see the Bills remain in Buffalo stay here, I say. I don't want to hear any more "I'm out" comments, and then analysis 5 minutes later...
  14. If you don't care, then don't post your opinions here... I don't want to hear any 'opinions' from an ex-Bills fan.
  15. I mailed off all of my Pirates shirts, caps, a program, and the media guide with a letter stating my termination of association. That's because the organization is purposely lowballing fans to make a profit off of revenue sharing. That is the right thing to do, because they will NEVER care, and will NOT sell anytime soon. However, the Bills will be sold soon, and if I did that, it would be a huge mistake, for Ralph is doing this to keep the team in Buffalo, and he is in no position to risk more money. By cancelling season tickets, it means the Bills are gone. I'd rather support the Bills now knowing the situation and wait out a couple of years rather than bail now- that's not right.
  16. Prepare to lose the Bills then... that is most certainly NOT the solution. I was a Pirates fan- I know when an organization is screwing you, and Ralph can't invest heavily in a team that will be sold, but by fans jumping off, we'll lose the Bills for sure
  17. 1. If Cowher didn't want the Browns job, what makes you all think he would EVER take the Bills job, or that Ralph would pay him AND give him a lot of control? 2. I chose the coaches for my list based upon affordability and best candidate for the job. 3. Brian Billick would raise hell in Buffalo, but our offense probably would be rendered impotent and I would really, really worry about his coach choices with the O. SIDE: Can you believe that Kevin GILBRIDE is being considered for a HC gig? OMFG, that is rich.
  18. 1. Jim Caldwell, Indianapolis Colts A prime choice from the assistant coaching ranks. Being from the Noll-Dungy tree, he would immediately bring legitimacy to our team. http://www.colts.com/sub.cfm?page=coachbio&coach_id=19 2. Rick Dennison, Denver Broncos If Mike Shanahan is fired as coach of the Broncos, Dennison would be an ideal fit for a team that has outstanding offensive potential, essentially being a mentor of Shanahan. http://www.denverbroncos.com/page.php?id=3...p;contentID=628 3. Ron Rivera He's next in line, and very well known. I'd love to see him in Buffalo.
  19. That was terrifically funny... and the fact that someone thought you were serious is even more funny. Kudos!
  20. You DO NOT let the Patriots goad you into a scuffle AND THEN lose your mind, not paying attention to the CLOCK!!!! That to me was just as bad as Losman's fumble, and an extreme BONEHEAD move. Preston, see ya. Get him off of my team as fast as you can, for pee wee football mistakes like that cost teams games.
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