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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. Prediction: You have lost your MIND. Rex Ryan must be laughing at the amount of success he envisions after watching our offensive line fail. He should blitz on EVERY DOWN but 4th. Yes, EVERY DOWN.
  2. SHAMWOW! OK, after that silliness, I fully agree- we beat Kansas City only to go 2-14 on the year. At Tennessee? Yeah RIGHT.
  3. HECK no. He is arrogant, divisive, will butt heads with Ralph and cause a major headache, and will put a final stake in the Bills. I wouldn't wish it on anyone other than the Patriots...!
  4. My only team will always, ALWAYS be the Bills. I find myself rooting AGAINST teams much more than I would FOR a team other than the Bills. If I had to choose under a gun, I'd say Indianapolis- they do EVERYTHING the right way, with class. Peyton Manning is the perfect QB to eclipse Unitas, for he's a stand up guy.
  5. First of all, Bobby April DOES NOT handle kickoffs or punts. Do you REALLY need to tell a returner to hold onto the football!?! Second, he has been great for YEARS, and isn't a rookie at this- you just don't lose your ability to coach in one season. Most of our penalties have been OFFENSIVE LINE penalties, so don't try and blame April for that... if there is one thing I know, HE should be one of the few pieces that should be retained, not released!
  6. Boy, you couldn't be any more wrong! Delete your own account, buddy!!!
  7. I fear this game- win, and Jauron coaches the rest of the way. Lose, and it may very well be the end of good Bills football until next year.
  8. I came across a really great story from comments on the new ESPN film "The Band that Wouldn't Die", about the Colts leaving Baltimore: "I was at the first home opener the Ravens played against Oakland in '96. Before the game, the Marching Colts, with Johnny Unitas out in front, played the Colt fight song one last time. I remember the man next to me in the stands. He looked like he must have worked at Seagirt %u2013 six-four, two fourty, big arms, thick neck %u2013 imposing. He's mouthing the words to the song, tears literally streaming down his cheeks. I still get choked up thinking about it. That was what the Colts, the Marching Colts and football meant to Baltimore." http://www.baltimoresun.com/entertainment/...0,6371092.story I don't want to be part of a huge fan base who has to go through that, and never gets a team in replacement. I don't want to have to choose another team.
  9. Here's my opinion: You should read THIS before discounting ANYTHING: http://losangeles.bizjournals.com/losangel...05/daily22.html Don't sell Ralph Wilson short- he WILL do what is best for his family, and he will be gone if the team does move. Anything is possible, and to shrug it off is being very naive.
  10. Also, the United States does something that other nations do NOT do- put other services in Army positions, called "Individual Augmentation". Evidently, the DOD feels it necessary to make all branches out to be the same- I wouldn't be surprised if they got rid of branches altogether, which would be hailed as a "cost saving move", but would send us reeling backwards into inefficiency *GAG*
  11. Don't EVER say that again... I almost died right here in my chair!!
  12. "Sanrio, maker of Hello Kitty products, was taken over in a coup today by militant street walkers."
  13. If that's the standard, then Charlie Crist must be neanderthal man AND a closet Frenchman.
  14. Touche!!! He isn't even ATTEMPTING to move the ball down the field very much- that's the worst part.
  15. The National Socialist party beat the snot out of everyone else too... so?
  16. The game against Kansas City IF we win is our only shot...!
  17. Nothing will change for the Buffalo Bills until Ralph Wilson is no longer the team owner. No winning record, no decent coaches, no post-season, no playoffs, etc. Period! LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
  18. That was BOB IRSAY who moved the team with trucks in the middle of the night- Modell got league permission.
  19. THAT IS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Obligatory picture reference: That is NOT FUNNY!!! picture
  20. When someone hangs on far past their prime, your hand is forced, no matter who it is. Joe Paterno is still at Penn State because they are relevant, they recruit well, and they win- at FSU, there has been a drastic decline for almost a decade now. Seems simple to me...
  21. I have to think that this is very true, OR opponents are doing it to counteract all of our angst! I say both must be the case...
  22. Talking to yourself is a sign of impending mental collapse, so they you'd be engaging in idiocy AND be ripe for the asylum. SACKS! PETERS! GAH! We would still have Jauron as coach- we'd be 6-10 instead of 4-12.. WHOOPIEEEEEE!!!
  23. He's still at 3%.. just voted at work as well.
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